Green Wine Shop, karachi
Paktive User

Business Details

Name: Green Wine Shop Type: Retail / Showroom / Sales / Service Address: Drigh Colony, Drigh Cantonment, Natha Khan, Karachi Description: Licensed Liquor Store Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Karachi Businesses (PECHS, Gulshan, Johar, Korangi, Shahrahe Faisal, Malir and nearby areas.)

User Rating: 3/5 (1 Vote)

Discuss Green Wine Shop

Pages 12
1.Patwari says:3/5

do they have imported stuff?

2.Ali says:3/5

i want imported wine

3.Ragu says:3/5

Tiger .Heineken beer can you provide me at my door step.

4.Jonathan says:1/5

Crap - do not go

5.Asad says:3/5

I need a red wine

6.Sunil says:3/5

ballantine wiskey & 1 case of red lable wiskey Total 6 bottles

9vicky do have Wasiky 6
7.James says:3/5

I want imported wine pls me price list and contact number

8.Mirza says:3/5

i want to this blacklabel

9.Vicky says:3/5

@6.Sunil: do have Wasiky

10.Haider says:3/5

rates whatsapp

11.Shabbir says:3/5

shivas and black dog

12.Usman says:3/5

Want txt ur numb

13.Rawan says:3/5

need of vodka for medication

17Mzk vodka napolian 7000 13
14.Ali says:3/5

Need vodka

15.Roomani says:3/5

Hi, I want chivas regal , once a week .. So, Contact me as soon as

16.Kashan says:5/5

Hi Kindly i want wine at home do you have home services

17.Mzk says:3/5

@13.Rawan: vodka napolian 7000

18.Amir says:3/5

i want beer

19.Rahid says:3/5

Hi i want to buy Red label Whisky 500 ml how much it and from i can buy it in karachi.. Thanks

20.Iftikhar Ahmed says:3/5

What is the price of cattos black label & jack daniel

21.Hamza says:3/5

Hey my name is hamza tariq I am frm gujrat punjab Can you deleivered any of your product in gujrat??

22.Hamza says:3/5

I need J&B bottle in islamabad or in rawalpindi. Please share price and home delivery possible??? Contact me on my number and share prices too

23.Sasindu says:3/5

What is the prices of red lable plz send your contact or whatsapp no

24.Humayun says:3/5

what is the price jack denial and taqila? Humayun

25.Shazar says:4/5

Request for 2 Red lable and Black lable

26.Faizi says:3/5

brandy 1 number important plezzz contact

27.Basid says:3/5

Jack daniels price please

28.Sajjad says:3/5

I want buy Jack Daniels Whiskey. so give me price and how to get it. Sajjad

29.Kabeer says:4/5

Please tell the price of black label and Smirnoff? Do u provide at home ? Any contact number

30.Amar says:3/5

Can i buy something there . Black label abd double black or jackdaniel

31.Rafay says:3/5

Want right now vodka and beer in karachi

32.Mohsin says:3/5

i wanna black label plz send ma list of wine prices

33.Kashif says:3/5

Price of ballantine bottle

34.Amir says:3/5

u have red wine.and also other imported brands name

35.Faisal says:3/5

I want red lebal in lahore contct me

36.Rajput says:3/5

Need beer at my place Any chance

37.Shahzad says:3/5

i want grey goose vodka contact me

38.Babo says:5/5

What is price Catto's 1 bottle

39.Kamran says:3/5

I want orignel shewas regel and Jack Daniel. Contact me via email.

40.James Heather says:5/5

Hi I need prices for your english beers and spirits. Or email me your details

41.Zubaer says:3/5

Hello, How much is bellene scotish whisky bottle?

42.Zemran says:3/5

Hi, i want to buy Jack Daniels, how much is the price?

43.Ali says:3/5

Is red wine and red label available.if yes then what is price??

44.Hassamnoor says:3/5

Black Label Price In Pakistan

45.Hasdan says:3/5

How can i buy u have eny whtsapp etc

46.Asad says:5/5

jack daniel is the best alcohol in the world

47.John Wick says:3/5

I need blue Burberry with delivery. Price plz

48.Tariq Zeeshan says:3/5

I need Heineken beer can please give me all prices

49.Peter says:1/5

Vodka 1 bottle Address Frist floor room 103 _______ cantt Karachi Please agent contact me

50.Zishan says:3/5

Black label n Johnny walker rats?

51.Kashif says:3/5

Jack denial 1 letr price please.?

52.Index says:3/5


53.Mmansoor says:3/5

Do you have Laphroaig & Sambuca?

54.Noora says:3/5

I want royal stag whisky how much

55.Ghani says:3/5

any ramadan deals inform me please, vodka and brandi only. jazakallah

56.Sabir says:3/5

Red label chivas regal and ballentine retail price and delivery procedure?

57.Fawad Shaikh says:3/5

dear i need dry gen at malir kala board its that possible you can deliver it

58.Virender Kumar says:3/5

Need Brandi and Saphire Whisky price on delivery please

59.Ali Hassan says:3/5

I hve to need chivas regal and jack Daniel no 7

60.Proxybay says:4/5

I cant find any shop who have heiniken

61.Bhagchand says:3/5

I want black dog wishky in tando adam

62.Imran Jat says:5/5

Do you are any of your contact can provide Ballentines or Cattos in Hyderabad?

63.Aqib says:5/5

reeply chevas regal rate

64.Faraz Malik says:3/5

Plz give me ur contact number i want to discus u some old memories about green vine shop......

65.Best.tiger says:3/5

How can help me online soping gawga me

66.Rana Babar says:5/5

i want jeck danisle choclate alchole pls contect me

67.Nimsa says:3/5

Nimsa how to contact. I want red wine.2 Bottels

68.Restless Soul says:3/5

I want Cattos Price plz?

69.Kailash says:3/5

Whatsapp me deluxe and non deluxe with rate list and for delivery charges as well.

Pages 12
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