The Prime Minister's Secretariat, islamabad

Service Details

Name: The Prime Minister's Secretariat Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Constitution Avenue, Islamabad Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.)

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82.Yasir Ali says:3/5

I Sir U r very sincere to our country.May u LIVE long.

83.Yasir Ali says:3/5

The Hounourable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Dear Sir, I'm a student of Electrical Engineering at University of scince and Technology Kohat. I beg to state that i belong to a poor family. My father is formar.I'm unable to pay funds of University. Please grant me some scholarship for my studies. I'll be thankful to you for your this kind act. Yours Sincerely, Yasir Ali E-Mail:

84.Adnan Aziz says:3/5

Aslam O Alkam I hope You are fine and i pray Allah u sucessed in the life sir poor man very hope with u but i dont understand ur some decion what is police mens is a poor man or soliders ? sir They are establishment Department so you increase hundred presentsalaries. sir u dont think about Clearks . clerk have not able to alive this country. he passed time very diffcult in this situation.sir u give salary clerk he pay against in Electric Bills Sui Gas Bills and water Bills other expensive. then u think do the clerk pass the time kindly u are supreme Commander this country i request u please for God increase the clerk staff salaries . You feel the human pain please sir kindly help the Clerk i thankfull to you

85.Adnan Aziz says:3/5

Aslam o Alkam sir one request some government Department u make authorites and decion the qaima committe but qaima committe every meeting delay and next three months kindly sir take some decion. thanks

86.Doctor Pirzada says:3/5

Honourable prime minister of pakistan aslam-u-alakum i have done MBBS and still jobless please kindly look at the matter and apoint me as,training cordinator,in MNCH prog district kohistan i will be very thankfull to you yhanks dr pirzada kohistan

87.Najma Rani says:3/5

Dear Sir, I have come to know that there happened to be a lady with the name Njama Rani in your PPP organisation ,and was a worker for minorities and she died and you wrote the following for her: pls note her name was an Identity theft what I believe as there is just more Najma Rani who is the daughter of allah Didtta passed her MSc in two thousand and three. Since I was lecturer in a missionary college and then moved abroad after marriage. please find out obout this lady. I know she is dead now but make sure to find her exact identity.It is important for me. Mr. Asif Zardari knows me personally if he recalls her school and college Saint Patrick's Karachi. Thanks and regards text of your speech is followed in next msg

88.Yusuf says:3/5

SIR,you are so handsum

89.Saiqa Bano says:3/5

AOA Respected sir i have done m sc pak studies and B.ed from PAF college but i have no job still after passing job test interviws my father is retire from army as hav.Now no supporter so i need job of teaching 4 my family. thaks

478Muhammad Arshad I will help you contact me on my email add. 89
90.Saima Bano says:3/5

aoa respected sir i m master degree holder i need job of teaching kindly help me.

91.Anjum says:3/5

Respective sir please take serious view about balaochistan law in order situtaon. Many punjabi killed in last few days. please take this serious situation with home minister allah hafiz

92.M Nawaz says:3/5

Assalam o Alakum sir, i am sure u will be fine and well.sir we the people of mardan r facing a seroius problem nowdays in ramazan,which we r facing normally also.the problem of electricity which is failed at the time of seher and aftar kindly it is requested to do something for the problem for month of ramazan.

93.Muhammad Ijaz says:3/5

Dear Prime Minister of PAKISTAN, Sir i am working in PAK PWD Islamabad I-8/1 Electric office Accounts clerks (BPS-V). In all other Govt Departmenrs clerks are promoted in 7th Scale But our Department not promoted in BPS-7 All accounts clerks and Enquiry Clerks. SO Sir please you use special power to solve this Problem. Thanks

94.Hassan says:3/5

Please deploy the capitalsentence for murdering .Our Welfare Society is very angry at the Sialkot incident murdering.Please don,t show the video,s on tv channel.If any person want to see he can click youtube.Is the justice in Pakistan? new grain markeet Multan.

95.Bashir says:3/5

Sir, we are twentyfamilies victmized by flood and satying in Govt. College of Education Sukkur.since two weeks but noone Govt. person visit our camp, we are bitter position, when we go to authaurities thay psh us back treat hardly Please give us attention and solve our problem Requst submit by Bashir Pahunwer And Acher pahunwer From Hamayoon,

96.Muhammad Naeem says:3/5

Sir, My daughter has obtained her BBA(Finance) degree and for last last 1 year no stone left unturned to get a job but always faced disappointment & no positive response received so far. You are requested to please help/Provide her a job which she deserve,and for which she struggled to get this degree & to serve the country as Pakistani. Awaiting your kind attention.

97.Wazir Ali Memon says:3/5

sir iam wazir ali memon from matiari i request to you please give a Job Off Lab.Asstant in college side iam very thak full to you and my and my family views always regard to you sir iam waiting for your anser plz i requested to you.sir i hope all pakistani like to your poltics sir iam very poor person sir please it my request to you iam thankfull to you. isir i pray for allah you will be a succus in evry kind of step in your life

98.Dr. Seema Naheed says:3/5

Sir,I draw your kind attention to a very sensitive issue that is the problem of appropriate placement of Ph D holders. The process of obtaining this highest degree is so hard, expensive and tedious that a Dr should automatically be appointed to a prescribed scale and job. The government should formulate the minimum level of assignments and pay scale of a Ph D holder. In present situation I am serving as a school teacher in the same grade (Sixteen) and teaching what I was doing before M Phil and Ph D. What is the benefit of this degree for me (Except Rs. Ten thousands) and the nation. With out such appropriate rules the situation is humilating and embarrassing for a Ph D degree holder and the degree awarding authority. Good regards

99.M. Riwan says:3/5


100.Inam U Rehman says:3/5

Asslam o alikum sir, i lived in kahror pacca . sir want job . i have a computer diplom in applicaton data base . sir , i realy Needy person. sir , pleasre help me . thanks

101.Inam U Rehman says:3/5

Asslam o alikum sir , i am very Needy person . i have a computer diploma in application data base . i want job . i want your hilp . thanks

102.Inam U Rehman says:3/5

Asslam o alikum Dear sir, i a want job

103.Tufail Ahmed Khalifo says:3/5

Respected Sir; My education is M.A (Sociology) and six month computer course from karachi but I am jobless from last 4 years so please please help me to get a job I need a job please sir help me I and my family will be thankfull to you. Thanks

104.Amjad Ali says:3/5

Dear Prime Minister, I am a flood affectee from Charsadda, KPK. My house his partly destroyed by the flood water in river Jindi. I am doing a private job, which salary is not enough to provide daily food for my children, how can I re-construct my house for my children. Please help, please help me...

105.Arshad Majeed says:3/5

Dear Mr Prime Minister. The rotting continues, mis management and poor governance has become the hall mark of this government. Could you please do one favour to the people of Pakistan and not allow the same bad governance which is prevalent in your government to encroach into the corridors of the cricket board of Pakistan. As the 70yr old senile gentlemen was appointed by your president as head of Pakistan Cricket Board can you please now take him out before he insults our country more through his stupid comments.

106.Ambereen Zaman says:3/5

Dear sir, sir the more vulnerable who are talented, qualified working on contract on BPS 16-18 in ministries/divisions for the past so many years and are always on risk to loose the jobs. Sir all of them are post graduates and their departments satifaction shows their performance but they are on contract basis and living a confused life. please sir take a step for regularisation of BPS 16-19 as well who will not only pray for you, your party but also be the voter of your party and who will contrbute in the upcoming elections for you.

107.Sajjad Hussain says:3/5

Respected Sir, I have belonge to a poor family from Multan beside I have belonge to the Prime Minister Candidate. I am unemplayed. I am Graduate ( B.A )with computar knowledge. We have taken Vote to the Prime Minister Sahib. I have choose to Prime Minister. But unlikly the Prime Minister Sahib no work to us.

108.Zuhaib says:3/5

sir i have passed fsc and improver im from fooded area from muzzafar garh.lot of chinees univertsy gave me admisions but i have no mony.plz plz plz plz plz plz plz help me give some relief.i wana get admision in mbbs.i m also human.plz on my knee

109.Shahzad Ahmed says:3/5

Sir! My father Shiraz Gul has been retired as attaining the age of superannuation from a private mills named "Imran Textile Mills Faisalabad" After that he has deposited necessary documents for EOBI pension in EOBI office Mianwali but still action and response from the said office is awaited. I request you Sir that necessary orders may please be issued for immediate action.

110.M.tayyab Sattar says:3/5

i need email address of PM sb because i've to send an important mail but also he must read it so plz send me address.that mail is lengthy so cann't be pasted here

111.Muhammad Azhar Ud Din says:3/5

i have done my msater in English & i am the topper of the my department but still i am jobless. as i am from middle class therefore i do not need to be an officer but i just want be government employee in grade 15 or 16

112.Ali Ahmed says:3/5

dear sir I want to know that why government close the watan card code of shikarpur.although they distributed few watan cards to the citizen's of why thy close it.citizen's of city shikarpur wanting to know why they closed it. please sir do some thing and open the code of watan card of city shikarpur that citizen of shikarpur get benefit to cover the lose that they had during the flood days.

113.Abdus Salam says:3/5

Sir, I have only son .He BS(Hon)Accounting And Finance.He applied many time for Government Job but good not get. As govt of Muslim leage (N)not interested to give job other than their own Party worker. Please help and give him job in Sate national Bank as OG 3 Or in other Govt Departments.Regards Abdus salam

114.Najam-uz-zaman Malik says:3/5

Honarable Prime Minister of Pakistan, As-salam-o-Aliakum, I am humbly drawng your kind attention on the matter of reinstatement of UBL retrenched officers. UBL sacked officers who had forcibly given golden-handshake on political ground in the name of rightt sizing, are still waiting for their reinstatement. We undoubtly hope that only your government have the will to do this act of kindness, so every news of reinstatement bring our hope alive. We requested by your good offices to kindly do some remedies for our vulnerable lives. With great hopes and Best Regards, Najam-uz-zaman Malik Ex-Officer UBL

115.Sadiq Ali says:3/5

Dear Prime Minister of PAKISTAN,sir i have run a pravite school named Al-Madina school of science(Regd.)under a trust (Dardashna welfair trust) i am prvoieding free education many poor children.sir i want donation for education of poor children.please sir help me.thanks

116.Zahid Rehman Khokhar says:3/5

dear prime minister sir iam a very poor person iam worked in an organization pas two years but know iam free of job because me father is ill due to hart attack and my kidney is effected by an incident iam already submitt an application to chief minister mian shebaz shareef but no respone i hope sir you can kindly give me job as a driver or help me gor house

117.Luqman Ali Soomro says:3/5

Sir Request of Prime Minister of Pakistan My Name is Luqman Ali Soomro form District Kamber-Shahdadkot City Shahdadkot I am maried I have large family Members I am jobless, My Electric Repairing Shop income is 0 not, very poor I am from affected District in flood. please issue me watan card . My CNIC No. .Regards

118.Shahid Anwar says:3/5

I am jobless kindly consider my situation Also am married i have 3 babies which is one of them abnormal her medication is too expenses. she is suffering in meningitis diseases since one & half year ago.

119.Imran Ahmad says:3/5

Respected Prime Minister Of Pakistan, I Humbly request you that i am employee of Punjab Government IN GRADE 16,and recommended by the Punjab Public Service Commission, Lahore. Even then all the officers of Grade 16 and above are working on contract basis except Doctors and teachers which is totally injustice. The Punjab Government has already regularized the employees of Geade 01 to 15 whereas, we all () Grade 16 and above) are deprived yet. Kindly behest to the Punjab Government to take further necessary action at the earliest.

120.Sajjad says:3/5

dear PM sb, I am working qualified person holding a degree of MSC honors and working for the past four years on contract on BPS 18. sir, i request you on behalf of more than 1one lakh contractual employees to pass a bill indicating that employees working for three years wil be automatically reqularised and stop the remployement of pensionairs semployees. The employees will not only pray for this act but also the vote back of the party will improve. thank you

121.Imran Abdul Basit says:3/5

Asalam U Alaikum Dear Sir , This is Imran Abdul Basit from Sukkur Sind,Pakistan sir i am looking for job from long ago but i didnt find any result because from every where i got only one answer DO U HAVE ANY LETTER FROM MINISTER OR ANY MNA OF UR CONSTITUNCY. Dear sir thats mean if somebody have no approch to any of them he will not get the govt job.Recently i was conducted By Pass Surgery and i am in under pressure from the loans which i had taken for the surgery.Sir please kindly do me a favour by providing me a Job so i can arrange bread and butter for my family Thanks And Best Regards Imran Abdul Basit

122.Anil says:3/5

hounerable sir (pm) hop u r fine i want to get ur email address tc

123.Ghulam Qadir Abro says:3/5

The Prime Minister Of Pakistan Subject: Request for Issue Watan card. Respected Sir, As a matter of fact, the current flood effected my village Phulji, taluka Johi; District Dadu, Sindh resulting in complete destruction of my home. I would like to make a humble request for missing my watan card in l Nadra List so please new entry my watan card in list. I will remain grateful for your kind consideration & help. Yours Sincerely, Ghulam Qadir Abro

124.Muhammad Hanif Ahmad says:3/5

hello sir i m overseas pakistani and i need prime minister secretariaf complaint cell postal address. regards waiting muhammad hanif ahmad civil engineer

125.Abdul Rahim says:3/5

dear and great prime minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan.sir i am very poor,i an studying at UET parents are un able to support me financially.if you don't help,the day will come that i must leave university.please financially support me to further my studies.i shall be very thankful to you for this great act of kindness.

126.Faheem Khan says:3/5

sir i am jobless from the last 3 years.i have BBA hons degree,but no one is ready to give me job.i am the elder brother and i shall have to support my father is under treatment,please help safe my family.Allah will give you reward of it.inshallah

127.Azhar Hussain says:3/5

Respected P.M, it is extremly requested to u that we a group of CSS candidate from all four provinces want to pay your attention for age relaxation upto 30yrs. you rejected once in cabinet meeting it payed a lot of trouble for over age candidate.sir if age relaxation upto 30 yrs is made we wil highly thankful to you so that we can get good job.

128.Zulfiqar Abro says:3/5

Sir Salam and Eid Greetings. I would like to request your honour to promote NAVTEC programmes in intiror SINDH which is to be highly needed inorder to skilling of poor peoples of fllod victoms of sukkur and larkana division,may please be dirictives to NAVTEC KARACHI SINDH to take action for this please.

129.Aamir Ali Mohal says:3/5

Aslam o alicom . dear sir you are a great person but why not you doing some thing for poor peoples i request to you please some thing for poor peoples all ways remember you in my prayers best of luck

130.Muzafar Ali Panhwar says:3/5

R/Sir PTCL authority may be directed to restore/start Telephone exchange with facility of DSL. the youth of our area will always will remain your highness in prayers

131.Abdul Sattar says:3/5

Honorable Prime Minister, I would like to inform you about a very serious issue regarding Education system. And I think this issue could not be discussed openly on this platform. Its nature is of very critical one. I hope i 'll get response from your end soon, so that it could be discussed in the best interest of Nation. Regards

132.Samreen Jabbar says:3/5

Sir: Increase the CSS upeer Age Limit so that we can take the exam and serve our country. You promised to abolish the policies of Musharraf. So please now you and your government is in power and you can raise the css age limit. Kindly do that to earn prayers of many students.

133.Muddasir Rafiq says:3/5

dear prime minister sir iam a very poor person iam worked in an organization pas two years but know iam free of job because me father is ill due and iam already submitt an application to chief minister mian shebaz shareef but no respone i hope sir you can kindly give me job as a driver.

134.Mehran says:3/5

I want to ask that how a poor people that not pocess any kind of power and the powerfull man of village dispute with him then how a poor people save hime and defeat them . Is there any way as poor people success to defeat the powerfull man of village

135.Asif Saeed says:3/5

Dear sir, i want to serve my country. do you have any post for me. my qualification is given below BMA Funanace London ACIB London BCOM Lahore Best regards

136.Asif Saeed says:3/5

Dear sir, i want to serve my country. My qualification is MBA Finanace LOndon ACIB London BCOM Lahore Presntly Unemployed Regards

137.Fida Hussain Jafferi says:3/5


138.Muhammad Naeem says:3/5

Reference my previous request No 95, we already get almost zero results because No any call has been made so far in spite of submission of dozens of ONLINE APPLICATIONS. Thats why Sir,request was made to you. Please consider our problem Awaiting your kind reply.

139.Muazzam Khalil says:3/5

Sir, I hope you are in good health. If you remember we were in the same class in BA Hons English Literature, taught by the same teachers. Mr, R.A. Khan, one of the best teachers Govt College ever produced, person with great self respect did not get a plot to construct his own house. Just because he never sought any favours for himself. I think and hope that you should help him. People like him are rare commodity they deserve to be praised and looked after.

140.Abdul Ghaffar Kandhro says:3/5

jeaee benazir Bhutto jeaee Asif ali Zardari jeae. exelancy sir, with due to regard and respect,im student of LLB.and i have done M.A(Economic)so i have esantionl need of job so please give me an one chance. Addrss:latif shoping centre resham gali p.o & Taluka Nasirabad Distt:Qamber. Persanol BIODATA. Abdul Ghaffar S/o Muhammad Ismail Kandhro and Domile:Qamber I will pray for your long life i hope you give me a chance.

141.Collective Application says:3/5

Honorable Sir, It is the jawan in Police who does everything, PSPs, the legacy of British India claim to be the source of all, done. They are accountable to no one. We were appointed as ASIs in ninety five at Hyderabad Sindh and still to date are ASIs. We were young when appointed and educated also with good intentions to serve. ASP becomes SP in four years. Are we not citizens of pakistan? We wrote to CJ Pakistan, CJ Sindh, President and PM and many others but nothing. Where is instant justice? We languish in department, ruled by the corrupt and stooges. For next promotion there is no exam system which singles out the best, if conducted after every 3 years of service. Do something please MR. PM.

142.Muhmmad Salah Ud Din says:3/5

Honorable prime minister, i apply for watan card but i have not receive watan card . many times complaint nadra help hine and dco mainwali but result is negative.plz help me for issusing of watan car.

143.Awaisjaved says:3/5

i passed dae electronics in high qualify institute swedish pakistani insttute of technology but no give me jobs the demand of any factory is experience when i will enter practical life then got experience please solve my jobs problem

144.Zulfiqar Ali says:3/5

Dear Honourable Prime Minister Sb. Jeavy Bhutto. Jeavy Shaheed Rani. Honourable sir iam graduate Engineer from Meharn University last six years in civil engineering Department. and also iam old worker of Peoples Pary but i have no Job so plz kindly cosider my request . jeay bhuto ,Jeavy Shaheed Rani. my name is Zulfiqar I spend whole life for Peoples Party.

145.Muhammad Yousuf Iqbal says:3/5

I have struggled very hard for appoinyment against the reserved quota for the deceased's son.sir, i have a big family 4 brothers and 5 sisters.i am very poor and my mother is patient i am very worry for it.Since my father death i have applied again by again and sent many reminders but still i am jobless the application was submitted in the office of federal board od revenue islamabad.In view of the fore going i request your honor to please alleviate my suffering by providing suitable job to me. I will ever remain greatful to you for this favor.The inordinate delay has already caused untold sufferings to my family.

146.Ghulam Muhammad says:3/5

mureed-e-DAM DASTAGEER sir i need job education: fsc matric i really need job hope so u will give kind responce to me regards. G.M

147.Mohammad Yousaf says:3/5

With due respect, it is stated that undersigned has been working with the NBP for 34 years and retired In the history of Bank I would be the only employee who could not get the amount of retirement benefits and also demoted at the time of retirement despite the fact that not a single penny loss happened to the institution as a result of allegations leveled against me. Rare example of injustice and conspiracy was that the only cashier was punished twice to escape the senior management Branch Manager to Operation chiefs of all tenors.

148.Afsar Ali Khan says:3/5

Asslomu Alay koom Honourable Prime Minister Sir it is stated that i am belong to Bannu and i am affected to the flood i submitted the document to there local governoment Bannu but not yet recieved me Watan card i again and again complaint NADRA and there other Local govet but not any response me sir please u intrest and help me my

149.Muhammad Ilyas says:3/5

respected sir.. your politics is going best and you r doing very well job according situation ..but in 2 things 1 drone attack and the problems of the todays need your intentions plzz sir take it serious and take some strick decisions the whole youth is looking and hoping very much 2 you.........

150.Farukh Shehzad says:3/5

The Hounourable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Dear Sir, my older bother is disable he is deaf,but he is graduate with 1st division from university of punjab lahore.he is jobless.its my reqeust sir plz arrange job for him in govt department in sargodha,he gave test for clerk in wapda in sargodha city already.i m v. thank full to you if you doing some thing for him I will pray for long life thanks

151.Muhammad Khalid says:3/5

dear sir, please send on my below e-mail address address of honorable Prime Minister of pakistan&oblige me. Thanks, Muhammad Khalid.

152.Muhammad Khalid says:3/5

P.M sb:of Pakistan, Sir, I applied an application for domestic gas connection In the Name of Muhammad Khalid Street No.02 Wazir Colony Okara In the Office Engineer D W-Blick Okara after two year is failed to survay of my premises and issue Demand Notice their is no priority many D.N issue & meter installed after my application.I sent and Registered post complaints to Engineer D Sb: Okara G.M.Sb:Lahore Online complaint OGRA but no any response from the above officers of SNGPL.I want to say the office of Engineer D sb:Okara working is very poor& unsatisfactory.

153.Hamid Khan says:3/5

honourable prime Minister of pakistan it is requested that maximum service length of Air Men is 25 years in PAF, pay scale(5-16)but in the same status in sister forces (like pak army,pak navy)and all security agencies civil police or civil services in pakistan employees are serving up to 35years or 60 years of is requested that service limit of all serving air men may be extented up to 35years, because we (air men)are facing a lot of problems at early forcefully retirement and became un-employed at early is further requeted that there is no any forum where we can tell our problem.due to its nature as defence force there is no trade it is humbly requested that chief of air staff may be advised to do so.thanks

154.Happened says:3/5

my request for transfer from District ghotki sindh to |slamabad is pending on the table of Honourable Mohammad Sadiq Sanjrani early attention is expected from your Excellency

155.Jawadmlik says:3/5

i am jawad malik i am from mardan i want to know about mr prime minster email addres i am very interst about him he is only one for us he will make good pakistan but he is not only for in region peopel but he for all pakistan i will pry he will full fell in mission he will tack serious about pakistan ok

156.Ghulam Abbas says:3/5

Sir ! I want cell number of Primr Minister as I have something to say him personally.

157.Mumtaz Ali says:3/5

Asslam Alaikum Honourable prime minister of Pakistan,i request that please sir give the order of repair (TORI BAND) still not repair.People are in tension,band are completely damaged and also Guddu BS feeder canals,so please sir do it.Other wise Pakistan will see another flood. Please sir see to the Shahid Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto's and his family.Thanks

158.Muhammad Rizwan Bhatti says:3/5

Respected Sir I am Rizwan Bhatti a Federal Govt. employee and want to bring this into your kind knowledge that in the mid of October, it was announced that the ban already imposed on the grant of advance increments for those employees who possess higher educational qualification than the prescribed one is going to be lifted and it was also decided in the in the cabinet meeting.But no action from the Ministry of Finance has so far been taken to this effect. I therefore, request you sir to kindly issue instructions to the Ministry of Finance to this effect and have the prayers of thousands of Govt. employees like me. This will not only encourage them to improve their qualifications but also be a reward for their struggle. With regards Muhammad Rizwan Bhatti A Federal Govt. Employee

159.Shakeel Jahangir says:3/5

Respected ir, my internet is not working and when i try to connect it through my Vptcl wireless number the error comes "The remote computer did not respond". i have registered two complains to P.T.A but they done nothing, then i given this case to wifiqi Mohtasib but they also refused to solve, my last hope is on you, please send instructions to PTCL and solve my issue. thanks

160.M Saeed says:3/5

sir i draw ur kind attention to my problem two years ago isubmit an application for domestic gas connection but unfortunately no action will be taken untill .i am a loyal pakistani citizen.and taking a role play in capital stock market.where i live ,it is an oldest area of is my basic right of gas connection .

161.Khalid Mahmood Arif says:3/5

Sir i was appointed as senioer clerk in punjab civil secretriate lahore. i applied for leave for 5 five years due to illness of my parents for look after, but secretary forest department, lahore did not accept my application and declared as absent and terminated my services you may kindly be reinstated my services for help of my children and parents

162.Waqar Ali Memin says:3/5

respected sir.i am a poor disable by my both of legs.and im jobles so its very deficult to be alive for me.there for i requist to grant me a rozgar auto rakshaw so i can spend my life comfortable.plz sir its very important for me and for my parants.....waiting of your reply

163.Best Advocate Of Rawalpindi Islamabad says:3/5


164.Mahboob Ali says:3/5

Dear Sir, I want to send an Application to the Prime Manister Of Pakistan in the attatechment File.please write to me that how can I do this, Thanks

165.Jabir Hussain says:3/5

sir plz appoint me in any depatt.

166.Umair says:3/5

hello sir i want to resolve my Gas problem .i have complaint many times but there is no solution .My OGRA complaint no is .You are reqested to take some action .Umair Faisalabad.

167.Asif says:3/5

sir i am asif my child is cp please u help me china tretment my child is 14 year is old please reply me u r veary varay thanks. sir i am veary upset.

168.Asif says:3/5

sir my child is cp please help me china tretment veary veary thanks for u i hope u help me my child is 14 year is old no tretment is pakistan i am full try but no best tretment.please reply me thanks

169.Mubashir Hussain says:3/5

Dear hounerable PM, hope u r fine, I want to say some thing for the sake of the diginity of my counrty, please be realisitic and impement merit in all the departments at least under your Ministry. Other wise be ready for much worst situation in near future that would must be faced by all of our nation and you would be respnsible for that. Kinly if you dont mind then want your personal ID so that i can contact you any time and share some harsh moments of my nation. Take Care

170.Shoaib says:3/5

Dear Hounerable PM, i hope and pray that u will be fine.kinly i need favour from u for all the Graduates and Master degree holder who worked under the national internship programme, i request you to on the behalf of internee to settle them who have completed one year in thier departments on the permanant basis it will be a great step to reduce poverty and unemployment. i hope you will not disappoint thousand of unemployed and poor youth of pakistan thanks.may you live long life.

171.Asma says:3/5

sir, i want to open my own school in Rawalpindi but have no financial support. how can you help me

172.Mamoor Jan Dawar says:3/5

Respected & honourable sir, i belong to North Waziristan Agency, i need 2% marks favour for the induction in OGDCL, i got 17 months training from ogdcl, now you people decreased criteria from balochistan domicile holders from 50% to 33%. sir i got 48% marks and we are IDP,s, so plz favour me in this regards, Mamoor Jan , EX: OGDCL trainee officer,

173.Syed Najam says:3/5

Dear honorable of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Herein I will be discovering that, I have much time, has been taken different time, different decision in vast interesting of our country and nation. They were rights� decision for consistency of our land. I have primordial and luminous dream is that, A durable, adorned, constant, grandeur, prominent, legitimate and sweeping Land of Divine-Pakistan. Because, that requirement of our soul and spirit. I hope May Allah will be the same. Above influence is that, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, kindly I need favour from you for Graduates and knitting my name by senate; perhaps the latent sagacity of President of Pakistan to be bringing more a senator.

174.Mamoor Jan says:3/5

honourable and respected sir, i am looking forward to hearing from you regarding justice being a bonified member of north waziristan agency( FATA )and i want to live a normal life. so plzzzz favour me . i got 48% marks and want 2% favour in ogdcl induction.

175.Naseer Ahmad Leghari says:3/5

Respected sir, I had sent my request to the secretarial have sent me a information letter.i have received it.i am thanking on this kind response.But after that any activity is not done by the gov,t of punjab.I want to notice you that the control no. , what happened after yours sending petition to punjab. if you can response me than i,ll again thankfull and pray for you. thanks regards naseer

176.Abdul Haq says:3/5

Dear Prime Minister Sb: Ur good office sent pay protection summery for Social walfare department officers to President and it has been approved. It is also matter of large number of employee in Pakistan. Sir pl is this rule will be applied for all scuh employee in any department? or is it for specific. Sir please remove this descripency and it should be for all employee

177.Numan Ashiq says:3/5

Respectfully Prime Minister Sab.Sir please consider and must read my e-mail somatically in your very costely time.Sir I am disable person.I have completed my MBA (Finance) from Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad in 2011,but now a days i am living in FAISALABAD and searching job but i did not success to get the job till now because the reason is that i have no any reference in any field, because my father is also retired govt servernt on (Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation) they are just pray for my job,Sir i was apply various job but no any side of positive call for related of my education.I am sure sir, you can do some thing for my jobGod Bless You Numan Ashiq,

178.Farrukh Arsalan Siddiqui says:3/5

Dear Sir, I belong to your constituency NA-one hundred & fifty one (Multan) lives at NEEL KOT and Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, and ELECTED Secretary Finance, Academic Staff Association of the respective university. You came to our University and announced one hundred PhD Scholarships out of which twenty eight have been awarded and rest postponed. My department still has not got any scholarship yet. It is regretful to underscore that there is not even a single PhD serving in my department. May I know when will this darkness end? You are, however, requested to help us out in the financial regards & provide information regarding financing in PhD for rest of the scholarships. Looking back for a reply.

179.Farrukh Arsalan Siddiqui says:3/5

Dear Sir, I belong to your constituency NA-one hundred & fifty one (Multan) lives at NEEL KOT and Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, and ELECTED Secretary Finance, Academic Staff Association of the respective university. You came to our University and announced one hundred PhD Scholarships out of which twenty eight have been awarded and rest postponed. My department still has not got any scholarship yet. It is regretful to underscore that there is not even a single PhD serving in my department. May I know when will this darkness end? You are, however, requested to help us out in the financial regards & provide information regarding financing in PhD for rest of the scholarships. Looking back for a reply.

180.Kamran Bin Zahoor Qureshi says:3/5

Sir,my village pothi bijnial Teh.Gujar Khan our Basic Health Unit (BHU)Pothi Bijnial is in worst condition. Its building condition is very poor no any person of Punjab Govt.which can take action regarding our hospital. EDO health rawlapindi and DHO.rawalpindi have taken no any action about this. Sir kindly take strickly action regarding repairing / maintenance of our hospital BHU. Pothi Bijnial. With Regards, Kamran Bin Zahoor Qureshi

181.Khalid Hussain Channa says:3/5

Dear Sir, My name is khalid Hussain Channa i am working in Regional Exploration office Karachi Atomic energy commission of Pakistan since last 5 years @ daily wadges basis on Geological assistant / Technical assistant so sir give me or appoint me regular basis in this organization. i will be thankful to you.

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