South City Hospital
Shahrah-e-Firdausi, Block 3, Clifton, Karachi
Rating: 3/5
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South City Hospital, karachi
Paktive User

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Name: South City Hospital Type: Medical / Doctor / Pharma Address: Shahrah-e-Firdausi, Block 3, Clifton, Karachi Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: South Karachi Services (Saddar, Cantt, Clifton, Lines Area, Sultanabad, Defence and nearby areas.)

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User Rating: 3/5 (229 Votes)

Discuss South City Hospital

1.Tajuddin says:3/5

this is a really good hospital same Aga khan University hospital rules.

2.Muniba says:3/5

not a good hospital, too much expensive, doctors are ameture and careless over all its a big high tech careless hospital of loonitics doctors in town. i hate going their even dying

3.Answar says:3/5

I agree with muniba damn expensive for no reason what so ever. who cares about the grohe taps and all. One room is for rs """""twenty five thousand"""" per night imagine. Apart from that i think it is a bountique hospital. It is all about looks of the hospital and they are over charging money. Imagine when the doctors become owners of the hospital imagine what will they do to the bills. They all over charge and roam around in mercs. What is the point of it. and it is a hospital with no humanity. Servants aren't allowed. There are ppl out there who can buy the hospital in 5 mins for their servants treatment. the whole hospital is a show off hospital.

62kiran plz help me 3
4.Anwar says:3/5

And yes one more thing it doesn't has all the equipments. there are other hospital which have more equipment than them. Went there asked for MRI and all they said they dont' have it. Hospital with full equipment in this area are like Ziauddin hospital and national medical centre. Both are normal rates infact national is cheaper.

5.Moiz says:3/5

Dear Sir, I need a job South City Hospital.Where can i search the Jobs and whats the e-mail address of your HR Departent.

6.Zeeshan says:3/5

Dear Sir, I have worked for Liaquat National Hospital How can i apply for HR Deptt. Please send your email to apply. Thanks

7.Dr Salman says:3/5

i wana apply for sch .can any one help me..i have experiance of working in icu and nicu.

8.Khalid Rauf says:3/5

Dear Sirs, I have worked in a Pakistani Bank for 22 years and now I am of 55 yrs.having good health. I desire to work with your reputed hospital in any suitable position.

9.Dr Azhar says:3/5

i did my house job recently surgery and medcince department now wana mo ship.....

63kiranplz help mee 9
10.Kashif says:3/5


11.Riaz says:3/5

Dear sir,I have worked for Aga Khan University hospital and i have experiance of working in hospital. how i can apply

12.Shakeeb says:3/5

Dear Sir, Currently i m working in the aga khan university since 8 years as an Administrative Assistant i have experiance all administrative works. can i apply.

13.Ghulam Mustafa says:3/5

Dear Sir, i have worked in ziauddin hospital and i have experiance of working in hospital and also i sent my c.v in your H.R dept plz reply me sweetable job

14.Muhammad Adnan Pasha says:3/5

dear sir my namie is Adnan Pasha,i have done 3 years of general nursing,and 6 months of experience in i.c.u,i have visited your hospital and it admired me so much ,, i have submitted my c.v in your hospital .. but no responce from your HR department at all ,, i can speak english really well .. i have done many english languages courses .. respected sir/madam im willing to work with you .. kindly reply me at this e-mail

15.Riaz Ul Ansar says:3/5

R/Sir im Riaz ul ansar s/o taj ul ansar plz send ur email address for seding cv thanks and regards

16.Wajeeha says:3/5

hello...plz tel me how can i apply for the job of office assistant or receptionist for the South City Hospital...plz contact me ASAP

17.Naureen Valliani says:3/5

Hi,i have completed my intermediate and i want a job as a receptionist.

18.Fehmida Parveen says:3/5

hi, i want a job in this hospital, i have completed my general nursing fron aga khan hospital, and now seeking for a job, please reply me, thanks

19.Ms.akhtar Asif says:3/5

respected sir, i m greduate i m looking for a job i have working experence in customer services i m looking for office assistant or unit reception or any suitable job.Thanks.

20.Zahid says:3/5

salam this is zahid from ayesha traders i am supplier of chemical last many years. recently i have launched bath item like (hand wash) and Fenayel for mop. if you are intrusted deal with me please contact me i will send you the sample of this products. thank regards zahid

21.Sarwat Sahamoon says:3/5

Hi: respected sir/madam i got diploma in general Nursing,Nursing Midwifery, and got BSCN. i have 12 years experienc of several post like Nursing incharge,ward incharge, Nursing supervisor,deputy manager at Liaquat National Hospital karachi. One year experience as matron from SAifee Hospital trust nazim-bad karachi.Now i am intersted in your hospital for any suitable job now i am prectising for advance english level.

22.Azeem Kkhan says:3/5

hello this is azeem khan im working in health care hospital and and i had been work in south city hospital its very nice and good director are also good i work i think two yrs. there and its my good experinc that its very good and nice hospital of karachi. city

23.Yasir says:3/5

Asalamolaikum sir i have done my bachelors in physical therapy and have 2 months of experience from aga khan hospital can i get a job in south city hospital.thanking you

24.Syed Shakil Ahmed says:3/5

Assalam O Alaikum, Respected Sir, I've 20 years experience of Administration, Huaman Resource, Accounts and Purchases. with full Administrative work of a Hospital, but still I'm out of employment.

25.M. Arif says:3/5

Dear Sir, My Name is M,Faisal M.Hanif Mundia my work experence bigest hospital in karachi as a front officer /telephone oprtopr/ house keeping incharge kindly one chance me my qualification durring the apear the 2nd year thnaks & regards

26.Syed Shakeel Ahmed says:3/5

I am S.Shakeel Ahmed i have done EMBA from Preston University i have been working for the last 10 years in different oragnization now i am working as a Hr-Officer in Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd for the last 3 years i wish i work with South City Hospital. Regard S.S.Ahmed

27.Samuel Sabir says:3/5

hello sir i am staff nurse 4 year working ICU& CCU in national medical center

28.Madad Ali says:3/5

Dear sir salamz,my name is Madad Ali, I have working in Usman hospital karachi and i have experiance of working in hospital. how i can apply

29.Junaid says:3/5

salam sir my name is junaid i m doing a job in accounts department from holy family hospital and i have a 2 years experience in accounts.

30.Salman Baig says:3/5

salam, my name is salman i used to be doing job in Indus hospital as a Aid Nurse...I've 1 year i'm under training General nursing (2nd year student).

31.Salman Baig says:3/5

salam, my name is Salman i wanna do job in South city hospital...I used to be doing job in Indus hospital as a Aid Nurse...I've 1 year experience...I've also done O.T curse from sindh government hospital...Now i'm under training in general nursing (2nd year student).

32.Nudrat says:3/5

assalam o alaikum... i have done BS in medical technology from Liaquat National Hospiatl recently... i wanna apply in South City Hospital...plzzz send your email to apply.. thanx

33.Nudrat says:3/5

assalam o alaikum... i have done BS in medical technology from Liaquat National Hospiatl recently... i wanna apply in South City Hospital...plzzz send your email to apply.. thanx

34.Asghar Khan says:3/5


35.Nasir says:3/5

Dear sir salamz'my name is nasir hussain'I have working in zainab punjwani hospital karachi and i have experiance of working in i can apply.

36.Nasir says:3/5

Dear sir salamz'my name is nasir hussain'I have working in zainab punjwani hospital karachi and i have experiance of working in i can aaply.

37.Sehar Sameen says:3/5

hi im sehar did my post rn BScN FROM DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES IN JULY and have nine years experience i want to do job in ur hospital on the post for which i deserve according to my plz kindly contact me as soon as possible,and advise me the way for applying there thanks.

38.Amina Bibi says:3/5

i have pass in midwife cours in 18th month in islmac mission hospital on first divi .i have working in 6th month health care center,7th month general hospital ,aga khan hospital thorue project working in sind,punjab ,bolochistan ,and hardatabab working on 6th month and good profromis in the duty time and good behaver good hospitatle in pashand.

39.Kashif says:1/5

worst hospital,only butchers available there,they just want monety thats it no care no attention no sence of responsibility just give them money thats it can do any thing for money

40.Zaynab says:1/5

SouthCity is not a hospital but a luxurious hotel. Extremely weird doctors are sitting there who jump to one thing instantly that is surgery; "Oh this requires surgery oh that requires surgery". Butchers are sitting there I have enough stories to advise people not to go there please and getting into any surgery have proof of medical reports in your hand. And have opinions of two doctors if you can afford. (contp1)

65Mehwish plz tell c section charges in south city 40
41.Zaynab says:3/5

Two doctors in that hospital well known pediatrics told me my 2 months old baby boy have an open hydrocele. They scared me to death that the baby requires a surgery within a week otherwise anything can happen, doctor was so sure that he said do the surgery tomorrow only and only on the basis of one ultrasound they did of my baby. I know the effects of anesthesia on little babies and i was extremely not up to go for a surgery.(cont p2)

42.Ayesha says:2/5

south city hospital is just a 5 star hotel its not a hospital and they charge so much money for no rhymid reason without treating the patients right and keeping patients in normal rooms when patients are need of icu..south city hospital take lifes of patients..Dr sadia rizvie and Dr javed rizve her husband they both are only money Looters....

43.Ayesha says:3/5

south city hospital is not a hospital its only a 5 star hotel and all the doctors are commercial in souty city hospital Dr such as proffser doctor zamsn sheikh endcoligist is a pethatic doctor he does not treat patients correctly he treats patients wrong and dr sadia rizve and dr javed rizvie are pethatic doctos i will ot advise anyone to ever go to dr sadia and dr javed and never ever to go to south city emergencey

44.Alliya says:2/5

south city hospital is very pethatic hospital

45.Haseeb Mohammad says:3/5

sir i m serving as a technologist and searching job in south city hospital,, how can i apply. pls giude me

46.Shanila says:3/5

i want work in south city hospital as receptionist

47.Shanila says:3/5

i want work in south city hospital as a receptionist

48.Rana Qasim says:3/5

its my ideal hospital here i wana esteblish my experience in pharmacy as a qualified dispensar please provide me a chance, i ill send my cv soon

49.Sabeen Anwer says:3/5

assalamo alaikum sii i have done pharm-d from karachi university. I want to do work a trainee pharmacist.Please contact me .

50.Sabeen Anwer says:3/5

I have done pharm-D from karachi university.I want to do work as trainee pharmacist.Please contact me

51.Akhtar Mir says:2/5

I saw Dr.Sadia Rizvi on a TV talk show last night. This inspired me to look into web site and explore some details. Unfortunately this is also a scam. The patients reports are pathetic. This is a disaster and open lie. Copy of this mail also goes to talk show host followed by hundred calls and messages.

52.Akhtar Mir says:2/5

I saw Dr.Sadia Rizvi on a local TV talk show. She was all in praise for her Hospital. This inspired me to look into the web site.Unfortunately it turned out to be a scam. The patients comments are disastrous. Further more it is very expensive. Copy of this e-mail goes to TV talk show host with hundreds of messages and calls.

53.Irfan Ali Shah says:3/5

salam my wife has problem of choledochlithiasis gall stone i wanat ti operte from dr. mumtaz mahar. si i wana know the hopitl charges. hospital packaeges

54.Muhammad Zahd says:4/5

Dear sir i am Muhammad Zahid Sir i am ETT Tech ,ECG and Holter Monitoring Tech sir Plz give one chances

55.Farhan says:3/5

This hospital only has looks otherwise it is a place where money hungry scumbags are draining the life out of the ordinary persons. Ward service is pathetic, nurses and duty doctors doesn’t know a jack shit about medical care. They are attracting people by hiring the top consultants on payroll which in return brings the patient. I had to admit my father their because the surgeon only operates at South City & AKU. My advice is not to go at this hospital and try find other alternate.

56.Ayesha Sami says:3/5

With due respect i have an ett technician experience from NICVD and want to work with an institute where i can improve my knowledge and can give the best of my abilities. Please contact my above mentioned address if you have any vacancy

57.Sarah says:4/5

Southcity hospital gives best patient care , best services , neat and hygenic atmosphere and charges are same as compare to ziaudiin and akuh Ziauddin is a wierd hospital , southcity is much better

58.Humaira Khan says:3/5

Assalmualaikum, I want to apply in this hospital,where can i search the Jobs and whats the e-mail address of your HR Department....I have Done Masters and have got experience.....

59.Mehranullah says:3/5

ASSALMUALAIKUM. I have complet three year nursing diploma and also done one year specalization in cardic nursing. i have two experience in surgeral alleds. i want to apply in this hospital. so please send me HR sit or other email address.

60.Annas Khan says:3/5

southcity hospital is an extremely wonderful hospitalk

61.Shahab Siddiqui says:3/5


62.Kiran says:3/5

@3.Answar: plz help me

63.Kiran says:5/5

@9.Dr Azhar:plz help mee

64. Saeed says:3/5

cost of thyroid scan

65.Mehwish says:3/5

@40.Zaynab: plz tell c section charges in south city

66.Imran says:3/5

i want to ph no of south city hospital karachi

67.Mrs Khan says:3/5

I visited 08 March 2022.Dr sadia rasool virk.she made me waited as she was not available in the clinic & eventually she arrived i discussed my problem to her & her behaviour was so unprofessional & unethical that in state of treating me she made me go to depression by talking & advising me all the nonsense in the world. Therefore i request patient not to visit her as she is not a professional but a smart _ .

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