![]() Service DetailsName: Quaid-e-Azam University Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: 3rd Avenue, University Road, Nurpur Shahan, Islamabad Description: Main Campus Added on Paktive by: Lubna M From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Quaid-e-Azam University
Pages 123456789sir,i want to know about undergraduate programme in quaid-e-azam ,specially BS in Bio Technology and Bio Informatics
sir,i want to know about undergraduate programme in university, specially BS in Bio technology and Bio Informatics.
sir,aslam-o-alaikum i have done my bsc now i want to do msc in physics from quid-e-azam university so please tell me the admission criteria and from which books i should study for entry test?
sir can you kindly tell me what do you mean by second class for admission in MBA.what it is equialent in gpa out of total 4.plz also tell me what are the admission shedules for MBA(fall/spring)
would you like to tell me the fee structer of msc zoology &chemistry
sir, i want to know abbout scholarships for gilgit baltistsn in universty plz plz tell me
sir i want to know about the adm in Msc physic nd also the procesure nd requirements 4r adm.test be taken as whole or only in physic subject.
AOA.sir plz tell abt admissions 4 pharmacy Mphil
hi sir assla o alaikum,acctually i wona to apply for bba programe in quaid e azam university islamabad.so in a way,could you tell me entrance procedure for bba.therefore, i shall be remain thankful for this act of kindness and anticipation.
sir i am a simple b.a having SECONND div marks. sir can i apply for MA ENGLISH as private student and what are admission dates for m.a english
sir kindly tell me can diploma holders apply for engineering in feb next year thx
I am MBA (Finance) degree Holder,Now i want to take admission in M Phil in this feild in Qauid e Azam University. Now when the admission will be started and what will be the procedure and fee information.
Asalam-o-alaikum, sir i have done b.com. now i want to take admission in MBA at QAU.please tel me the procedure for admission and merit. what will be the last date for the submission of forms. also send the sample papers.i shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness.
AOA i am habib from GWA. i want to now that when admissions start in winter session in Quaid-e-Azam University. your co-operation will be a nice asset for me......
assalamo alaikum.i m doing m.phill n education from city university peshawar and i want to get admission in phd in qau.kindly tell me the eligibility criteria for admission. further tell me how many hec approved scholors do u have? thanks
Assalamuualikum sir em doing BBA hons so i want to leave hons nd get degree of BBA (it) pls tell me can i take addmission in MBA after after BBA (it) co-operation will be a nice asset 4me.........................
plz. let me know the reserved seats of baluchista quota remained vacant fall admission. thanks
plz sir..tell me how many seats r vacant for interior Sindh for MBA, in spring semester
plz sir tell me how i can get propectus in hyderabad sindh
sir pls tell me the last date of BBA admission.
salam.plz guide me in taking admission in this uni.i hav done bba honr now i want 2 do ms
DEAR SIR, I want to get admission in BSC(hon)MECHANICAL.please tell me the last date of admission form.
sir /please tell how many mcQ are there in bba test in what subjects?
salam Sir, tell me procedure of BBA Entry test i mean from which subjects and how it would be compile.And total score of test....Thanks
salam to all my young brothers who are interested in bba listen i am a student of bba of 4th year in nust but now i know there is no scope of bba and i am waisted my time and money of my parents please you don;t do this b'com is more better than bba'
Dear Sir I want to apply for P.hd in Business administration kindly reply the whole procedure, Best Regards.
respected sir, assalamoalikum i done (BS IN MATHEMATICS)so please tell me about the mph-ill program in mathematics.i want to get admission in mph-ill(mathematics) please tell me date of admission form.and how can i get prospectus in Hyderabad.
I wish to join QAU but don't know the process.....plz plz plz help me n tell me the whole procedure.. kind regards..akhtawar from larkana sindh...
salaam Sir, Im bcom student n want 2get admission in QAU,kindly tell me the merit 4Msc Economics n Msc Stats n also the whole procedure 2apply n 4rm vere i can stdy 4entry test n date of admission.. Thanks
AOA: my message to all student: don,t waste the time and read with heart. thanks
I want to get admission in MBA....... plz tell when the admission will start for MBA.
sir please send me the admission form of BBA your website is busy and i am not able to open or if any one have the form of BBA of quaid i azam university Islamabad on my email [email protected]
i have passed bcom with thousand fourty nine marks and i want to know that are my marks sufficient to take admission in mba? and when the admission will start for mba?
a.o.a sir i wanna ask dat can i apply 4 masters in journalism at qau as i hv recently passes my b.com 4m pcc..AM I ELIGIBLE OR NOT?????
Salam Sir BBA'S entry test would be compile from which subject and how it would be compile???
sir i wnt to knw abut admissin date & timing of mba classes....
plz tell me about masss communication
please sir tell about the admission creteria of m phill Programm in QAU, especially in mathematics.
asslamoalykum sir i have done bcom iwant to take admission quad e azam uni in mba. plzzzzzzz sir tell me that how can i apply admission in mba?
sallam sir how can i apply for admission in mba at quaid e azam university? i have done b com.
Sir,I have completed BSc plz tell me the Date of admission for Msc programe in physics. plz reply soon.
I am an ACMA and want to do MS/M-phil finance. Please let me know whether Quaid-e-Azam university offer this course? if yes, what is the admission criteria? thanks.
dear sir i would like to inquire about the expected admission date of m.phil in economics.
SIR,i am in b.com 2nd year i want to knoa about test n fee structure for mba ,i want da guideline which u can do pls..............
sir,pls tel me about test n fee strucure for mba.
tell me about the admissiom date
asalamon alakum. sir i passed fsc with 57%. ca n i take admision in bs chemistry.
aoa sir,pls tel me about test n fee strucure for mba
aoa sir,pls tel me about test and fee strucure for mba.
when admissions will reopened of january session???
please tell me the admission date
i hav done bba honrs.sir plz tell me fees for MBA in Quid_i_Azam University.More, how many semesters for MBA and for how long.
sir i have done my f.sc and want admission in quaid-e-azam university please tell me the next admission date
i have done Bsc and want to take addmission in Quaid e Azam University Islamabad. so Please give me the confirm date of addmission opening in Msc and also addmission criteria. Thanks
sir plz inform me abt MBA fee structure and date schedules,i ll be much oblige
salam sir, i hope u will be fin. i m a student of BBA 6th semester at IMS(KUST), KOHAT. i want to gain about the M.S program in managment science. plz inform me. i shall be very thankful.
assalam-o-alaikum sir i have completed my msc.chemistry.kindly informed me about the admission of m.phil in chemistry.n plz tell me the previous merit for m.phil
salam..i,ve done fsc pre medical..i wanna hve info abt any shortcourse that u r offerng for undergraduates..
salam sir, i wana get admession in BA plz information me.
hi sir I have completed my intermediate and i want get admission in BBA in quid-e-azam university.
slam i want to know is there available cleses of cs and when did open the the admission of cs
hi plz tell me from where should i prepare quaid s university mba test plz tell me immediately i am worried about it becoz i have heard that it is very difficult
i want to take addmision in bcs or bs but i have little problem for these cources . i want to take addmision in bcs or bs in evening timings . my timing start for these are six or five pm . please tell me about these i am very thank full to you
asslam-e-alkum,sir i want to know that is there any department of l.l.b.becoz i want to get admission in l.l.b.
sir i m the student of b.com 1 and i want to take admission in b.com 2 in islamia university islamabad can i take admission in b.com 2
assalam o alaikum, sir iwant to know about addmisions of MPhil physics, plz inform me.
sir would u like to inform me when the admission will be open in mphill physics.
is quaid-e-azam university doing ms(hons)physics? plz inform me i want to get admission next year . plz
Aslam Alikum sir i would like to take admission for MBA in QUAID AZAM UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMABAD. And Sir i would like to disclose some important regarding my qualification that i have done private B.com from SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY SINDH, Sir but there is creating one confusion for me that i do not know, What should i do for get admission in MBA, And my Wel wisher what kind of books i will have to referred for the perpetration. Plz sir for god sake kindly inform me about it by the agency of email. thanks............
AOA dear sir i want to take addmission in MBA what is the merit for b.com(2years prog) plz inform me soon?
Iwant to get admissiion in M.Phil plant sciences.plz tell me fee structure and date of admission. Thanks
i want to take admission in MSc chemistry. i have got 76% marks in bsc. i have domicile of ajk. plz tell what are possibility that i will get admission in qau. and tell how does entry test is important in calculating merit.
hi sir this is kamran zafar. I did my b.com last year. i want to have adminssion in MBA in coming semester. so please inform me about the admissions startind date. thanks
sir how are you i am the studing of inter class in sukker i want to get the admission in mba in qua ok in merit
Aslaam-0-Alokum. i've completed my B.com now i want to Apply in Q.A.U i want to know the fee structer & also last date of submission of form. plz guide me.
sallam sir how can i apply for admission in mba at quaid e azam university? i have done bba 2year.and last date of submition form and sir tell me how i can get propectus in hyderabad sindh
plz sir..tell me how many seats r vacant for interior Sindh for MBA, in spring semester
aslam-o-alaikum respected sir how are you.sir i have done bachalos and my result is also good now i want to get admision in QUAID-E-AZAM university.sir plz give me ful information about admision also about seats, merit,fee structute and eligibilty thnx.
aslam-o-alaikum respected sir.how are you.ihave done bachelos and now i want to get admision in QUAID-E-AZAM university.sir plz kindly give information about admisions and also about eligiblty,merit,seats fee structure and last date for admisions thnx.
aslam o alikum sir ,sir i passed bsc with 58prcent marks from bzu uni now i want admition in msc chemistry plz sir tell me the rules fo applyng nd where i got the admition forms. . plz sir tell mee soon. .
slam sir. .i have done my bsc with 58 prcent marks from bzu uni.plz tell me the information about msc chemistry in quaid uni.plz reply soon.
aslam o alikum sir,plz tell me full informatiom about C.A. education after B.com in how duration complete merit ,fee ,rules ,seats,structure thanks.
sir i have passed my b.sc from karachi university,with maths. can i take admisssion in quid azam university in M.sc? plz send me answer in E MAIL
wana to know the admission schedual for msc "two thousand ten[fall semester]"if anybody have any information do tell me ples.
salam: sir i have passed my bs from iub in computer science. plz tell me the last date of new admission and also cgpa information on my e mail address...
sir i want to gat admition on Mph public hailth so plz tall me what the requrmnt & when there admitn r stat & i have done Bsc biological Sc.
Dear sir, plz tell the date of addmison in MBA . and what is the merit for BBa two year. and fee structure for MBA. i shall be very thank full for you...
Slaam 2 all staff members! Sir plz send me the new dates & all Schedules to get admission in MBA in HRD as well as IT & Finance... thanx a lot
Assalam-u-alaikum, sir I have passed my BS in computer science and now I want to take admission in Quaid e Azam university for MBA, plz tell me the procedure of adimission and also tell me about last date.
salam , sir i have done my BA . and i want to get addmision in Qau. plz inform me about date of new admisn nd procedure in Email . thanx
Haq Mojood......................... I have completed B.Com and i would like to do MBA in QAU so plz can u send me tha previous MBA entry tests i mean previous question paper of MBA entry test.......PLZ sir. i know thats not your work but sir plz help the needy, i will be thankfull for you........
Dear sir I have comleted mu Inter in maths chemestry,i want to admission in BBA Plz intimate me the date of admission
i want the informatoin about Msc psychology n what r ther futher tpes u guyz hav offrd in msc psychology like if there is applid r clinical r child nn also tell me about the admision date
hello!sir i want to get the information about admissions in ms program in management sciences. thanks
plz sir,tell me about the merit and fee structure for admission in msc chem, zoology, biochem. microbiology and psycology
A-O-A. Sir i wanted to know about the B.Sc engg in ur university.
hi sir I have completed my intermediate and i want get admission in bs microbiology in quid-e-azam university. and i an allready student in uol and iwant migration.
Iwant to get admissiion in M.Phil Human Resource Management.plz tell me fee structure and date of admission.