Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Postal CodesCity/Town/LocalityPostal CodeDelivery GPO Alizai26280Kohat GPOMap of AlizaiBanda Daud Shah26400Kohat GPOMap of Banda Daud ShahBilli Tang26110Kohat GPOMap of Billi TangDagar Nari26410Kohat GPOMap of Dagar NariDara Adam Khel26100Kohat GPOMap of Dara Adam KhelDoaba (Kohat)26240Kohat GPOMap of Doaba (Kohat)Ghundi Mir Khan27220Kohat GPOMap of Ghundi Mir KhanHabib Abadpaktive.com26060Kohat GPOMap of Habib AbadHangupaktive.com26190Kohat GPOMap of HanguHangu Police Training School26180Kohat GPOKahipaktive.com26220Kohat GPOMap of KahiKohatpaktive.com26000Kohat GPOMap of KohatKohat Board Of Education26064Kohat GPOKohat Cadet College26030Kohat GPOKohat Gunners Line26050Kohat GPOKohat JDMTMillspaktive.com26070Kohat GPOKohat Officers Training School26090Kohat GPOKohat PAF26080Kohat GPOKohat Police Recruit Training Centre26020Kohat GPOKohat Satellite Townpaktive.com26054Kohat GPOLachipaktive.com26360Kohat GPOMap of LachiNaryab26230Kohat GPOMap of NaryabNasrat Khel26160Kohat GPOMap of Nasrat KhelParachinarpaktive.com26300Kohat GPOMap of ParachinarRaisan26196Kohat GPOMap of RaisanSaddapaktive.com26290Kohat GPOMap of SaddaSarozai26250Kohat GPOMap of SarozaiSeni Gumbatpaktive.com26120Kohat GPOMap of Seni GumbatShakardarapaktive.com26380Kohat GPOMap of ShakardaraSher Kot26014Kohat GPOMap of Sher KotSurgulpaktive.com26350Kohat GPOMap of SurgulTeri26390Kohat GPOMap of TeriThull City26270Kohat GPOThull Fortpaktive.com26260Kohat GPOTogh Balapaktive.com26010Kohat GPOMap of Togh BalaTogh Sarai26200Kohat GPOMap of Togh SaraiUster Zai Payanpaktive.com26170Kohat GPOMap of Uster Zai PayanZargeri26210Kohat GPOMap of ZargeriAll Khyber Pakhtunkhwa GPOs |