IESCO Station (F 11/2), islamabad
Paktive User

Business Details

Name: IESCO Station (F-11/2) Type: Plant / Factory / Workshop / Warehouse Address: 23rd Street, F-11/2. F-11, Islamabad Description: 132 Kv Grid Station F-11/2, (iesco) Islamabad. Bijli Ghar. Wapda. Added on Paktive by: M. Sajjad Baig From the Paktive Map: West Islamabad Businesses (F-8, F-9, F-10, F-11, G-8, G-9, G-10, G-11, G-13, Mauve Area, PIMS, Fatima Jinnah Park and nearby areas.)

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Discuss IESCO Station (F-11/2)

1.Khursheed A Butt says:3/5


2.Usman says:1/5

Bad & unusual load shedding

3.Nadir says:3/5

Massive sparking ,noise smoke n buring in wires in street 76b E11/2.complaint at f11 cell some two hours ago but no one sent.this may cause human casualty as it's raining.kindly send staff to correct it immediately.... street 76B, E11/2.. waiting

4.Khleeque says:3/5

No light in f11/2 st 27 since last 8 hours please fix

5.Zareen Khan says:3/5

G-11/4 street 143 block no 61 block

6.Iram says:3/5

No light at G11/3 street 98 from since 23:00 last night. Please fix the problem ASAP.

7.Jahanzeb says:2/5

No electricity in E11/2 since midnight

8.Dr. Qamar says:2/5

H-214/B, Street-34, F-10/1 One phase of electric is not coming for last 36- hours. Please repair.

9.Ajmal Bhatti says:3/5

We do not have light in F-11/3, Street No.39, and Karnail Sher Khan Shaheed Road since the last night. Kindly fix this issue.

10.Wajid says:3/5

not attending and very big short circuiting fire with sound is continuously sparking in street 36 near house 350. Wajid

11.Muhammad Yousaf Chughtai says:3/5

There is no light in F_11 /1 since 7.00 am.

12.Danish says:1/5

f 11/3 margallah service road no light from 6 and most Important is thay are not picking calls what a shame

13.Faisal Khan. says:3/5

No light in street 20,F-11/2. Tried to contact for complaint but as usual phone busy.

14.Farhan says:3/5

House No 326 street . Please send some one to solve the issue .Thanks

15.Arif says:1/5

In G-13 complaint office not attending the phone for a query.

16.Jhahangir Khan says:3/5

There is no light in street 73,f 11/1.please fix it

17.Mirza says:3/5

No electricity in F11/3 since 1000hrs. Any specific reason for this. When it ll be rectified.

18.Annumhasan says:3/5

No electricity in street 41, house no 271, f11/3 and complaint no is continuously busy , how will we get the information . Please guide us ASAP .

19.Sumaiya says:1/5

Why is the light gone in such a weather?!!

20.Ahmad says:2/5

There is no light in f11 2 since 2:30

21.Khan says:1/5

Wapda is on steike .these should all get sacked .

22.Haroon says:3/5

No electricity in e-11/4 street 12 since 5 hours , noone is picking call on complaint number , will anyone resolve it or not ?

23.Zafar says:1/5

There is no light in f11/4 street 54 from 2:30 am its 6 am now, i have been trying to call and its constantly busy and if it rings no one is picking up

24.Mirwais Khan says:3/5

I am trying to call from last one hour but no one is attending call

25.Muhammad Ali says:3/5

There is no light in f-11/2 from 9pm what's wrong What kind of issues is this???

26.Tahira Batool says:3/5

There is no light in F11/4 since 10PM

27.Syed Yousaf says:3/5

No light from last 5 hours in F-11/1 and no one attending complaint

28.Nadir says:3/5

No light in f11/2 please fix

29.Fakhar says:3/5

No light in G.11/2 from 12 am????

30.Rao Khalid says:3/5

No light in F-11/1 since half hour

31.Sadia Atif says:1/5

No light from last 2 and half hours in F-11/1and no one attending complaint number.

32.Muhammad Anas says:1/5

No electricity from past 4 5 hours in F11 3. No one is picking calls, all offices are shut down. Very bad and poor services.

33.Nadeem Shaukat says:3/5

No light in F 11/2 Hamza Road since two hours.

34.Fawad says:3/5

No supply since three hours in 11/1. Kindly update when will it be resumed. Facing Water shortage

35.Anum says:3/5

No light In f11/2 Hamza road. Every other night is ruined when will electricity come

36.Wasim Khan says:1/5

No light in G-11/2 street 68 from last 4 hours and no one attending call what a shame

37.Zubair says:1/5

No light since last 1 hr. Frequent breakdowns in f 11/1 street 67 this summer and no one pickup ups the help line number. What a shame.. No improvement in wapda in last 50 years. Where are we heading?

38.Umar Shahzad says:1/5

No light for the last 4 hours in street 20 F11/2 whats the problem, we have children and old age people, this is very unfortunate every second day is ruined by this shortage. Kindly update me

39.Iqbal Shahid says:3/5

Does anybody know current status of fault. I am from street F-11/1

40.Shehzad says:1/5

No light from the last two hours in F 11/1 street no 14

41.Muhammad Arif says:3/5

No street light in G/11.2 street no 36 from few days

42.Malik Muhammad Ali says:3/5

No electricity in F10/1 street 36, since morning. Wapda Complaint numbers don't respond. Third class service.

43.Mazloom Awam says:1/5

no light since 12:30 am in F 11/2 Hamza Road

44.Zarine says:1/5

No electricity in street 11, f-10/2. Having issues since morning and intermittent since one month. Can someone at Iseco pay attention to our complaints!!

45.Maq says:1/5

No electricity since 5am in F-11/2; whats happening??

46.Ahsan says:3/5

No light in street 15 sector f-11/2

47.Waqas Ali says:3/5

electric meter 5 month bill please send me my bill meter serial number Waqas ali

48.Balaj says:3/5

No light last 5 hours why f11/3 street 35 houes call b please please call light

49.Tariq Sattar says:3/5

House __ st 23 F-11-2 Its been since morning that there is no electricity as well as no one is registering our complain do something as fast as you can

50.Fazal says:3/5

F10/2 street23 houuse no__ 1 pase 6 pm sa

51.Azhar Hussain says:3/5

Miss taken in meter No on my IESC bill, Correct it as below. Read. For. correct No on meter is this Azhar Hussain

52.Nadreen says:3/5

I'm a UK citizen n have come from UK . Living in F-11/4 street 65. Electricity is gone since 7 am! calling but no one picking up!! Please get it fixed asap

53.Yasir says:3/5

devion of wapda f11

54.Imtiaz Ali says:3/5

When lights come to in F-11/1?

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