Karachi Boat Club, KarachiArts / Entertainment / Clubs / Transport etc service in Western Karachi |
Service DetailsName: Karachi Boat Club Type: Arts / Entertainment / Clubs / Transport etc Address: Karachi Boat Club, Near Beach Luxury, Karachi Description: Karachi Boat Club Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: West Karachi Services (Chundrigar, SITE, Kharadar, Lyari, Kemari, Hawkes Bay and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Karachi Boat Club
I want to find out the email address of Khi Boat Club.....may i get this email ID?
Having retired at age 7o , I have now moved back to Canada , please note my new address: E Mail : [email protected]
Please let me know the details of outstanding amount against me , so that I may settle the amount .
As as a retired person who is living abroad and with out any means of income , please let me know if The management of Boat Club will accept my request for waiver of monthly subscription ?
My boss wants to be a member of your esteemed club. Pls let me know the procedure to do so. Your prompt response would be appreciated. Rita
I want to book cruise for24 persons with lunch. How much i pay for this