National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, karachi
Paktive User

Service Details

Name: National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Type: Medical / Doctor / Pharma Address: Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Cantt, Karachi Description: NICVD, aka Jinnah Cardio Hospital Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: South Karachi Services (Saddar, Cantt, Clifton, Lines Area, Sultanabad, Defence and nearby areas.)

User Rating: 4/5 (161 Votes)

Discuss National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases

1.Mushtaq Ur Rehman says:3/5

i have visited 2 r 3 times to hospital but i really appreicate his management & adminstration & doctors as well.they really hardwork & care of patiants.thanks

2.Dr Zaighum says:3/5

sir, do you have MS in paeds cardiac surgery

3.Urfi Pathan says:3/5

I have visited the NICVD, but it is regret to say that there is no proper facilities for poor peoples either they had come from long distance or nearby. Moreover there is no medicine available and specially when patient is seriously ill and doctor suggested them for Echo, then Echo department give them long term date for about 2-3 months, which is self explanatory for government as well as administration of Cardio hospital. I want to wrote more words about NICVD but some other time. thanks.

4.Younes Malik says:3/5

I have had CAD. My condition is getting worse because of Family Pressure. I came to the Hospital They took my ECG and they wanted to admit me. I left the Hospital Help me.

5.Zakarya says:5/5

Doctor are not care pachent properly and kill the serious pachents

6.Muhammad Fawad Khan says:4/5

I need help please help me lf you interested I tell you all stories please please don't ignore this message

7.Zahoor Ahmed says:5/5

We belong from quetta we are here from last 25 days . The managment daily tell us that tomorow opreation . Tomorow tomorow. But no . Not satisfied from managment . That they put us in dark.. but to say clearly... they give protocol to private opreation . Bacause thet earn lot from them..

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