Bahadurabad Club, KarachiArts / Entertainment / Clubs / Transport etc service in Eastern Karachi |
Service DetailsName: Bahadurabad Club Type: Arts / Entertainment / Clubs / Transport etc Address: Bahadurabad, Karachi Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Karachi Services (PECHS, Gulshan, Johar, Korangi, Shahrahe Faisal, Malir and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Bahadurabad Club
hello there..want to know the about the club...?
can I apply for membership Regards Mushtaq
Can I have bahadurabad club details including contact no.??
I am looking for a place for 125 guests for birthday party on December 7 2018. tell me your availability and rates.
Can I have bahadurabad club details and contact number and I'm looking for 200 guests for ruksati tell me your availability and rates?