PECHS College for Women, karachi
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Service Details

Name: PECHS College for Women Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Anwar Adil Road, Off Shahrah-e-Quaideen, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi Description: Tel: 021-4553737. aka PECHS Government Girls College Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Karachi Services (PECHS, Gulshan, Johar, Korangi, Shahrahe Faisal, Malir and nearby areas.)

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Discuss PECHS College for Women

Pages 123
89.Yasmeen Jamal says:3/5

iwant to take addmission in this collage next year ... so want percantage is required

90.Rumaisa says:3/5

i want 2 take addmision in diz college in B.A but i want 2 knw abt the admision process,PLZzzz tell me

91.Nimra says:3/5

I want 2 know at what % require here 4 B.A.? plz plz tell me

191kamran Pechas college matric 1st year 91
92.Zara says:3/5

i want to take admission in bsc...i want to know pechs colg is offering which subjects let me know...

93.Maham says:3/5

i want 2 know pechs clg is offering which subjects in B.S.C n what % require 4 B.S.C?i want 2 take admission in B.S.C zz tell me.

94.Sara says:3/5

hey...i want to know that if there is admission open for bsc and in PECHS college for grlzcomic

192kamran Shumaila Abbasi 2nd year pechs college matric college check college 94
95.Saba Muzaffar says:3/5

i want to know about the addmissions of BSC in PECHS COLLEGE!

96.Syrd Ghous Ali says:5/5

i m the student of ADAMJEE COLLEGE it's not good please tell mewhich collage is best for boys

97.Karim says:3/5


98.Bisma Ejaz says:3/5

i want to take admission in pechs in commerce anyone plx tell da reqd percentage???

99.Natasha Dar says:3/5

i wanna take admission in PECHS college, i had completed matriculation from Fazaia I/C tell me bout the admissions.. as soon as possible.

100.Asma says:3/5

i want to know that where is pechs clg...beoz my center has in this colg n i face alot of prblmszzzzz tell me

101.Ramsha says:3/5

wht is d percntag required 4 d admisn???

102.Jamil Ahmed says:3/5

Please provide the schedule for admission in FSc part-I ASAP. Thanks

103.Mano says:5/5

i wana to take admission in thx college i thnk itx bext 4 pre medical studentx :)

204osama contac num 103
104.Soghat Javed says:4/5

i want to take admission in P.e.chs c0lg can anyb0dy telL k fine arts sUbjct ha in dis c0lg? plx rPly faxt.. n cap f0rmx kb aenge?

105.Ramsha Minhaj says:3/5

i want to take admission in pechs college.when the admission starts ?

106.Ramsha Jamal says:3/5

I want to know the percentage require here for xi? please tell me soon i shall be cery thnakful to you........

203Kinza kazmi Yaa i wanT To knOw alsOo 106
107.Sareeba says:3/5

I heard some girl saying tht p.e.c.h.s college is nw semi-private.. i wanted to knw if its true?

108.Maliha says:3/5

i want to take addmission in this college zz anyone me when the college strart

109.Tehreem says:3/5

I want to take addmission in this college.Can you tell me the current percentage which u required for the adddmission

209eman for pre-medical it's closing number are739 Pre-engineering:701 Commerce:691 Humanity:659 109
110.Kishwar Mushtaq says:3/5

i want a number of this college as soon as ossible.....

111.Rubab says:5/5

can anyone tell me the least requirements of pechs pre engineering ?

112.Mehwish says:3/5

i wnt to knw dat when nd where will cap formx available ov dis clg???

113.Unsa says:3/5

at what percentege p.e.c.h.s close for pre -enggineering???

114.Javeria Gauhar Khan says:5/5

Hey!! actually I want to know that on which percentage P.E.C.H.S is going to close. I really want to take admission in this college. please do let me know on my given e-mail address.

115.Uroosa Fazal says:3/5

heay,,,,,,,, i want to know that on which percentage P.E.C.H.S college is going to close????? plz inform me on my given e-mail address.

116.Lovely says:4/5

what is requirement of percentage for commerce for 1 years

117.Saman says:4/5 nme iz saman nd i gt 81% in matrc nd i wnt 2 tke addmsn in dis clg plzzz lt me knw at whch % dis clg closes lst yr 4 medical plzz lt me knw on my gvn e.mail address.

118.Aneeqa Khan says:3/5

I want to take addmission in this college.Can you tell me the current percentage which u required for the admision in pre-medical..

119.Zaira Shafqat says:3/5

i want 2 take addmision in this college bt i dnt now how so plz tell me about this college

120.Mashal Ahfqat says:4/5

i want 2 take addmision in this college but how i dnt now plz tell me how i take addmision plzzzzz

121.Rida Masood Minhas says:3/5

i have got 75% in metric so can i take admission in this college in pre eng please tell methethe wholeprocess ofadmission in thi scollege iwill be waitting forans

122.Fizzah Qamar says:3/5

tell me required % for this year i wanna tak admssn

123.Tooba Shahid says:4/5


124.Hifza Ishtiaq says:5/5

Ihave got 81.06 percentage in Matric now I want to take Admission for pre Medical in PECHS Collage can I take Admission?

205Uroo farooqui i got the same plz tell me if you know about merit list ? 124
125.Raheel says:3/5

hi, how are you ? i am studying ACCA ( ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ) its a UK Professional chartered accountants , i m in final part 3,moreover , i have left one paper in CPA(USA), in addition i worked in multinational co as Assist Accountant, i am wondering if we could chat and become friend or closer relationship, if you think i m rude or dishonest , you can block me as well, if you dont mind can i chat with you, it will be honor for me , if you give a chance to show myself you will not regret your decision , really you will like my nature we are two brother n no sister. please dont mind and so sorry whether i make you upset . thanks

126.Mehak says:3/5

its a good college

127.Anonymous says:3/5

can any1 tell me abt the rules and regulations of this college?

128.Sidra Khan says:3/5

plz give me the information about percentage requried in b.s.c addmission

129.Khushi Islam says:3/5

hello I want to know if admissions are still open please let me know urgently i want to take apart of it please

130.Mariya says:4/5

i wanna to take admission in this colg :)

131.Rida Jahangir says:5/5

hye guys! i have got 90% in matric seems to be an excellent college:-) i've applied for this colloge insha A llah i will get admission n become a part of PECHS!!!AMEEN

132.Aisha Mazhar says:5/5

Hey guys!i have got 90% in matric,so soon i'll become a part of pechs

133.Anum Khan says:5/5

when will be the classes begin .. Awaiting for ur reply !

134.Atiqa Ibrahim says:3/5

please reply me that which % is required for take adm in bsc and when it will start plz give me answer

135.Samia says:3/5

i want to know that when will be the adm. of bsc startd? nd wtz da requirements

136.Ramal says:3/5

wht the closing ercentage of this college plz infrm me

137.Aysha says:3/5

when will the admission of bsc started?plz infrm me plz

138.Aysha says:4/5

when will the admission of bsc startedor last date of bsc?plz infrm me plz

139.Khadija Ahmed says:3/5

do tell me the percentage required for the admission of and how much is the fees for (admission,monthly) both? do tell me in my id

237Eman what is the required percentage for 1st year pre-medical?????? 139
140.Sidra Khalid says:3/5

tell me about least % for taking admission in b com. and when will admission started

141.Faiqa Farooqui says:3/5

i want to take admission in pechs college in bsc. which percentage will be required? and tell me admission procedure plzzzzzzz....

142.Erum Khan says:3/5

i want to have admission in pechx collage wanna knw about d requirement and details.. i have to take in 1st year got 85%

143.Tooba Siddiqui says:3/5

Please tell me when we get admission form? And what is the least percentage to get admission in pre-medical?

144.Tooba Shehzad says:5/5

I want admission in pechs college,wanna know about the requirement and details.How much is the fees for (admission,monthly) both? please do reply me as soon as possible

145.Hira says:3/5

i want to know abt the admission for first year?? plzz reply fast

146.Noor says:5/5

i wanted to knw the percentage requirments for 1st year pre medical and commerce,both....plzz replyy fast..

147.Sehrish Ahmedani says:4/5

i just wanna to know what percentage is reuired foh admission thx year in medical..???

148.Mahrukh Pasha says:3/5

i jst wanna no that at what % addmission will be held for 1st year medical?

149.Rafia Iqbal says:4/5

how much % is required to take admission in first year.. please cnfirm merit list..

150.Ayoshi Talib says:4/5

plz finalize the merit list . when wl the list for pre medical and pre engineering come . plz mention date

151.Saba Khan says:3/5

i wanna know wat percentage is required in arts for admission in diz collage?.....ive to take admission in 1st year in arts plz do tell me soon!

152.Wardh says:3/5

What is the deadline fr pre medical students this year

153.Ayesha says:3/5

sir,i want to take admission in this college.kindly tell me what is the requirement of the percentage here for the pre-medical ?

154.Ayesha says:3/5

sir,i want to take admission in this college.kindly tell me what is the requirement of the percentage here for the pre-medical and also other details ?

194Usama Chudhary 154
155.Lala Rukh says:3/5

what % is required for premedical ? are forms available ? and what is the last date for forms?

156.Sara says:3/5

what percentage is required for addmission in your college??

157.Kinza says:3/5

i want to knw the code of this college ?

158.Rijab says:3/5

i wanna knw what percentage is required for gettng addmisiion in comerce i got 58.45 % in fsc now i want to take admisiion in b .com can i get admission ?

159.Rahmeen says:3/5

what about books?? main college ? plz answer me fast i have no time.. thank you!

160.Muskan Awan says:3/5

@6 arts admission available .1.Urooj:

161.Sundas Saleem says:3/5

hy guys...plz can u tell me what is the minimum percentage i have to secure in matric to get admissions in the medical field of PECHS college?

162.Misbah says:3/5

Bsc acmission main inform Plzz

163.Anisha says:3/5

Plz infoam me about P.E.C.H.S collage sports.

262Qamar good colloge 163
164.Izma Khan says:3/5

which is the least percentage required for admission in this college ? how is the environment there ?

165.Faiza Pervaiz says:3/5

i want to teach psychology subject at your college.. plz tell me about details or any information for this. I'll be very thankful to you

166.Uzma says:3/5

I want to take admission in inter.kindly send me groups of subjects for F.A humanities

167.Sonia Waseem says:4/5

i want to ask a question matric paprs july result % per engineering or pre medical addmision ans me its really imp for me i wish i could get admission in thiss college waiting for ur ans

168.Shareeta says:4/5

What percentage required in this college. What's the advantage of this college.

169.Batool says:3/5

requirment percentage in huminities

170.Xunair says:3/5

@70.Mehak Sohail: kindly contact on

171.Samia Iqbal says:5/5

I want to get admission in pechs college

172.Maria Shahid says:3/5

I want to know about the percentage about pre medicalwhich percentage require in 1st year pre medical

173.Aayat Fatima says:3/5

i want 2 get addmssion at pechs college tell me wht % required to get addmission?And when the addmission open and how can i take addmission

174.Rida Iqbal says:5/5

What percentage is require for pechs college in premedical

266Maryam I want to take admission in many percent is required for this? My percentage is 76 .can i take admission? 174
175.Sitara Malik says:3/5

I wnt to take admission in thx college so plzzzz tell me the admission process and closing percentage plzzzz

176.Iqra Tauseef says:3/5

my percntge is 81 in matric plzzz reply mee about my admission may i elgble 4 admisson

177.Rida Iqbal says:5/5

What is the requirement % for for this college?

178.Neha Fatima says:3/5

I want to take admission in your college for FA part 1, so kindly tell me the process of admission.

179.Javeria says:3/5

i got 72 % in matric and i wanna admission in this college

180.Iqra says:5/5

tell me what is the minimum percentage i have to secure in matric to get admissions in the medical field of PECHS college?

181.Dr Aftab Ansari says:1/5

My daughter got 680 (SCIENCE) & desired to take admission into college for pre-med. Can she get admission in prestigious collage. Regards Aftab Ansari 0

182.Elsa says:3/5

I got 80 % A-1 grade in matric, tell me what % is required to get admission for pre-medical?

183.Duaa Shahid says:3/5

I got 81.18 % in s.s.c part II . I want to get admission in this college zzzz tell me the closing of pechs

184.Asifa Nasir says:3/5

tell me which % req for bsc and tell me admission date of bsc rep me fast

185.Asifa Nasir says:3/5

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me fast

186.Asifa Nasir says:3/5

reply plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

187.Asifa Nasir says:3/5

reply hope

188.Asifa Nasir says:3/5

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply hope but reply this is v wrng to much:(:(:(:(

Pages 123
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