![]() Service DetailsName: Pakistan Air Force (Headquarters) Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Air Headquarters, E-9, Islamabad Description: aka PAF Air HQ. Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: North Islamabad Services (F-17, B-17, Tarnol, D-12, E-7, E-8, E-9, E-11, Saidpur, Faisal Masjid, Pir Suhawa and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Pakistan Air Force (Headquarters)
Pages 123Sir at the moment i am the resident of haider camp chaklala.the camp needed a separate montessori school .plz take it serious sir kid age of 3 & 4 are in trouble in vans and with parents also if their fathers take some time from duty for pick & drop .plz sir check this problem
Asalam-0-alaikum,sir i want to join PAF for Gdp(Pilot) permanent commissioned and what is the age requirment for Gdp and what is the date of next registration after (one thirty five)Gdp?
Asalam-0-alaikum,sir i want to join PAF for Gdp(Pilot) permanent commissioned and what is the age requirment for Gdp and what is the date of next registration after (one thirty five)Gdp?
Asalam-o-alaikum Sir, i want to join paf for Gdp(Pilot) permanent commissioned and what is the age requirement and what is the date of registration after (one thirty five)GDP?
sir in our haider camp when qtr allotted us then authorties said that gas availability is not possible at that time so its u r own problem but that time there was an option .we can take gas from single old qtrs .all qtr holders take gas pipes like that after a year what happened it was banned and give us cylinders . we paid bill when we take pipe connections from others sir is think the cylinder prog is more expensive for both .in the blocks not safe due to the bad structure of building sir plz plz do some for this in winter its panic problem on 3rd floor plz consider it sir
sir we face the problem of gas because we have not gas connections when Qtrs allotted us we had option to take connections 4rm single old Qtrs but what will happened ?it was banned and issued us cylinders . i think sir it very expensive 4 both when we took connection then we paid our consumption of gas not free of cost and sir one cylinder is not sufficient .in the winter cylinders jam on 3rd floor and we also plz sir solve this on priority basis in this case so many problem r present and u know better than me so plz sir we r waiting 4 u r consideration
Dear Sir I have applied for GD Pilot please tell me how can i get my exam slip?
sir i have accidently deleted my registration slip what should i do to recover it
sir i have lost my paf test slip for gd poilt.test will be held on twenty seven august two thousand twelve .please sir help me.
Hello, sir i have lost my registration slip just because of the fact that my laptop got corrupt. what can i do now should i go to selection centre lahore?kindly tell me the procedure your participation will be highly appreciated.
sir i hav lost my slip due to the fact tat my windows got corrupted?how can i get it back ??
Hello, sir i have lost my registration slip just because of the fact that my laptop got corrupt. what can i do now should i go to selection centre
i am a student of fsc part 2. I live im islamabad. I am really passionate to join PAF. But due to not enough guidance i am not able to get enough information. Can you please guide me.
Sir I have done my Fsc recently and scored 76%... i really want to join PAF... can you please guide me so i can apply with out any wastage of time..!!
hi ari forec
Sir i lost my Paf registration slip!!!!! what should i do?????????
sir i lost my paf aerotardes slip plzzzzzzz email my slip
sir, i have changed my selection center plzzz Peshwar TO Mainwali
Sir i am doing Bcs Hons. I want to apply in air force after my 4 semesters are over means to say after my Bcs completes. Tell me that can i apply after 4 semesters?
i have cleared my ISSB and CMB for 19 AD course. a want to know that when the session of the 19AD course has been started
kindly sir informed me about the test result held in islamabad paf hospital for it specialist programming in jan .
sir i have a problem i have registered paf test that held in faislabad i have download slip from paf web site but i have lost him kindly tell me how i can get my slip then i able to participate in test.....my test on 3rd of september ...plz tell me what i can do?????how i can get my slip
PLZ SND THE SLIP on my email adrees .
Ii have a problem that i have registered paf test that held in Abbottabad. I have download slip from paf web site but i have lost him kindly tell me how i can get my slip then i able to participate in test.....my test on 4th of september ...plz tell me what i can do? How i can get my slip.
I have rigisterd in PAF but cant generate slip from website so plz tell me how I can generate slip from website????
plz send the slip on my email adress.tomarrow
sir i have lost my slip.plz tell me how to get?
Respected sir , I've applied for Pakistan airforce but unfortunatly my slip was missed due to some error in my computer. Kindly inform me . My b-form no# Please guide me. Email address: mkh @live.come
Sir i've lost my slip kindly send my slip to [email protected]
Please send the slip as soon as possible.
Assalam o alikum All I hav registered myself for air defence course in aeroneutival engineering .my test is in 4 april but unfortunately i hav lost my registration slip .now i want to get another slip kindly help me ????????plz plz plz
Salam i have lost my registration slip and my test date is 4 april how can i get duplicate ones
sir registration slip so plz plz method sir plzzz.. 10 april test
I have just complete my registration for GC Normal now but due to low internet signal I can't generate my slip can I get this slip from my selectionccenter. .... .?
sir i am registered for teacher of maths.but i have lost my slip. please send me a duplicate slip at [email protected] .
sir me peshawar me me civilian apply say slip 4 july test me
sir, unfortunatly i have lost my interview slip for the post of MT driver. plz forward my interview slip to my email address. my email address is [email protected]
Salam i have lost my registration slip and my test date is 8 july how can i get duplicate ones
I have applied for GDP-139 online but yet haven't received email for registration slip Please can you send me the registration slip to my mail address.
I have cleared my f.s.c exams .my father was latechef tech in paf he spend his life for paf now i need ur help for studies plz do something for my admission in ur univesities plzzzz
Hello, sir i have lost my registration slip just because of the fact that my computer got corrupt and cannot save my reg slip. what can i do now should i go to selection centre lahore?kindly tell me the procedure your participation will be highly appreciated.
registration slip delet please solution solution please help me.
Dear sir we need noc for construction a commercial plaza in peshwar from paf any concern authority in peshwar 2nd proces and requirement of paf for noc r pls gave us concern auturity contact no
Dear sir my registration slip delet for computer please help me in problem .sep 2014 ma registration allow to post for areotrade ,,,,,,,,please tell me for this sitution activity
i have passed written test of junior clerk. now when was the typing test and interview was conduct. please guide me.
sir i have complete my online registration for engineering branch spssc but i can�t receive my slip no, exams date. now i m worry about that how i can know about my slip no and exams date. please help me. my contact detail is below. e mail - [email protected]
dear it is better to continue your service. it is not only for you but whole air force employee are hand to mouth and felt depression especially non commission staff. you people have to work hard and make work for commissioning staff.
I have lost my roll number slip due to installing a new Window in my PC. kindly send me duplicate Roll number slip. i'll be thankful. ID card number is - -1 Shams ur Rehman S/O Muhmmad Khursheed Khan.
aoa.sir I am dr Muhammad raza from Lahore.. I have applied for the post of GDMO yesterday I have cleared my intelligence and academic papers.today I am rejected in medical on the bases of color blindness, they were checking the far vision without glasses and near vision with glasses(apposite)and he said you are color blind ant you can not apply again in army nevi or airforce.and he crossed my form with huge lines and wrote puf3.i tell him I am also a doctor and I am applying for medical officer . I was told that if you will be a doctor or engineer , poor vision does not matter . sir there were 35 candidates one list and I was the only doctor I was hoping that I will achieve my destination but if I have poor vision then where is my fault :'( I can see properly with glasses.no.is 3.75.sir please reconsider me for that post .I can do this job without any pay or grade :'(
Sir i have applied as an Electrical Engineer I have nitial test at 5th of january how I can find my roll no slip.
Sir im waiting civilain short list am passad inntellengt test
I served PAF from March 1960 to March 1975.(Rtd & Pensioner). Retired from 6 Sqdn- C-130 PAF Chaklala. Pak / Received my pension in my Bank Account from 1975 to 1992. Did not received pension from 1993 to till today. More than 22 yr. Wrote letters, stone heart people never response. None believable. If U do not want to pay me my earned pension, least response. Am I asking charity? OR my rights. My pension is very email. Is pension cell is on vacation? Is this matter is concerning SC of Pakistan? Please response through Email. Can U do that.
i applied for education instructor in karachi.... i passed my B.S in English (4 year program)... but mu last performa in under processing ...coz of this reason paf had been rejected me ...i have hope certificate ,,,, but they didnt acept it and i missed a chance .... please do somthing for me ....
I need to know that what is the minimum period to serve PAF for those people who are being appointed as assistant warrant officer. also brief me can these people apply in FPSC for lecturer and other services after serving few years PAF
I have lost my registration slip .. due to damage in my computer, how could i get it back... please any procedure..? any way how can i get it..? i m so worried plz help any body.... :(
sir i m waiting the call in aero trade. please sir help me
a.salaM I have applied for g.d pilot but due to window instalation ,i lost my roll number slip,how can i get itagain
i have passed I.T NTS in sukkur and i have come to know that i have been selected but sukkur selecting officer is hiding it and refusing so plz help me as i am very poor boy contact me plz at THANX REGARD MUNAWAR HUSSAIN SON OF SHABEER AHMED
i passed the intial test of PAF from SUKKUR for GD(P). But till now i couldnt recieve the call letter from issb.
I have bechelor dgree and I have 10 years Experiance in Electrical.currently work in K-Electric. I want to join PAF. I live parmanet in Kasur panjab.Thanks Regards, Naeem Akhtar
@1.Sohaib Arshad: addmission date
i am writing this letter to the Pakistan airforce to tell them that a war is coming and we should be prepared for it by buying more fighter planes and bombers etc
Your kind advice is requested regarding my discharge book which has been lost somewhere. At the time of discharge I was ac by rank and my service is only 316 days
@91.Muhammad Yusuf: contact
i have lost my registration slip i have applied for spssc electrical engineering core send me my slip so i may be able to appear in test on 23 june. Thanks Regards: Asad zaman
i miss my registration slip due network problem please help me. How i get it back
can I change my test center? If yes,so discuss the method
I applied in Pakistan Air Force in Aeuronautical Engineering.I downloaded my admission slip but i have lost my data.So, I request to send me my admission through mt email.I shall be very thankful to .
i recently applied for airmen but by mistake my friend write my obtained marks incorrect..so what should i do to re-register in aerotrade..z quick answer serious problem..
Main Airforce apply or roll no slip print or Web Page Band main Roll No Slip Recover Please Help Me Friends help e mail
slip gum please email address send please
airmen test registration test date missed due to some problem date test i am waitni for advice
command i.e Educational Institutions specially and there current facing problems not facing the staff also we , the parents of the students , those who r not worried about our children career as well as their education. dear Chief in the school near ur HQ in E -9 where LLO saima Akhter and Member Saima Irfan , mostly they are posted due to their husbands power as they are AIR commodore like and using their influence to claps the instution that is so in progressive in recent staff. but use of mis conduct to the staff teachers etc some staff going to resign. and we parents are in much tension worried about our children good education. hope u will stop after special attention and meeting with the staff before it too late. Regards with great Request.
@84.Arslan Ahmad: arsala date miss test date plzzz
i Have been registered in Aero trades i WAnt to apply in medical asst Help Me How I can ? Delete my registration and apply in Other post? Tell How??
I served Pakistan Air Force from 1971 to 2001 for thirty years.After doing my BA I joined as a Flight Sergeant(now Asstt Warrant Officer)Education Instructor and retired as Squadron Leader.It is an excellent organization,it looks after not only your but your family members also .
Please my request manzoor farid he or education matric school but technologes theory brain desing rc airplane desing 1 rc drone jet PAF Please my request accept.my contact no: Please Replay to me. Thanks a millian
Please help me Sir
i have lost my PAF test slip please send another slip on email adress pls, thanks
i had applied for GD(P) branch in March 13-03-2015 and passed the initial tests...but i didnt received the call letter yet...can u tell me i would be called or not inform me am waiting of ur reply
i want to conform that is there any schorships for the children of the retired air force personals for study purposes
With due respect I applied in paf in 140 gdp. I have passed my CMB even FAT but my name does not in the final merit list of gdp. But now I am intend to join PAF in GDP by any mean... so what should I do about it now I am waiting for the.141 gdp
Hy , I Applied online for GROUND COMBATEERS (GC) Yesternight. i, mistakenly, added wrong CNIC Number. i got my slip. now, i'm worried how to rectify this mistake. My Correct CNIC # is but i typed 4 despite 2 (Wrong: ). My center is Multan. Please, Tell me any way to correct it. i badly need your help as soon as it's possible. Thanks, . Inform Me Quickly. I'm waiting.
I have lost my PAF test slip please send another slip on email adress pls, thanks class10th 60%plz my num
@14.Faheem Abbas: try again
my name is Hassan khan n i am 15 years old and want to join PAF and i want a prospectus so give information about where to get a form to fill or a prospectus waiting for your answers Hassan Khan
My name is Rizwan Fayyaz n i am 25 years old,i want to join paf m also gov servent n ihave 5 years experience APC veh As engine mechanic.plz
@75.Dr Muhammad Raza: Dr. Raza it is mandatory requirement of color correction and it create a risk if some color blind person be recruited ...... In-spite of this i am also a color blind (Deuteranomaly & Protanomaly) simple Green & Red Color Blind...... Dr. Do think this all as positive as, May Allah wants to fit you on a good carrier/job or may be this job is not good for you.
plz guide me in paf airman tests
I have come to know that school timings for the teachers of Pak Fizaia Colleges has been increased till 2:30 pm, which has invited many troubles for them. Plz confirm it and don't you think that it's a rational decision, especially in the hot summer when Govt is either decreasing the timings or is announcing early summer break.
Sr i m working in a govt hospital in multan as a charge nurse.And my husband is in PAF as a carporal.there is a lot of problms for us due to our job.is he is posted to my job place ? reply
i have been waitting for my call latter of issb. I have submitted form of issb at shara fasal road karachi. Reg.No is k301-142-0657 Name. M.ikram in the branch of GDP make a reply
I have done my BS Mass communication in public relation and secured with 3.57 CGPA. But problem is that I have done my matric and F.A with simple art subjects. can you tell me that can I join PAF as a commission officer as a PRO public relation officer or media affair officer tell me its my request
I want to change my PAF test city center. Which procedure for change to test city center?
i have lost my provisional slip from computer so send my provisional slip to gmail.
how i can reprint the admit card