![]() Service DetailsName: PECHS College for Women Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Anwar Adil Road, Off Shahrah-e-Quaideen, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi Description: Tel: 021-4553737. aka PECHS Government Girls College Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Karachi Services (PECHS, Gulshan, Johar, Korangi, Shahrahe Faisal, Malir and nearby areas.) |
Discuss PECHS College for Women
Pages 123Admissions
i want to take admission in this college but i want to know about the environment of this college
i'll get admition in st.joseph https://www.paktive.com/St-Josephs-College-for-Women_33SB03.html and fill cap form i want to take admition in pechs..... n i want 2 know that which 1 is bst st.joseph's or pechs..... i m very confused about that
i want to take admission in this college but i want to know about the admission proces.
i wana know wen r da results gonna cum of da cap form cuz ma 1st preferance iz dis pechs college
wen will the results 4 cap wil be published?????? give them soon.............
i want know that which college is best for commerce pechs or government college of commerce and economics https://www.paktive.com/Govt-College-of-Commerce-and-Economics_48SB03.html im confused about it and wnt to know about the enviorment of pechs..........
i want to claim from aisha bawani college https://www.paktive.com/Aisha-Bawany-School_180SB03.html to pechs but i have loosd my placement form slip which i got from bank now what i do? i should have to take addmition in pechs college guide me please i am very complexite due to this confusion.
now that the cap result has been finally been announced(THANK GOD),i would like to know about the admission process GUIDANCE NEEDED!!!!!
please let me know when will the result be announced as i have taken pre engineering
find result
What is the name of Present and previous Principal of College. Please ley me know. It is urgent. Thanks.
i dont know
i want 2 take addmision in diz college but i want 2 knw abt the admision process,i hve taken B.A HONORS
#8..u cnt tak admsn in pechs bcoz itz girlz colg heheheh
Iwant to take admission in this college and want to know about admission process I am a student of saleem nawaz fazaia college https://www.paktive.com/PAF-College_2788WB03.html , Masroor Karachi
i have got good percentage in SSC 1 result last year
Hello anybody will tell me about how to get an admission in PECHS college and when admission going to open plz i'm looking forward for this thanks.
I wana take admission in this college in B.com and i want to know about required percentage for b.com
I am in ADAMJEE COLLEGE https://www.paktive.com/Lady-Mariam-Adamjee-College-for-Women_1167EB03.html but its not good as I thougt, can any one tell me which college is best I want to see that college and try some fun there.
i wanna get addmission in PECHS girls college and as per this i want some informations about college and the addmission ! thank you!
Im an olevel student and want to konw whether Ill be given admission in pechs or not cuz Ive heard that there are less chances 4 olevel student to make 4 pechs and do tel me terms and conditions 4 the admission process.
i want ro take the admission in st.joseph and some information for the sindh board
i wanna take admision here..bt frst i want to know wat prcntage is required here?n wat about admission fees?
i wanna take admission in this college kindly tell me the % required and i'll be thankful if u give me the prospectus of this college. its urgent....
i want to know which one of the colleges is best pechs or bahria https://www.paktive.com/Bahria-College_79WB03.html ? i have to take admissions
do private colleges have same value as govt colleges what about bahria is it a good college
at what percentage p.e.c.h.s closes for pre-engineering?
I want to take admission in p.e.c.h.s college but i want to know that at what percentage it closed for pre-engineering last year?
i wanna know what are the requirements for taking admissions in pechs college...lyk the minimum perentage...etc etc... let me know .. i m new in pakistan...doesnt know anything over here...
when r the admissions starting and what percentage is required .....??
what is the admission process and when is the last date of admission?please inform as i want to take admission in first year commerce group.and please tell the closing percentage of commerce group. thank you
what are the terms and condition to get admission in pechs..i mean the requiremnts..nd whats the percentage required for admmission in pre engineering..ty..
what is the least req fr gettin admission in pechs in pre-eng.. plz lt me know....
i have passed my matric exam with 82% and i want to take admission in college pls. inform me about the admission procedure. thanks
plz tell me least percentag to take admission b/c i,have got 71.41percentage and i want to take admission in this college plz reply me as fast as u can plzzzzzz........
i wanna take admission in this collegei want to know at what percentage require here for commerce i got 80% a_one grade. so can i?? please reply me as soon as possible
iwant to know last submission date of cap form,and whats minimum percentage required for the admission?
ive got 84.47% & i really wanna take admission in this college for pre-engineering. let me know can i take admission in this percentage? do tell me soon..
assalam i want to know tht is this college is good environment wise
i have got da form of st.joseph but i have heard dat pechs iz good and its a position holder college but i thnk st.joseph iz better plz give me ur opinions which 1 iz better
i jst wanna know o-level students if want 2 switch 2 intrmediate colleges den wat is d procedure 4 filling in d forms and den admission????
Is this is a govt. college also i wana knw whats the percentage required to get an admission. ?
plz tell me least percentage to take admission in this colledge bcoz i,have got 73.52 percentage and i want to take admission in this colledge plz rply me fast as you can plz its so imprtant for me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
ARe u all talking about addmission of two thousand and ten???? i have also chosen pechs it is government and the best college so far....!!! =>
i want to know when the admissions for B.A for TWO THOUSAND AND TEN wil start in pechs college?
I have 90% in metriculation, am i eligible to be the part of PECHS ? my first preferance is PECHS. my faculty is pre-medical.
At bareera adms wil b opes in the end of dec or starting of jan..
i want to knw at what % require here 4 B.A??? plz tell meee
i want 2 knw at what percentage require here 4 B.A?? plz tell me??
i have got admission in this college, now information is needed related to college admission..!
when is the classes starting of 1st year pre-medical
i wana kno bot admmission policy guyx....!!!!i ve jsk taken d form plx do temme so0o0n dat wheh n where 2 submit d forms ??
plx temme abt d procesure ov admission
When will the cap result will publisher. It will be published or not. Reply me soon I will waiting for your reply me soon
Iwant to askwhat is the admission fees of b.com part 1??? And what are the monthly charges for the session of b.com part 1???
plz dont take adm in pechs bc the colg is useless.i dont know y itz considered as the top colg of khi....
i wana tate addmission in dix college in commerce or maybe home economicx so wat ix da % required foh it in matric help meh soon wana hear frm u?
which collages ok karachi offers masters program?
wat is the percentage requirement in your collegeRE
who says it is useless to take adm here maham dats ur misundrstanding dear.. i used 2 be da student of it..
i wanna take admission in this college so i want to know the prosses to take admission in B.COM.like last date of admission,fees etc
i just love ma colg pechs rocks............
If you want to get admission in U.K, USA, Australia, Canada @ Malaysia then please contact me. bilal
Salaam Everyone, Dear all I would like ask one simple question I am out of pakistan & i want to have an admission in BA, so kindly let me what is last date of admission & examination in (PECHS College for Women. If who knows. thx..
wat percentagewill i got in matric exam plz tell me bcuz i take admition in collage for medical field... plz plz tell me for your suggestion
i tak admition in collage for medical field tell me about your fee nd information pz tell me nd wat percentage in matric u give my admition
i want to know that what is the closing percentage of PECHs for medical
i want to take admission in this college.kindly tell me what is the requirement of the percentage here for the pre-medical ?explain the atmosphere and rules as well? and also tell me which one is best out of P.E.C.H.S and ST.JOSEPH,thanks.
i want to take admission in pechs college so tell me what is the requirment of percentage and from where i get the forms
i want to take admission in PECHS college, so kindly tell me all the requirements percentage and everything and from where i get the admission form.
i want to know that what is the closing percentage of PECHs for medical
i want to know that what is the closing percentage of PECHS COLLEGE for Pre-Engeering.
I want to know how it's environment is?and how tough is the study schedule here?
i want to take admission and want to know the criteria as well.
i want 2 know that what is the closing percntage of pechs for medicle
i wanna take admission in this collage. i want 2 know that what is the closing percentage of pechs 4 medical?i got 85.52% in matric
i wantto take admission in this college hmm for pre engineering 1st yearso kindly tell me the requirements % and everything from when and where i get the admission form
i hve got 88% in matric i want to take admission in ths colg so may i
i want 2 know that what is the closing % of this college 4 medical !! i would like 2 be the part of this college !!!
i wnt to take admission in thx college so plzzzz tell me the admission process and closing percentage plzzzz
I got 80% in matric A-one grade I want to get admission in this college in pre-engineering tell me the least % to get in... Thanks
i g0t 79 % in matric and i am intrested to tale admission in this college ,, tell me the least % to get in
I have got 87.4 percent in matric and i want to take admission in pechs in pre-medical faculty .Is this percentage is enough for admission?
Iwant to take admission in p.e.c.h.s college for b.a plz tell me wat r the requirments?
when are 1st year pre medical classes starting???
i want to take admission in ths college for B.Sc.... so wanna know abt the admission process...`
i want to take admission in pechs.i got 65% inter commerce.kindly tell me what is the requirements of b.com admission?when b.com admission will be start?kindly tell me.