![]() Service DetailsName: Dow Medical College Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Baba-e-Urdu Road, Nanakwara, Karachi Description: Part of the Dow University of Medical Sciences Added on Paktive by: waqas From the Paktive Map: West Karachi Services (Chundrigar, SITE, Kharadar, Lyari, Kemari, Hawkes Bay and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Dow Medical College
Pages 1234hi, plz send me all information about MBBS plz guid me
can i take admission with 52% marks in dow university
tell me from where i can get final year past papers(MBBS)
what are the required percentage for mbbs.. kindly tell me i'll b thankful to u
what is the procedure of aptitude test and please tell me why is this a rule that if we have DOMICILE of Punjab so we are not able to give test of any institute in Karachi .
plz send me the criteria of appearing in the aptitude test of Dow medical college
can u plz tell mre that wheter sci subjects are included or whole %age. and if science subject practicals are included
I want to know that how much percentage is required for admission in MBBS? Plz tell me I shall be thankful to you..
i want to know that how much percantage is required for the admission in DOW nxt year.. plllllllzzzzzzzzzz do let me know.. n if some1 has got B grade in his intermediate so would he b eligble to appear in the test?? has he got chances to get admission there?? if he gets flying colour in d apptitudt test..
HI, I am a student of BSS A level, and I want to know the requirements for geting admission in DMC .... Thank you
plz send me information that how i take admission in DMC for MBBS,and also tell me how much percentage i required for admission in DMC.....PLZ GUIDE ME
can u plzzzz give me the detailed address of Dow Medical College, where the D-pharm entry test will be held????
sir plz can you send me model papers of MBBS course of DMC.
Asalam Alaikum, I want get some information about MBBS and BDS that how much percentage is required for both of these.
Could you to tell me the criteria of getting admission in DOW medical college.Also please mention how much percentage is required for the admission and which subjects are included for the admission.thankyou
plz tell me about date of enterance test for MBBS
sir plz kindly inform me that what documents are required to get admission and how i can get admission is registration form are collected online??? kindly inform me
Sir plz tell me the date of aptitude test of DMC for MBBS and BDS of this year??
plz tell me how much percentage does ALEVEL student need to get admission.i am from nwfp so do i have any specific seats or need a domicial of sindh.as well as tell me the date for submisson an fee .thnx
sir plz kindly tell me the required percentages for M.B.B.S (merit) in DMC ... i'll b waiting for ur answer
plz tell me how much percentage is required for admission in BDS and MBBS program
i wanted 2 ask u about percentage required for admission in this university.........fast..n about da residence too...
plz tell me the percentage for M.B.B.S N BDS and date of entry test
Dear Sir, i want to know that when your admission test are going to be held and what persentage you required...answer me on my e mail if possible...thanks
hello sir i want to know that how much %age is required to get admissipon in DOW medical college and whats the entrance date to get admission in DOW medical college for mbbs......
plz tell me procedure for admission............?
plzz tell me how much merits is required for dow memical college admission
plz tell me the required percentage of MBBS in dow medicle college procedure of addmision . And also about fees thanks.
i m from lahore.can i got admissiom in dow college.i have got62%marks in 1styear.
hello sir, m the student of 2nd year m.b.b.s in nishtar medical college multan....i wana know ,what % is required f0r the admission in dow medical college.....and wht's the procedure.....i also wana know the date of entrance test for admission in 1st year m.b.b.s..........
aoa i m a medical graduate from china, i m preparing for the PMDC exam n this time Dow Unversity is going to hold this..... the purpose of sending u this scrap is to plz guide me anout the exam style n pattern of paper setting, especially about best choice question,,,,,,,plz take some time n reply me , it will be more helpful if u plz provide me ur contact no. so that i can talk to u n ask u once in al......i'd really apperciate this favour, God bless u , Allah hafiz
assalam o alaikum sir i m 4rm karachi i got admission in dow madical plz tell me the fee[per semister]in dow on self finance plz help me
wht is the criteria for admission in DOW college and do u give importance to extra subjects plz tell me...as iam a o level student.
Sir i wanted to ask that i have my ssc and hsc examination from karachi but my domicile is of balochistan can i apply in dow medical college
sir tell me the date of aptitude test for this year
sir plz tell me the date of enterence test for this year
sir! plz tell me obout the entrance test date for admission in DMC and SMC .and i want to know that how much percentage is required for DMC and SMC to get admission in it.
sir plz snd me sample papr if held i will be thank full.
hello sir i want to ask u about the aptitude test date of m.b.b.s in dow university an sindh medical college an plzz also sent me the prospectus an how much percentage is required for m.b.b.s an pharmacy in dow university an sindh medical college an plz sent me the addmision fess for M.B.B.S in dow university an SMC i shall be very thankful to uu..
Respected Sir, As i am already MD student at KABUL(AFGHANISTAN)2nd year I am pakistani citizen from swat. now i want apply in DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE on migration basis for my professinal carear as my time not be wasted further. so plese kindly properly guide me regarding procdure , how can i apply?
MBBS/BDS in Pakistan SIP provides information of Pakistani Medical and Dental colleges and their admission schedules � SIP extends career counseling services to students seeking admissions in any faculty of its partner institutions in Pakistan -One window information availability, just a click away visit: studyinpakistan dotinfo
how can a balochistan domicile student apply for DOW & whats the criteria
plz tel me required percentage of pharmD in dmc........
salam plz someone tell me how we search past papers of aptitude test for mbbs plz i will be realy thanks ful to you!!!
salam plz tell me required percentage of MBBS in DMC
sir kindly tell me when will be the date of aptitude test announce and how much tym v hv fo prep. ??
salam .......i want 2 know the fee structue of 1st year of MBBS....
which are these selected UBL branches? are forms available online? waiting for your reply... thnkyou :)
hi..i want to take admission in DMC..can u plzzzzzz tell me that what is the date of adimission test??
sir me hamid khan me afghan i am live here since 30 and i want to get addim in mbbs how can i apply
plx, any b0dy can inf0rm me ,tht h0w do we'll make p0ssible to take admissi0n in dow medical college. . . . . .
when will you start applications for MBBS entry test in this year
sir plz tell me about submission procedure of forms
aoa.I want to know the date for the entrance exam of DOW and also where to get the forms from,online. kindly reply soon
what is the date for the entrance exam of DOW? and when will the forms be available online?
plz tell me, what is the treatment of A-level student in MBBS admission: is there any quota or limited seats, or any reduction in marks or percentage. what is the date of admission this year thanks/ragards
what is the date for the entrance exam of DOW? and when will the forms be available online?
salaam..... i want to get admission in D.M.C ....... PLZ TELL ME D DATE OF test n full procedure of admission ??? thnx
Hey..!! Asalamualikum,I want tOo knOw the date of examintaion for apptitude test..
Salaam i want to get admission in D.M.C. Can you tell me the date of test and full procedure of admission?
Asalam o Alikum. I want to know about the admission in DMC and when can i get its admission forms. Please kindly inform me the entry test date also. Thank you..!
Asalam-o-Alaikum... I want o know about the admission in DMC and when can i get its admission form. pls kindly inform me the entery test date also.. Thank you.....
Asalam-o-Alaikum... I want o know about the admission in DMC and when can i get its admission form. pls kindly inform me the entery test date also.. Thank you.....
salam_plz tell me the details of the entry test,forms and the required percentage for the admission in MBBS,BDS and d_pharmacy
i want to know about the admission test date for MBBS at DMC. Plz kindly inform me the procedure and date of admissions forms. Thanks
I WANT TOget admission in dow medical colleg karachi.plz send me detailes of ADMISSION And prospecic intery test with detailes urggent plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i want to know about the dates of aptitude/entry test of MBBS in DMC.Plz send the procedure & details of the admission test.Thankyou
I WANT TOget admission in dow medical colleg karachi.plz send me detailes of ADMISSION And prospecic intery test with detailes urggent plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I WANT TOget admission in dow medical colleg karachi and how many %are you want in 10 class and give me data of admission
what require percentage to enter mbbs
aslamalikum . Im pakistani and lives in ksa. Im done with my Olevels and got 4A*'s and 3A's .A*'s in bio , chem , phy and islamiyat and A's in english , math and urdu. I have recently given my AS exams and got A's in bio and chem and B in phy.This year i will be appearing for A2 exams and have plans of getting admission in Dow medical college as a local pakistani whcich is not easy though . I have got to know that i have to make equilence certificate and SAT II in bio phy and chem . What steps should i take next after completing Alevels to get an admission in the college as local Pakistani ? Please let me know as soon as possible
Asalam O Alikum!! Dear Sir; plz tell me that how do i prepard for my applitude test?? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send me some sample of past year paperz.....
sir plz tell me the last date of form submission and test date
asamalikum,sir kindly can u tel me about pmdc exam test that u will take?n i heard that exam patern has changed.kindly send tell me about new patern.thnks
aslamualekum plz inform me about the exact last date of form submission for mbbs
Hi,I wanted to know that does government college name matters in the admission of MBBs and if not than what do you consider other than apptitude test
i want to know that how much percentage they want in b.d.s
sir i want to take addmision in ur uni kindly tell me the whole procedure and percentage in order to take addmision .kindly reply me soon, thank u
plz send me all informotion about MBBS test how i join this university? thist unversity is open merit,self finacis,for admission
I am from Punjab province, can i get admission in Dow Medical college?
Salam Sir send me all information about MBBS i'm joinning this university , and self finance , plz tell me about your fee also i thankfull to you
Can u pleaz tl me the requird percntage for dow med colg??please.
salamx...plz tell me about the last date of form submissions of DMC???
sir plz give me admission in your collage i m a very big fan of ur collage since when i was in 7th class�.I wont disappoint u through my result plz sir plzzzzzzzz�. give me only one chance plzzzzz..
ive scroed 70.9% in my sciene subjects (interscience) and 84% in matric..can i get admission? if yes then how much do i need to score in entry test exam in order to get addmission in dow university? please reply...
if we take 3 subjects in alevels i.e bio chm and maths can we get admission in dow medical college please reply
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i want admission forum
What is the new date of entrance test of first year MBBS??
plz tell me how much marks needed fir appear in entery test
Hello! Can sum1 tell me what is the new date of entry test DMC/SMC ?? Is it 30th october or 2nd october ??
Hello! Can sumone tell me when will be the test taken on ? is it 30 Oct or 2nd Oct ??
karin...dow entry test will b held on 30oct...INSHA ALLAH....!
salam sir pls tell me when will be entry test and can fata students take this test
dear sir, i want to know r u have some seats for foreign students? f yes what is the procedure for admission. inform me please thank u. overseas pakistani.
Hello My dear sir/madom Pleas confirm me the dates under which entry test are to be schedule for Admissions with due respons am vey thankful upon your sympathetic obligation
Dear sir, Please confirm me about entry test of MBBS with your kind organization i shall be highly appreciated your regards
is the sp kotta for fbisc student in daw uni of helth? wen the student from Punjab
i want to know that which faculty i should choose? i score 55% in fsc .... want addmistion in any medical field