![]() Service DetailsName: Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Constitution Avenue, Islamabad Description: PAEC Headquarters Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Pages 123what is the PAEC test pattern for lecturer in chemistry
i m doing BS(honr).i want to get job in atomic energy.
all i have test of atomic nuclear food & agriculture at 22nd may. if any body have guidelines for preparation of test give it to me. its about my future help me. Regards
i apply for the post of jr manager but dont know about the sample paper plz guide me...
anyone know about tomorrow test for jr.manager. plz inform me...
my qualification is DAE mechanical with best grade tell me related services
I like pakistan atomic energy.
i have done DAE Electrical And i want to job me in pakistan atomic plz send me a pettern of tech-1 or 2 and guide me plz sir
When will be the result of the test , lecturers in maths conducted on 3 may in Brains postgraduat college pesh?
I complet my B.S Physics(specialization in electronics).I want to join atomic energy.Please guide me,how can I apply and what can I do for this?I shall be very thankful to you.
@31.Muhammad I Shaq: you have to join centre of high energy physics in PUNJAB UNIVERSITY
i need test sample paper for assistant manager electronics. kindly help me if any one have
@55.Muhammad Saadullah:
I have done M.Phil Chemistry (specialization in Organic Chemistry).I want to join atomic energy. i also want to work for my beloved country.
I'm a research student . I applied to security clearance in Paec , after 4 month i have called to reject. how I can defend my self. and what is the proceedure to clear that?
someone informed me that there are some posts announced in atomic energy Islamabad as a lab coordinator,block incharge, but I am searching on these jobs on webites but I could not find.please inform me that is it true that posts announced or something fake?if announced then on witch website and news paper.
please sent atomic energy test petron of dae electrical base
tell me the test pattern for scientific assistant -1 chemistry ? any one tell me.
every sunday newapaper must see.sunday news pAperz men govt department apply method mention
I am qualified B com and i am a student of ICMAP 3rd stage qualified and i am interested the job on attomic anergy islamabad.Plz give me one chance. Thanks.
I had done BS(cs) in computer science and (specialization in software) from AIOU. I am jobless. I need a job related to my field.I want to apply in atomic energy guide me how can i apply in atomic energy. I shall be very thankful to you for this kind of intension.
i done my msc.it from uos.now i want a job in atomic energy. guid me.and my father is already working in atonic energy.
Im doing msc in physics now im in my last semester of msc physics. .after completing my msc physics i want to apply in atomic energy .plz guide me how can i apply in atomic energy .i shall be very thankful to u.. Plz help me how can i apply in paec ...
Plz help me how can i apply in paec ...
Admin AGR website create help response... It awful... paec So pls Admin request response thanks..
i am a student of undergraduate.can i apply for pakistan atomic energy commission? please guide me.i m waiting.
air pressure engine fuel power
@46.Mahjabeen: send me email I Wil tell u how to aply in atomic energy recently I applied in atomic energy
My name is Asmatullah,i ;ve done FSc.(Pre-Engnr) .Plz Give a Chance In PAEC! Regards!
I am Salah ud din i have done BBA(Fianance) how i apply in PAEC
I have done DAE electrical and apply for chargman electrical pakistan ordenance facotry plz help me for preparation sample paper important question or topics
My Name is Asif Habib I have first Dev passed diploma in electrical plzzzz me Atomic energy me test boht day chuka hn ap meri help or dain
I apply for tech 1 mech in Dgkhan so I need modal papers for this post contact me or Im contact you my cel no is
@89.Asim: I applied for information technology officer .Please reply me about test in which subject they chose for test.
I have test store keeper sps 6 plz guide me.plx
I have done Msc in Physics.i want to apply in PAEC.Plz guide me
me now in m.sc physics i want to become atomic engineer ,,what should i do zzzzzz guide me
i have done M.Sc Physics.How i can apply in atomic energy?
Wants to become the part of #PAEC
My daughter has qualified FCPS Gynae/Obs with 2 years on job training plz advise chances of service in PAEC hospitals
@83.Attia Bano: Please help me. apply jhuharabad atomic energy past papers
I have done D.A.E electrical ineed preparation of test atomic energy past papers plz help me.
ive done BS physics. How i can apply in atomic energy
@75.Tayyaba: Hi tayyaba. Dont worry i am with u
@67.Iqra: PIEAS is best way...contact
i want to know for tech 4 test anyone know plz tell me
i completed my BScble math degree with physics and double math . how can i apply in atomic energy.
@73.Imran Khan: information Contact no
i'm doing my bs in chemistry in one of the hec recognized universities, and I want to know after bs in chemistry... can i apply in #PAEC and if yes than on what scale: mean sps ?? kindly give me direction. shukriya !!!
@76.M Jamshaid: I am dae mechanical engineer and 3years exp in manufacturing I want a job in Pakistan atomic energy
i have applied for junior scientist. i am biochemistry student. please guide me where should i prepare for the test? let me know what type of test it would be?
@83.Attia Bano: Attia, I complete my BS in physical chemistry and want to apply for a job at Atomic Energy. If you could guide me about apply and their test announcement date, I shall be very thankful. How and when they will announce test date and mention their specific website. Best Regards
@73.Imran Khan: , guide me for junior Scientist test of PAEC.
i want to become the scientist please guide me for syllatbys specially for general knowledge
@82.Hira: go its official website ....and get the form ....you also send by post to giving adress and also send online
Autocad one year doploma in java institute of management sciences bhakkar
I'm satisfied of Pakistan Atomic energy 0341- Muhammad Ajmal
I have done chemical engineering from MNS University Of Engineering &Technology Multan. If there is any vacancy for me then please inform me.
Sr I have done dae mechanical and i apply for tech 1 help me how to prepare test..
I have also received test letter for the same position SPS4 civil. My test is on 22/11/18 plz so that i can ask about the test pattern. Pls also guide. I am from Kpk Bannu
paec tech one mechanical
I have Apply in PAEC for the post of Technician (Electrical). Please send me test pattern a d help me. Thanks
@95.Mubeen Haider: brother..Can you tell me the paper pattern(syllabus) for scientific assistant-2 post for HR1384..can i apply for SA-1 as i have done BS in Physics(4-year)..
@98.Kainat Fatima: DEAR kainat you should apply through a proper channel.
Kindly any one guide me about test pattern for the post junior assistant accountant i am having my test.
Scientific assistant1 chemistry test preparation Plz guide me. Or test pattern
@91.Haniah: visit PDF website atomic energy learn
There is test for Atomic Energy junior engineet chemical. How to prepare for the test.any past papers or plan to revise whole chemical engineering in this limited time
Hi i apply for the post of tech 2 plz help me for written test exam
Qualifications. DAE Mechanical CNC Turning Center. Program/Operating CNC Machining Centre
Kindly help regarding PEAC SPS 4 test pattren...
@91.Haniah: . tell me the pattern of test fr the post of junior assistant admin...
I have applied for the post of Technician 1.please inform me that when will be the test for this post.thanx I have Apply in PAEC for the post of Technician (Electrical). Please send me test pattern a d help me. Thanks
whats the wholesale price of nu warheads per kilo please, it's urgent. thanks.
I am a fresh electronic engineer and want a job in pakistan atomic energy....
I have applied for the post of Junior assistant tell me syllabus for test preparation..
@69.Hassan: Sr. Did you get any job in PAEC???
I have received a call later in atomic..so tell me wech type writing test
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
I applied for the post of assistant manager IT , send me syllabus..
Dears, I need past written test paper for the post of junior charge man Electronics/Telecom can you share with me
provide me with test pattern of Scientific Assistant 2.I have applied for this post now i just received test letter.I am still unable to prepare this test. So provide me test pattern.
atomic test February result kindly result
scientific assistant physics apply test but i have no idea about the test pattern plz guide me about this test .in this regard i am thankfull to you .plz help me.
@120.Warda Batool: yes u can after passing test
@106.Farzana Rani: plees help me for the test of mechanical desine tag2 in atomic energy and date is 4 jan
Send past paper of scientific assistant physics II
inform me about the test pattern of scientific assistant ii physics hr1384. guide line about this
Everyone tell or provide guidance about test preparation in PAEC as Junior Executive Account. Thanks
Plz inform about the slybus of assistan manager finance ???
@209.Ayaz: Physics and maths most important.
Please tell me the paper pattern of scientific assistant 2 chemistry
Guid me about test of scientific assistant 1,2and 3
@200.Tahseen Ullah: please send me syllubus of assistant manager post in atomic energy...
@201.Mubassir Farooq: please share past papers of junior chargemen Electronics
please send me the test pattern and past paper for the test of po 2109 which is going to held on 15 Oct 2022
I've applied many times at different post in Pakistan Atomic Energy... but still I didn't get even one call for test or interview... why?? 😞