Service DetailsName: World Memon Foundation Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Hussainabad, Block 3, Federal B Area, Karachi Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Karachi Services (PECHS, Gulshan, Johar, Korangi, Shahrahe Faisal, Malir and nearby areas.) |
Discuss World Memon Foundation
Pages 12ASSALAM-U-ALLAIKUM... i am calling u but u can't attending. wwhen is the classes of stiching..??? Admissions of new classes r opened....???? reply.... send me ur contact number.
when is the new of swing classes start?? u ddnt replyy...
I am Tahir, living in Al-Noor Society, F.B.Area, Karachi. I have three daughters and two sons. My father is over 80 years of age and my mother passed away due to breast cancer. I could not provide her better treatment due to my bad financial position. In the month of Ramadan, I don't have any business. Even I don't have money for eid purchasing for children and house rent for next month. If you can provide rupees loan for me in easy installments, I'll be grateful to you for my whole life. You can visit my home to see my position. I am so much worry these days and upset.
when is the new addmsn start???
plz update me when the new classes will going to start???i wana join classes...plzz reply me...
i am mobile phone technician i have 12 year exp software and hardware plz my fild job
AoA can u send me schedule of oneday vocational classes plz
assalam-o-alaikum, plz send me shedule of beautition and send me beautition couse fee.and plz send me day classes schedule plz.
kindly send me schedule of beautition classes and fbeautition cource fee and plz send me day classes schdule plzzzzzzz.
kindly send me schedule of beautition classes and beautition course fee and plz send me classes shedule.
hi,i wanna know about the beautition course could u plz send me detail about this course and schdule and charges i will be thank fullplz reply becoz m desperatly wait i love world memmon foundation.
hi,i wanna know about the beautition course could u plzzz send me detail about this course and schdule and charges,i will be thank full plzzz rply becoz m desperatly waiting i love world memon foundation.
hi,i wannaknow about the beautition course could u plz send me detail about this course and schdule and charges i will be thank full plz rply bcoz m desperatly waitin
hi, i wanna know about the beauitition course could u plzzz send me detail about this course and schedule and carges i will be thank full plz rply m waiting.
PLZZZZZ SEND ME COMP DETAILS ABOUT course and schedule 3/5 hi, i wanna know about the beauitition course could u plzzz send me detail about this course and schedule and carges i will be thank full plz rply m waiting. [+]
asalam alaikum....... can u send me 1 day classes schedule nd 2 months short couses for groming....
hi your foundation is 2 good. i am intrested in job in foundation as a pot painting teacher, teaching in textiles plz call me back - ur - thanx
plz tell me how can get admision
i am intrested in job in foundation as an account officer
plzzzzz send me shedule for next january
Hi, i would like 2 gv u my services 4 office work or as a teacher, flower making
very good setup specially the girls.
wish you all the best for memon foundation all team
i want to join memon foundation i heard alot about memn foundation
Madam, Please send me the schedule of one day beautician course, as I'm unable to come, to collect the schedule from the centre. I'll be very thankful to you. Shaheen.
Plz let me know the timings for ramzan and after eid for cooking classes.and if any body finished her cooking courses plz tell me .i have a great apportunity for her thanks.
plz send me hair style classes shedule
hi plz tell me the location as well as th courses
i need female cooking expert for home cooking contact ali @yahoo.com
i need cooking expert for home cooking contact ali @yahoo.com
Good Job :)
AOA i want to know that . is that your foundation do the interior designing dp or course .. kindly email me !
kindly send me mehndi course details and timing schedule..
schedule send urgent plz thnx
schedule send krden 2 month arobic ki classis ka thnx
Plz send me a schedule of gift wrapping course& aerobics course Thanks.
asalam alaikum plz send me self grooming courses
Assalumu Alykum i want to come in your institute as a computer teacher i have a lot of presentation and work skill and experience if you want to contact with me so plz sir imran yunus
plz let me know that is there any vacancy for cooking teacher plz let me know soon.thx
send me your course list and admision details
plz send me ypur 2 month courses list
plz send me ur coarses details and timings n also give me detail about english language conversation coarse. kindly email me!
Salam plz pot painting one day classis plz....
plz let e know about the fees per day andscedule of classes so that i can joint easy
@69.Hina Khan: Ask me about admissions of Memon Foundation
@61.Yamna: hi. Did. U. Have cooking classes. Or not yet. I want receipes. I will pay for it thanks. Mailme plz
Salam. Have u taken. Cooking courses. I am interested in buying receipes. Have u plz mail me. Jazakaallah
I am electrical engineer retired from kesc after 35 years service in all kesc departments. At present I am electrical instrucor in Ideal College of technology in gulshan iqbal&in Govt Mono Polytechniq institute in Malir .Now I wanted to join memon foundation institute as a electrical instructor &workshop instructor due I Have 35 years practical experience of kesc different departments. I hope that you will kindly help in this regard .I shall be highly thankful to you
i m herbalist beauty herbal prodect expert i m teaching your foundetion plz cont my email ( [email protected] )
trg usa inbound customer services job 44 package and 2 weekly off? excellent english cv at raza-e-mustafa
is there any one day class tomorrow..plz answer..timing.?
Want the contact numbers of memon foundation
@34.Seema Islam: call me
k insititue vacancy plzz sir give me a job .. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
Assalam O Alaikum.. plz send a schedule of new courses.. Plzz plzzz..
@41.Aansa Maryam,:
Plz send one day vocational course list of2015
hi foundation as a reception job
I need a beauticain job at memon foundation. . I also have Sindh board certificate. .. please i really need
aminamaji ihave 5 year experience yoga advanced yoga aerobics iwan to join instructer in institute i haev 2year advancsed yoga diploma
Need a office job plz .
your instituit is excellent place for beautition.
I have done three years in ofice managment.i want receptionist and office work job. if plz contact me
if you have vecancy for one day backing class teacher so plz call me , i know backing and i need this job.
if you have vecancy for one day backing class teacher so plz call me , i know backing and i need this job.
tell me about one day cooking classes of march2016
We are looking for a good hand embroider and tailoring teacher for our Institute in Korangi 1. You have trained a lot of girls. Can you help us find a good teacher?
Tell me about new class shudol
My wish World memon foundation come my city Badin
I need office job
I need a job
Beaution course spescilly makeup and cuts
hello my name is palwasha and i am from sukkur my friend told me about memon founndation basically i dont know anything about you si i search it im very interested to come over there and learn something..
Please tell me interior designing fee
send me new shedul of courses... and cooking , art and craft and hand work courses fees send details.thank u
I was applied for housing scheme vide Receipt No.1743 Dated.03-04-2004 in World Memon Orfganization. But still awaiting for any response. Kindly consider on my request and reply at your earliest. Regards
I wanna job in Your institute so plz reply me
Hi my age is 11 years ? want to do diploma in garments course please tell me your fess and your timings and tell me in which age you admit girls in memon foundation
Where is Memon foundation in Karachi plz send a complete details.
do u provide lazer treatment for kedney stone.
Today classed shedule
i want to job here .is there any vacancy ? I. Dont have any experence to work here could you guide me reply fast ..tell aboyt pay n timngs.
Plz send me new schedule of beaution course detail i want to join. Plz send me as soon as possible
butician course fees n timing urgently
salai couras
Any course for teacher development
fashion designing course fees address
I wanna know about the recent schedule and fees of gym.
instructor course admission open
Member Member
Plz tell me grapic desing course fee detail nd starting days
I want to know about the makeup courses.
@170.Amber Naz: detailed plz
I need help . My father is a heart patient .please help me
kindly pls send cooking classes schedule.
I need help for house please help me