![]() Service DetailsName: Quaid-e-Azam University Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: 3rd Avenue, University Road, Nurpur Shahan, Islamabad Description: Main Campus Added on Paktive by: Lubna M From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss Quaid-e-Azam University
Pages 123456789salam, sir plz tell me abt M.S in computer science n also fee structure. thanx
aoa.sir i want 2 tak admsn n qau pls any 1 can tel me abut the next smstr. when wil form start 4r next smstr.thnks
aoa pls sir tel me when form for fall smstr started
sir plz tell date of addmition in MBA and MSC ECONOMICS
i am doing m phil in anatomy from quaid azam university .i want to known about rules for examination and datesheet submission for part one examination.when i am suppose to apper in exam ,within one year or after one year of registration date ?what is the time period before examination when the datesheet should be sent to university?
i joind the qaid e azam univercity
Asalam-alikom sir pliz tel me about the marit of Mcs(computer) pliz also infom me from fee structer. thanks
Assalam-o-alaikum sir! Plz tell me what are the requirments of getting admission in BBA and when the admissions are open for that. Thanks
i have done I.com.i want to do mass com and wanna knw admission criteria and when the admissions are open for that.
Asalam-o-Alaikum Sir, I have done Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science & Now Iam willing for getting Admission in MSc/MCs Computer Science, Sir Please Tell me when the admissions will be opened.
Assalam-o-alaikum sor!i havedone BSC nd nw i want to do masters so i want to no the requirements for admission nd fee structure nd adte for the admissions plzzz
sir plz tell me about the bachalar degree program . and last date of admision
Salam! Sir woul you like to tell me about the complete fee structure of Msc Programme in International Relations.
Aoa. Please inform me regarding private M.A in Psychology from QAU.
Sir i want to do MBA from Quaid-e-Azam university. how do i prepare for the entry test.
sir i want to do msc in Quaid-E-Azam university tell about entry testt sudule
SIR i hope u r fine.i recentlu done y B.A in English Literature and Political science in 2nd division.Now i want to take admission in MAB.would u plz tell me that may i am eligible to take admission in MBA and wht was the date of entery test. thanks ur regards sardar hammad gul
this is the ideal university when you intered in this university it means you are so lucky .so keep in mind
Sir,i completed my Bsc in last year.Now i want to take adm in Msc maths from ur university this year.sir please tell me the procedure of take adm in this university.
Respected sir: I want admission in MBA HRM, plz inform me the dates of admissions, I have completed my Bachelors in Commerce. Thanx
AOA Sir please tell me when the admission os Ms HRM will be startd in Quaid e azam Uni
sir i want to know about MBA merit and its totally expenditures please sir replay me as soon as possible
AoA. Sir i want to animal physiology m.phil notes for prepare admition test.
ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM:DEAR SIR;i want to know about MBA merit and its total expenditures of regular and self finance basis please sirreply me as soon as possible i will be thank ful to u
I myself is Islamian. but like Q.A.U alot now i am in M.Sc botany at islamia college university peshawar but i want to do M.Phill from Q.A.U inshallah in future i will be the student of Q.A.U
hi sir you please send date of m b a admission open prospectus issue
AoA! i want to konw the criterion for the admission in Biochemistry, for evening classes.furthermore when the admission will be opened? Thanks and rgards, rabail
Sir please tell the admission creteria in MS in ZOOLOGY. Also the test sample papers for MS in ZOOLOGY. THANKS.
sir i m a B.sc student.i have got second division from punja university .and i want to admission in Geo physics only in self finance. plz tell me abuot approximately amount iff i got admission plz sir
Sir i want to take admission in BSc Eng plz tell me last date and fields of Eng.Thanku
Dear sir kindly tell me when admission will open for BBA. and plz also tell me the fee structure and eligibility criteria...
AOA sir! can you guide me how i can get admition in Ms psychology in Q.A.U after comlete my honor degree? recently i am doing Bsc honor in psychology,six smester with 2.94 CGPA.
i wana knw bou admision criteria 4 mba n bou hostal charges...tnx
sir guide me how i can get admission in MBA finance and what is the fee structure in this regard. regards
Dear Sir!I am student of B.Com part2.I have got first division in punjab university and I am hopeful to take first division in part2.I want to know ur university marit for MBA and M.Com.please reply me as soon as possible,i will be very thankful to u.
Dear Guys, it is requested that please mentioin (include) your current email id with the passage .
sir i have passes m.sc mathematics from the university of the punjab now i m interested to do m.phill from quaid-e-azam university.pls sir tell me the whole criteria and about test fo m.phill as well as fee, i will be very thankful to u
Assalam_o_Alaikom sir i want to know about the admissions in Quaid_e_azam university and also about tha test dates and also tell me where the forms are available bcoz i wanna take admission for BBA and also tell me about the test dates and also tell how much marks are required for BBA with test.
SALAM SIR. piz tel me the admision criteria in MCS ND AISO DUES. I SHALL B VERY THANK FUL TO U.
sir i have done b.sc (hons) in economics plus m.sc(one year) in economics equivalent to 17 years of education regularly,semester wise. Therefore, i want to know about M.phil admissions in economics. In my case what would be qaide e azam univesity criteria about admission in M.phil, that i did complete successfully bsc honors=132 credit hours+M.sc(one year)=36 credit hours+i am having nts gat general card? Sir our university of peshawar isnot offering us m.s. research of minimum 6 to maxi 09 credit hours. so if i want to do m.s. research over there then what would be criteria for me in your university? because i have completed m.sc(one year) course work and the subjects read are same to same as mentioned in M.S revised curricula of HEC2006
Asalam o ALaikum.......... sir please tell me the last date of admission in MBA.
Assalam_o_Alaikom sir i want to know about the BS Engineering(Electrical And Mechanical Engineering) admissions in Quaid_e_azam university and also about tha test dates also tell me where the forms are available bcoz i want take admission in BS Electrical Engineering and i am waiting for F.Sc(part 2) result
i have just completed my Ms in Grnder studies from pu. Now i want to do M.Phil in it so plese tell me the criteria for this and i,ll be greatfull if u pass it on my e.mail as sometime this web site not opened by me. thanks Regards, Bushra Sheerazi
i have done just my F.SC,and now i want to take admission in BS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING please sir inform me about the form issuing date
aoa i have done i.com.and now i wana take addmission in this uni so plz tell me about the date of addmlssion in bba and bs.
hy 8s me omer......... did bba hons from uni of peshawer........ wana know about executive mba
hello sir, i want to know the date of issuing form for fall semester?? i have done bba 2 year programme so am i illigible for mba ???????????
Sir i am from Quetta and have given my b.com final papers and now i want to take admission in your university can you please tell me the meriot for taking admission also tell me the per semister cost of MBA Finance group. one last thing that i had recieved a supply in b.com final and had given my paper but i had recieved 56% marks except that supply paper. so kindly tell me can i apply for MBA in this semister if yes then tell me the criteria? waiting for you reply. thanks .
hi i wana do some short computers courses and i wana do it by the best uni.plz send me informations about al da courses and fee tl me when vl dy starts plz kindly send me.i m desperete to take admission.thankyou
Yes Sana you are right. Believe you me this is the only country and Turkey where Pakistanis are regarded as good friends and you can see from the general public when they meet you. You know where well what happens with Pakistani students in other countries. Secondly, of course you are right that you can get information about the culture from so many resources but I was talking to those who want to come to China for higher education. May be you will not need but there are so many brothers and sisters who need informations. Anyway I like your answer. Hehehe May Allah bless you and give you the power of enlightenment.(Amin).
sir i want to take admision in MSC statistics plz tell me from which book should i prepare for the entry test i will wait for your reply
sir! I want to get admission in MBA so plz tell me when the admission will be started? and from which book i have to make preparation for entry test? and sir plz tell me timing of classes?
Aslam_o_alikum sir i want to get admission in M.A english Or zology plz tell when admission strted and which book should i prepare to entry test
sir please i want to get admission in MPil in botany can u guide me that if spring semister has started when are next admissions starting.
sir is QAU Ibd have department of MSc Mass Communication.I want to take admission in this department of QAU Ibd bcz i done my bachlor in journalism.
what is the eligibility if anyone wants to do m.s in american studies from q.a.u?
is there BBA in ur universty if it is then when will be held entery test
AOA,Sir kindly tell me complete fee structure and the last date of admision in MBA at QAU,thanx
Assalamoalaikum,sir please tell me the fee structure and admission date of MBA program,thanx
salam sir i want to do MA in ENGLISH privately. kindly what will be da procedure?
sir,i want to know about admission of biochemistry and admission date
sir plz tell me the fee structure and admission date and procedure of MBA and MA economics
hello sir im a student of LLB final year in a pvt college gujrat i had to leave my degree due some personal reasons have passed part 1 and part 2 exames in 50% marks ...would i b admitted at ur institute as a student of part 3rd?
salam,sir when will be admission start in master
sir i m completing my thesis of botany of MS in august..plz inform me about ur phd program and admission date...
i shall be very thankful if you give me information about MS(Finance) in Quaideazam university.
sir plz tell is there bba in ur university if it is plz tell what is the last date of registration
sir i want to get admission in MBA.kindly inform me when admission is open.thanks
Sir i want to get admission Electrical Engineering
sir i hve recently completed my BBA plz tell me when vl b admission open for MBA
sir i have recently done b.com successfuly from university of sindh and now i wish to get admission in quaid-e-azam university for MBA. kindly make me aware about its entry test so i could be appeared in this test
hello Sir, iwanna know the procedure of applying in this uni, mean How I can aaply in this uni although Im in Karach(Sindh).. IS thier online admission process...
sir,Iam a student of commerce,B.S.COM I want to admission in ur univ, so plz tell me about cource, which auther of book i can use,plz reply me, me waiting, PLZ CONTACT ME.
sir I want to MBA in this univ,so plz tell me aout admission and also which books i can refer. plz reply me,me waiting
sir tel me about MBA fee structure and date of admission.thanks
Salam sir how are you and how is everything with you.sir i am taking admission in quaid e azam university islamabad.please sir give complete information about test,result,fees structure,admission etc.thank you.
Sir please tell me last date for the admission of Msc biochemistry Respected sir please send all requirments which will b need for admission. Thanks.
respected sir please send me the informations and last date of submitting admission for for MSC in bio,chemistry, Thanks
sir i wana tke admission mastr of zoology plztel me about the admission date
sir i want get admission in m zoology plz infrom me the date of admission
A.o.A! i am waiting for my B.A result. I want to do private MBA 4rm QUA plz guide me in this senerio. thanx
Sir, With respect I beg to know about the Admission date of BBA Urgently. Thanx
sir plz tell me when is the admissions for mphil in hrm will b opened i have done mpa with 3.16 cgpa and want to do mphil in quaid e azam university
Sir I have got B.A and Post Graduate in Computer Science so Sir am I eligible for the addmissions in MSc Computer Science, and also sir tell me fees structure of computer Science program on regular and self finance basis.
Sir ,I want to take informaton about admission date of BBA.
sir plz tell me that result waited can apply for admission in mba. i am waiting for my result of b.com
i want to get information of msc physics admission
Sir.i want to get admission in law plz send me details about law.thnx
sir' i m b.com student.i want to know about admissions dates and schedules?plz reply
Sir, i m a student of F.Sc. I want to know about admissions in Engineering in Quaid-e-Azam University in coming Spring semester. plz reply. Regards
sir i have given the exam of B.com,NOW I want to take admission in MBA,plz sir can you tell me the last date of application? plz sir
sir i recently given the exams of b.com final year.i want to know the fee schedule for m.b.a and requirements for admission and online admission procedure.and last year merit for m.b.a
i want to know last year merit for m.b.a and fees achedule and requirement for m.b.a admission.thanks
AOA i just completed my B.Com(Hons)/M.Com from University Of The Punjab, Hailey College of Commerce Lahore. I want to do Mphil from Quid-e-Azam University Islamabad in any of the below mentioned Program. Can you please provide me the relevant information. Quid-e-azam uni offer Mphil in these below mentioned Programs or not??? If Yes then what is the criteria to get admission their?? What %age is required in B.com to apply for Mphil? Duration of the program?? Waiting for your prompt reply. 1)HRM 2)Operational Management 3)Project Management 4)Supply Chain Management 5)MPA Regards, Zuhair Syed
sir, i want to get admission in BS(cs).when admission open?
sir i,m giving the exames of B.Com and know i want to do MBA from ur university, so how can i apply?