![]() Service DetailsName: The Prime Minister's Secretariat Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Constitution Avenue, Islamabad Added on Paktive by: Guest From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss The Prime Minister's Secretariat
Pages 123456Respected Prime Minister Assalam-o-Allikum! I again remind you that i live in Gulberg Town,Mirpurkhas,Sindh.Now in this colony homes but with the bednees there is no SuiGass.This Colony is made by X Senitor Gaffar Qureshi in .Please take action about this as soon as possible and fessilitate us with SuiGass. PTCL no:- - - Cell no:-
student of ku
Sir i hope you will be fine. Sir i like your all policies
I need email address of Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Presidident of Pakistan and their Secretariat emails Thanks.
dear sir, it is requested that my age is twenty six year and your computer is not accepted my application for the sake of internship. Sir, i want to tell you that the period in which NIPO was closed, i have completed my degree i.e Two thousand Eight. so please you should to provide us some age relaxation and give the worth to passing year, please give us maximum two year age relaxation copy to Honourable Prime Minister Yousif Raza Gilani.
sir i hope u r fine ,and sir i like ur sincerity of pakistan,and pakistani peoples,i pray ur long life sir.thanks
We want the Postal address of Prime Minister Complaint Cell. Please provide us as soon as possible.thanks!
Dear Sir, It is submitted that my husband Eng. Hashamat.N.Oad, Assistant Engineer Works and Services Department Hyderabad (Retired) from government service on sixth March,ninety seven and has died on Eighth June, ninety nine. My father has involved in two draft peras some amount is with-held and other amount is released by Communication and works depatment. It is requested that we are waiting for release of gratuity and pension fund, kindly do the needful and oblige. Thanking you Mst. Marvi Widow of late Eng. Hashmat.n.oad
Asalam-o-alaikum to the hounerable prime minister of pakistan sir i am very talented boy and very poor i am an orphan and in very crucial circumstances i did my post graduate dear sir i applied at more then three hundred different organizations but the favoritism and the money always beat my luck i am seeking for a better future and desperate to do hard work with the suitable package to secure my poor family please consider my request as i am the last hope of my family and you are the last hope given by all mighty Allah [email protected] from Quetta
Honourable PRIME MINISTER, A.A mSiry name is muhammad shehzad zamir s/o muhammad zamir. My education B.A with six months course. I have 3 years experience(NUST)Rawalpindi cantt. I am also disable person of my both legs. In this fastest life very hard for me when i have no job. My humble request to you that please given me a responsable job .My father or also (R) army person. I am very worry because i have no job please any body my appel for all pakistan even in out of countries. I am really disable person. I am also a cool mind boy .Can any body help me i shall be thankful that my hand raise for every person in every time............
I have need the email address of Prime Minister and President of Pakistan. Thanks
Honourable Murshad Yousif Raza gillani Sahib sir iam m.a and want to job d.s.p or s.d.m so i request you sir kindly provide me a job on prime minister quatta i pray your long life, thanks.
this is Abdul Rasheed Dar from AK distt Neelum I requested I have no land and in kashmir I have no money I have good education I have good job now tell me what I do for our future I have large family in kashmir you suggestion If you not response I will complain to allah this your human the have good power and runing the rules but there are pay to part of poor peoples so kindly answer I am too confuse only support of allah and namaz otherwise I can not tell what I do I made the small Ngo, for poor peoples but I have no fund for kindly guide what I do this poor pakistani and from kashmir thanking you with best regards
Hearty Eid Greetings to the People's Prime Minister of Pakistan and special appreciation for the recent development activities in Multan greater area. Would prime minister be kind enough to work on a mega project for this neglected area of Southern Punjab to create enough jobs which may stop poor people of this area to be exploited in big cities of the country. Last but not least, if the Prime minister could arrange to move/ transfer the Head Quarters of Pakistan Railways in Multan area-the real center of the country to boost under developed area and provide an opportunity to earn fortune by selling railways expansive land in Lahore, mostly used for railway officers' residence. I hope PM will do his best as no one stays for ever on this authoritative important positions.
Allah aap ko salamat rakhe
Sir U r very sincere to our country.May u LIVE long.
The Hounourable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Dear Sir, I'm a student of Chemical Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Faisalabad Campus. I beg to state that i belong to a poor family. My father has died.I'm unable to pay funds of University. Please grant me some scholarship for my studies. I'll be thankful to you for your this kind act. Yours Sincerely, Muhammad Abrar Hanif E-Mail: [email protected]
Respeted PM.you are doing very good job regarding to the employement of new staff and regarding to the regularization of contractual staff but unfortunately you have not yet noticed about Seventy two male and Sixty five female lecturers whoes contracts have been expired by Twentyfifth jan.ten and establishment division have made a general decission that our contract will not be extended further more and under your kind control we wiil be thrown out from our jobs the jobs where we are serving from last 2 and half years. Sir we are very disappointed that you are regularizing other staffs of different departments but not taking any sympathetic decission about Contarctual lecturers of FG Colleges.
RESPECTED PRIME MINISTER YOUSAF RAZA GILLANI SAHIB . It is thinkable matter that who are claimed for national party and who's Leaders against one or other pronces . Is it correct.In my opinion that hydro power plants are essential for our country , But PPPP against that , why . Any one can tell me FIRST that where is HYDRO POWER PLANT INSTALLED on CHASHMA JEHLAM LINK CANAL , It start form Chashma barrage and end on Sher garreh ,in that distance there is not any Hyadro Power plant installed ,why Sindh Provincial Assembly against that ,Because there is not a little project there , If it was ,then also no justification to anty that....Can any one tell that where it's installed...?
HONORABLE PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN dear sir i m one of jiala.All the jialas are petals of the pppp. we served our lives without any greediness.we see our party ever green.sir when we in power why other parties pull our legs because its one of the poor-man party. Sometimes ignore us by our members why? All other parties elect their party-men in different departments etc education, health,superior posts why peoples party does not take interest in this side.These personalities give more and more utility their parties.Particularly in Hazara Division our party does not take interest in this way thus the way we do not succeed in Hazara region. Others parties lead in Hazara region.
Muhammad Aslam s/o Muhammad Rafique says: Honourable PRIME MINISTER,A.A Siry my name is Muhammad Aslam s/o Muhammad Rafique. My education Matric with six months course of Computer. I have 3 years experience in DCO Office, Khanewal as Computer Operator. In this fastest life very hard for me when i have no job. My humble request to you that please given me a responsible job . I am very worry. I am also a cool mind boy .Can any body help me i shall be thankful that my hand raise for every person in every time............
Sir my school building was collapse in 17 july flood disaster I need Govt help cause my school building was completely collapse even we have no money to demolish this building our province Govt not did any thing for us it was the only thing of value for my six daughter for there schooling because when the rent of this school we get then i pay the monthly fee of my kids there fore it is requested in your respect that please help us as disaster people of Mardan flood which came in our home town after hundred years years
In the History of Pakistan I am a First Author of Statistics Text book for 11th class,which approved by Ministry of Education Islamabad, PAKISTAN But our Education Minister or any Minister don't appreciate me about my achievement. Please sympathetically help me according to above Many Thanks
HONORABLE PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN YOUSAF RAZA GILLANI SAHIB . Sir, Now a days hot issue is Chashma Jehlm Link canal hydro ower plant'. i requested to you , C.M Sindh and theirs ministers,that , please did not politicised that .if you are sincere to yours peoples and Sindh province then come forword and make a Megga DAMS or Barrage at Sehwan Sharif and in between Hyderabad and Thatta/Badeen.and also managed Indus river flow from Guddoo to Sukkar to Kotri and to Thatta/Badeen., and asure your self and yours peoples to controle the wastage of water from that points and take a bold steps for that and avoides blaming to others
Ihave need the Email address of honorable prime minister / president of pakistan and their secretraiate. Thanks.
Respected Sir, Please save COMSATS from Dr Zaidi, Dr Haroon, Dr Azeem, Dr Kaleem, and many others, they are black mailer's, dishonest and many more. They have forigen accounts, and promoting the people who are working for them. Taleneted people are suffering, Sir please take care of this matter. Our Regards
Is Chashma Jehlam Link Canal Hydro Power plant necessary? Is there an alternate project,It can be builds on Indus River,(1) in between Jinnah barrage to Chashma barrage lack (jheel) end,(2)to Kaloor Kot (Suggested Pull for D.i.Khan)(3)to Kotla jam (Derya Khan) Pull (4) New Pull link Bhel and damaan (upper side From Tounsa) (5)to Tounsa Barrage lack (jheel) end (6) to Tounsa barrage to Ghazi ghaat(7)to Rajin pur Rahim yaar Link Pull (suggested) (8) to Guddo barrage Lack (jheel) end (9) and also in between Guddo Barrage to Sukkar Barrage.(1) Sukkar to Larkana Nowshero froze link pull (2) Larkana Nowshero link pull to Sehwan sharif barrage (suggested) (3) Sehwan barrage to Kotri barrage (4) Kotri barrage to Thatta.
Hororable PM of pakistan Respected Sir, Sui northern gas have already reinstated all their sacked employees MTs/SNPs, but still thrity two snp waiting their reinstatement.They were also appointed with all reinstated employees but management of SNGPL were terminated them years wise. Please take greasefull necessary action in this regard. Thanks
Sir, I am an engineer, live in Multan, earned my graduation in engineering from UET Lahore. I have been living and working abroad since then and now returned to Pakistan to settle here and invest to help and contribute to improve the economy of Pakistan. Sir, I applied to the Pakistan Engineering Council for a constructor license in Dec AND SUBMITTED ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. But till today,after passing of two months there is no response .I am trying to contact PEC by phone and by sending emails to the deputy registrar, Mr. Musaib Qureshi but to no vain.Shall I go back to my country of work and not invest here in Pakistan?
Dear Sir, With due respect I want to say that i am working in ubl bank as a collection officer since 3 years its a contract job not a confirm i am only the supporter of my family the bank took me and many more collection officer as a third party contract we are not confirm since long we have not stability with our job i want to say please do some thing for us i am very hopeful that u will do the favour for us we all will be thank full to you because not only me but thousands of collection officer working in different banks but they are worried about their future please do something for us.will be waiting for your response. Thaks a lot sir
We want to invite your attention towards an important Educational Problem, because you have solved a lot of problems. But our problem still stands despite having being solved by all the Govt. Departments. What is the future of B-Tech(Hons)4 years study after DAE/F.Sc.
Honarable Prime Minister of Pakistan, As-salam-o-Aliakum, I am humbly drawng your kind attention on the matter of reinstatement of UBL retrenched officers. UBL sacked officers who had forcibly given golden-handshake on political ground in the name of rightt sizing, are still waiting for their reinstatement. We undoubtly hope that only your government have the will to do this act of kindness, so every news of reinstatement bring our hope alive. We requested by your good offices to kindly do some remedies for our vulnerable lives. With great hopes and Best Regards, Najam-uz-zaman Malik Ex-Officer UBL
Sir! I don't like any policy of your government. It is not a Peoples government but a government of feudal lords and they can not understand what is poverty, You did not done any thing for the relief of the poor. When you say that you will give the relief to the poor of Pakistan we understand that any thing's price will increase, and it is absolutely true. We were very well wisher of your party in the past but now we are sure that you have no interest in the people of Pakistan. You are only trying to increase your money in every moment. It is not fair. I think it is only your last chance to govern this country.
New Shakrial is a town near Post Office Khanna in Islamabad, a Rural Area which is highly populated in Federal Capital Territory. This town have no basic facilities including gas, street lights, parks/grounds, post offices. Law and order situation is also out of order. People feel highly insecure but due to financial problems not able to shift in other areas. Areas surrounding New Shakrial have post office and gas facility but this town is neglecting. Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. President is therefore humbly requested that please put your kind attention to the problems of resident for earliest resolution. Facility like GAS should be provided on priority basis. As the area is situated in capital territory it should be made symbolic for the other areas of Pakistan.
salam Honourable sir, the papulation of Mohmand agency are 5 lac,and only one AHQ Hospital there are only one medical speshelist other posts of speshelists Doctrs are vacants.therfore the peoples of Mohmand agency r faceing very deficulties. Pleas sir, order to Ministry of Health to fill the posts of spishelsits doctors in AHQ hospital of Mohmand agency.
salam Honourable sir, the papulation of Mohmand Agency are near to 5 lac, and there is only one AHQ Hospetal there are only one spishlist doctor another 9 posts of spishlsits doctors are vacants.therefore the peopls of mohmand agency faceing some deficulties so pleas directive to Ministry of Health to fill the posts of 9 spishilsits doctors in AHQ hospetal of Mohmand agency. thanks.
dear!i am student of mcs from vu. due to loadshedding problem i cannot prepare or cover my online multimedia lectures.how much it will take the time to solve this loadshedding prob. i am the deweller of Distt. Lodran from south punjab.
Salam Sir.I need Job my education is B.Com + PGDIT.
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, announce the Benazir housing Society for POF employees. Uptill now the subject scheme plots were not handed over to it allottess in POF Havelian Cantt. Distt Abbottabad
Please provide PM , President and Gov of Punjab email address please
Dear PM, with due respect and profound veneration it is kindly stated that due to the current war against terrorism in pakistan and especially in FATA, the education of FATA students is greatly suffere,I therefore on behalf of FATA students kindly request you to give us relaxation in the merit case for adminssions in different colleges of Pakistan. Thankyou AAmir Afridi
Sir,despite firm assurance by Khurshid Shah UBL Retrenched Officers who were forcibly given golden-handshake on political ground in the name of right sizing, are still waiting for their reinstatement. We undoubtedly hope with your people's friendly government to justify with us like have done with others. With great hopes and Best Regards, Najam-uz-zaman Malik Ex-Officer UBL
Respected Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan: Aslam-o-Alukum, With due respect I would like to inform you about my problem that I was employed in NADRA and worked seven years as a Supervisor. In Musharaf's govt in December two thousand seven I and lot of other employees were separated from services. When the PPP government established, those separated employees were reinstated. In my case I appealed to Chairman NADRA and others high-ups of NADRA in nineteeth January two thousand nine and other dates. I full fill all required condition according to SOP for reinstatement. But still to date my service is not reinstated. I therefore request you to please advise NADRA Authority to reinstate my service. I will be grateful and much oblige for your this kind and sympathetic consideration.
I am one of the Prime Minister's old friend. I need his direct email contact.
I have struggled very hard for appoinyment against the reserved quota for the deceased's son.sir, i have a big family 4 brothers and 5 sisters.i am very poor and my mother is patient i am very worry for it.Since my father death i have applied again by again and sent many reminders but still i am jobless the application was submitted in the office of federal board od revenue islamabad.In view of the fore going i request your honor to please alleviate my suffering by providing suitable job to me. I will ever remain greatful to you for this favor.The inordinate delay has already caused untold sufferings to my family.
ASALAM O ALIKUM I have need the Email address of honorable prime minister,
Honorable Prime minister, Sir, Most respectfully I beg to say that I am sending you this email on behalf of the whole population of Bajour Agency. As I work as an anchor in a local FM radio station, I daily receive hundreds of phone calls and letters regarding this problem. I have conveyed their message to the concerned authorities in Bajour Agency. But so far they are not ready to address this issue. It�s about cellular service. It has been 18 months since the towers switched off. Our daily lives have been hampered. We feel very isolated and frustrated. A great number of people is related to this business and is unemployed now. We will be very obliged if you ask the authorities to solve this problem. Your faithfully, Arshad Ali
sir i need the personel email adress of honurabe prime minister of pakistan .thnkx alot
Honorable Prime Minister I want to bring a very important issue in your knowledge. Sir, Federal Urdu University Islamabad campus management and faculty both are playing with the career of students. Dr. Zahid Saleem and Dr. Nauman Jaffery are involved in misuse of uni funds.. They misled the the tenders, take their commission and do what they can do to get money for their kitchen. They bluntly say that very are the friend of Dr. Mukthar(Member HEC). Our concern is .. as we get degree from Federal Urdu University so we want this university flourish.. It is only possible if you take action, then the university will be able to get rid of culprits (Dr. Zahid Saleem and Dr. Nauman Jaffery). Please ask your people to investigate the matter Your Faithfully Fazal Ullah
sir i the student of BBA in peshawar university. sir i need the personel Email address or general secretary of Prime minister of Pakistan Mr Muhammad y ousuf Raza Gillani. please send me these Emails on my Email account quickly
sir i need the personel Email address of prime minister of pakistan or his general secretary. please send me these Emails on my email account
Sir i am "MBA & LLB" but still im a jobless please confirm & place a order in my favor. please provide me direct e-mail address of honorable PM Thanks.
I have proof of the looting of Dr. Zahid Saleem and Dr. Nauman Jaffery and Vc of Federal Urdu University (Dr. Muhammad Qasir).. if you can send personal email address of Honorable Prime Minister so I can forward all of proof to him directly
sir i need email adress of honourable prime minister of pakistan n president as well. thanks
Sir, I need e- mail address of the Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan. I need some financial and other medical help from the office of Prime Minister for a Cancer Patient known to me. Thanks habib farooqi
Ofcourse the secratariat would be nice and expensive, arm with all necessaties because decoration of that depends on money of people of Pakistan. Ask your Prime Minister what he has done so far for people of Pakistan. He authorizes to increase fuel charges and so on.... Tell him he is totally incapapble of being a leader of any nation,I don't access to him, else, would let him know myself.
Dear Sir, As Salam O Alikum I am here to request you please approve one of them request for All Pakistani's Future. Attn: Dear All Pakistani (including you sir), We want Electricity in Pakistan, Electricity now eleven Rs. per unit, and it will be increase after every two months regarding American IMF policies. IRAN is agree to give the Electricity on urgent basis to Pakistan very cheap Rates Rs. one point eighteen per unit. Also CHINA offers to Pakistan for Electricity just three hundred Rs. Monthly Bill and Unlimited Usage of Electricity but our government is not taking seriously. NOW THIS IS OUR TIME TO SHOW THE GOVERNMENT OUR STRENGTH. Regards Requester
AssalamoAlakum Sir I hope you will'be fine.Sir i need email address of Prime Minister of Pakistan.Actually Water Problem in my area.Peoples are worried about it. Thank You
Dear Sir, Assalam O Alakum, I am student of Federal Urdu University in Management Science Dept. Islamabad Campus. Sir our University was very good but in last 2 years it become the worst university of Pakistan. Low caliber teachers are appointed with the influence of HEC. Examples are Dr. Zahid Saleem, Dr, Nauman Jaffery, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq, Ch. Aleem and many more are appointed by the influence of Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Member O&P. Sir please ask your people to spare some time for education.. May Allah Bless You.
Dear Sir: Iam Engineer Nazia Kazi. I need the personal Email address of prime minister of Pakistan or his general secretary. please send me these Emails on my email account . Iam graduation in engineering from Mehran university.iam sindhi speeking girl. Thank u
Honourable Yousuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Islamabad. Subject:- APPEAL FOR REGULARIZATION FOR CONTRACT OFFICER. Sir i contract employee (officer) working in the grade-16 for the last 23 years in this organization. As announced by you all the contract employees may be regularized in their organization, but my case not consider for regularized due to your policy only grade1 to 15 may be regularized. I hope you will consider my appeal to regularize me in the same scale. So may Allah gives you more encourage and me & my family members are always remembers in our pray. Muhammad Javed Asstt. Executive Officer Public Relations Department PAKISTAN STEEL.
Dear Sir: Iam Adeel Amjid is a student of 2nd year in faisalabad I need the personal Email address of prime minister of Pakistan or his general secretary. please send me these Emails on my email account . Iam graduation in engineering from Mehran university.iam sindhi speeking girl. Thank u
dear sir asalam alakum i hope you will complete the dread of our great leader mohtarma benazir bhutto.....
Respected PM of pakistan A.A. SUBJECT:REGULARIZATION OF FGEI CONTRACT TEACHERS Sir u have a famous record for giving and creating jobs for people. Sir, THe poor teachers working in these institutes are doing good jobs and they are skilled and experienced persons.Sir a person who has performed its services means that he is eligible for the job. If such experienced and hardworking peoples are ignored they would be overage. Sir we have right to be regularized by your generous hands.May Allah increase ur respect and give u health (AMIN) Regards M.H.Atta
I am performing my duties with GoB Education Department in B-16 against the post of Computer Operator. My parents are having health problems and they are under treatment in Islamabad/Rawalpindi. I want to request your precious to place me in Islamabad on deputation basis. I will remain thankful to your good personality as I am a great admirer of your motto and great believer that your are kind enough to help the people under your jurisdiction.
Dear sir/madam With humble submission i here by request you. My name is Muhammad Umar. I am from pakistan. I UN employment. My family members 6 i am not afford to my family I am passing a miserable life in theses days and no source of income regarding the above circumstances. I request you kindly please financially support me. I enable get rid of this adversity. I hope that you will consider on my request and not despair me. Note: At there situation i am defaulter of 2 lack If you can�t help me Please help me i am in deep trouble. GOD BLESS YOU With Regards, your's Muhammad Umar
iam from gilgit baltistan ,sir i want u to double the flights for GB, due to the blicked of KKH.as u know due to the Dam the KKH is almost closed for traffic
honourable prime minister my complaint against CDA. I am residing in govt. accommodation in G-9/2, CDA is not providing maintenance material in its civil inquiry G-9 Markaz inspite of deduction maintenance charges from our salaries regularly, due to that we are facing great hardship. kindly direct the CDA's concerned officers to provide maintenance material at civil inquiry G-9 Markaz Islamabad
SIr I need the e mail adress of prime minister of pakistan or secrartory of prime minister
Sir, I need the E-mail of Prime minister or cell # because i want to pay his attention at some illigele habbites of journilist. Plz Urgent...
sir ihave complaint about on agriculture project cmp11
. Aamir Hussain says: Asalam-o-alaikum to the hounerable prime minister of pakistan sir i am very talented boy and very poor i am an orphan and in very crucial circumstances i did my post graduate dear sir i applied at more then three hundred different organizations but the favoritism and the money always beat my luck i am seeking for a better future and desperate to do hard work with the suitable package to secure my poor family please consider my request as i am the last hope of my family and you are the last hope given by all mighty Allah (Aamir Hussain) [email protected]
dear sir It si bring to your notice that Corruption is sky rocketing in CDA. The enforcement Director getting open bribery trough his assistant director dobair and patwari qazi tariq from revenue CDA.we are witness please visit park road check shahzad that we can show how they getting million from qabza mafia . they are a group inclodind qazi tariq patwary from revenue department cda and those mentioned above Director enforcement capt faiz and his assistant director main dobair from enforcement.they invent a new way of corruption it is foolproof no one can ask them they sallying CDA land /boundary,green built.
Dear Sir, We the staff of Directorate General of Immigration and Passport HQ G-8/1 Islamabad humbly forward our request infront your kindness, that please make Phase-1 staff of MRP permanent and kindly gave them the incentives and the salary raised by the ministry of finace from the last year for different pay sale peoples. Hope our reguest will be given positive attitude and response and will be given some strict orders to solve our above mentioned problems on the immediate basis Thanks, MRP Phase-1 Staff Directorate General of Immigration and Passport HQ G-8/1 Islamabad.
Would the Honourable Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan consider request of many peace loving citizens of Pakistan to stop WAPDA from loadshedding especially during Friday prayers.
Honourable Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, sir we are requesting that pleas held inquiry and take action against CM Balochistan who gives jobs of balochistan package on Sufarish basis specially in district Quetta and Mastung.
Sir i just want your excellancy to take some positive measure in broadcasting Pakistan cricket matches as they aren,t shown live now.
sir, do read our messages and consider on our request, i don't believe.
AOA respected sir..... v r very sory to say that in faisalabad district, disobeying ur order of weekly two leaves case is continuing...the DCO, Faisalabad anounse that the leave of saturday is banned...wherease it is against ur order...please take necessary action regarding our request...v have much problems to come on every saturday, government leave...thanks for notify our requests.........