![]() Service DetailsName: NADRA (Headquarters) Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2, Islamabad Description: National Database & Registration Authority. Tel: 111-786-100 Added on Paktive by: Babar From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss NADRA (Headquarters)
Pages 12345678dear sir i want lenguage modification of my nic plz tel me wer i go change lenuage from sindhi to urdu
Dear sir in operation dept nadra phq Islamanad, I have applied to retrieve my CNIC , kindly tell me how much time it will take, my passport is expirying on thirty first of aug twenty ten , I want to get back to abudhabi to my kidz before that, plz tell me any faster way. The application is dated aug ten twenty ten I also have the letter ref no.
I need to know about modification in my id card .... i already have an ID card, i wish to makes changes with my name,. can you please explain me wot to do in such situation and wot documents i may need to present at time of re-registration? i would be waiting for your ans. kindly let me know as soon as possible ... thanking you.
Sir, i got married last year and we, me and my husband now in Lahore and we both wanted to change our ID cards. I being married, wanted to change it into my husband name, as in future, if we plan to go abroad, so may not face problem. accordingly, my addresses will be changed. And my husband wants to change it his present address, as we are living in Lahore so wanted to give our present address of Lahore where we are resideing now. kindly convey procedure and where to come and what wil be the charges.
Dear Sir, I am having a complaint which is very serious for me and that is my wife old ID has some data matching problem with some other ID and that was due to Nadra and we applied for the new ID which was urgent and now it is more than two months and we did not get the new ID. I am having too much difficulty due to that my wife VISA is near to expire. So please help me regarding this. Thank You.
I have sent a card at Pakistan Embassy in Frankfurt for the renewal of my card on 29 June.I want to know that how long will it take for that process,please tell me tha t how long will it take.
Hello sir My name is Naseer Ahmad and I have two ID cards now I want to cancel my old ID which is on the name of Muhammad Munir but it is said by the Gujranwala office this service has been blocked sir I have cleared my B.com please do something
Hello sir this is Naseer here sir by the misguiding of an agent i have two ID cards and now i want to cancel the old one named as Muhammad Nunir which is a wrong one . Sir i have completed my B.com from university of the ounjab and i am very sorry for that i am a poor person please sir guide me i will wait I want to cancel my old ID card but the Gujranwala office said this service has been blocked i am so worried . please sir tell me what i should do now i am waiting for your good reply ......
The Nadra Office at Mardan intationally made an objection that (Did your father got married).At this objection my ID card has been hanged and the office toled me it will took years to rectify the fault. Is there any way to solove the problum OR for this the Supreem court have to take somotive action. Thanks
Dear Sir, 1) I want to know that what is the fee of urgent issuance of CNIC 2) What is the delivery time of an urgent CNIC 3) What is the delivery time of normal CNIC.
sir i m waziristani and i don,t recieve my id card from nadra my form no is
sir, i wandted to nadra e information plz when i want to nadra kisa faranch
sir, i want to looking for nadra kiosh e sahulat franchise, plz tel me information harry plz
Sir my name is Muhammad Farooq and i am a poor person i can not pay duplicate penalty fee. and i have only one id card but i receive two but i use only one id card , so i sarander one card but i can not pay duplicate penalty fee. so plese do not charge ten thousand how can i pay and from where i can pay it . waiting for reply please sir i am so poor
Hello Respected Sir; I have surrendered my old ID card which is wrong one Named as "MUHAMMAD MUNIR" nand have paid ten thousand rupees at NADRA office Gujranwala at twenteeth of August. But I just rceived a TOKEN I want to know is it enough for cancellation of wrong passport which is made by an agent by misguidind.Sir Ihave just done B.com and now I want to get a passport onmy correct name what i should do now please guide me THANKS
D/sir, It is all right that you have publish our complaints but no action in this regard has been taken yet. I shall be glade to show the actual FACE of NADRA to their higher authorities. Thanks
aslam-o-alikom sir my date of barth is wrong on my id i m in cyprus so can u halpe me
Mr.Mazhar Hussain, International Deptt; Head Quarter,NADRA, Islamabad Sub: REQUEST FOR TAKE AN ACTION Dear Sir, I would like to inform you that my brother Mr.Mohammad Khalid Siddiqui applied for CNIC from Embassy of Pakistan in Seoul, South Korea,details are as under:RECEIPT no.thirteen lacs fifty four thousand & eighty Result: 'Rejected' with the remarks of incomplete information, but my brother already re-submit the requirement documents and Pakistani Embassy SEOUL confirm that they are already sending the required documents to NADRA Isbd, before a month but still NADRA show incomplete information. Thanks & regards, MOHAMMAD SHAHID SIDDIQUI Karachi
ASSALAM_O_ALAIKUM: SIR,i want to make my national identity card but as in my bay form i have allotted two cnic number that is the reason i cant't make my nic.so plz plz sir help me out from this,i've having much tension for this,i'll be very tankful to you.
Sir I am saqib Hussain From Mouza Sumra Nashib Basti Joya Tehsil& District Layyah.Sir i have sailab Mustasra .I have a poor Man .My father is a Labourer .I have married and my Watan Card have not issued .and data not update.Sir Kindly update our data .I will wait for you earlier response. Regards. saqib Hussain S/o Nazar hussain I Have Request to Update our Data For Watan card .I shall be thankfull to you.
sir i belong to disst. muzaffar garh and there is no name in the list for "Watan card" Plz conform it
dear sir i am married and living with my son and wife but my family no. is same as my father. Sir recently my card expired and i get new card then i tell and nadra employee put my information but sir my family no. not changed. now there is flood comes as u know and our houses destroyed and we fell in loss. Sir now i want to get watan card and there is problem of family no. now sir i want to get please please if u can help me i shall be thankful to u and pray for u and u r family. please sir solve my problem and now NADRA stopped modification hence i am not illegible.
dear sit my brother who working in saudi arab has problem for renewal passport.the pakistani embacy there has said to him that the as he had mad doubl passport and the cas has sent to islamabad the cas number is but it took mor than year and that case has not sent back to jaddah so kindly tell us what to do if his passport is not renewed he will loss job and viza as well.he need to cancell one id card and pasport as he had made two for going saudi
AOa, R/sir i want 2 know about how 2 get watan cord .......... thx
hi i want to know that my brother married a year ago but failed to get id card now he is not valid for watan card. tell me he can make it card now and it will be valid after?
sir my mamo has given id card in last year and nadra give the date but the id card is not coming and he is living out side the pakistan and they have lot of problem because of id plese tell what the resons id card is not coming.please sent the id card as soon please
sir i m sehar. i apply for the last two month my nic wiht urgent fee but still not receive.plz send the id card as soon as possible
I lived in KotAhmed Khan Wala Distt. Mianwali one of the flood effected areas but my name is not inclulded in WATAN CARD deserving list, i am also the leading the complete family. So i request to include my name and grant me WATAN CARD.
I am working as project coordinator at Ali Institute of Education, Lahore. I need age group wise data of districts population of Punjab for a research study. who should I contact.
Dear Sir, I belong to a flood effected area Mouza & Basti Usman Kouria Distt. Muzaffargarh. I am married since Sevenv years and have two kids. I am also Guardian of my family but my name missing in list of watan card. Please my name enter in watan cad list. Thanks & Regards, Muhammad Tahir Basti & Mouza Usman Kouria Distt. Muzaffargarh.
dear sir,i belong to flood afected area mouza muhammad pur p/o wesanday wali tah and dist muzaffar garh .respected sir i have to suport a large family unfortunatly i got my name missed in list of reciever of watan cards i request u to enter my name in the lost of reciever of wattan cards
dear sir,i belong to flood afected area mouza muhammad pur p/o wesanday wali tah and dist muzaffar garh .respected sir i have to suport a large family unfortunatly i got my name missed in list of reciever of watan cards i request u to enter my name in the lost of reciever of wattan cards
sir i need my id card in my admission.
im married and im related to flood affected declared area, but unfortunately my name is not in the list of watan card beneficieries ,im legally married i got married after my cnic was made ,my marital status is single ,i went for my problem solution to nadra office but they refused saying its ban on modification ,please resolve now where should i go
I lived in Mouza & Basti Usman Kouria Distt. Muzaffargarh one of the flood effected areas but my name is not included in WATAN CARD deserving list, i am also the leading the complete family. So I request to include my name and grant me WATAN CARD. . Thanks! Muhammad Tahir
my name is sanaullah channa. i live at perozshah, taluka mehar, District Dadu.we are affected of flood but mostly our villagers are not eligible for receiving watan cards & i also .There fore we are requesting your honour for making eligble to we people for receiving watancard as we are deserving for watan card. Thanks
sir:my nic is block what can i do i submet my all document in nadra peshawer:dut no t cleared:what can i do plz help me
Dear sir i have submitted the application for a new id card one month before and today i went to the nadra office in federal B. Area block 10 karachi, to get the information but the office was closed. A man was standing behind the locked door to refuse any office work. My question is that today is not a gazzited holiday then why are the govt. offices are closed even i also visited the all the post offices of gulberg town and gulshan town for just two postal envelops. they were also closed
Dear Sir i would like to point out a very serious problem that today(20th october 2010), i have visited the Nadra office in block 10 federal B.Area karachi to know whether my id card is prepared or not, the application for the card was submitted one month before, but the office was closed. My question is that today there is not a gazzited holiday then why is the Nadra office closed today???
Dear sir/madam, I would like to point out a very serious problem, that today (twenth, october two thousand ten), your Nadra office in block-ten federal B. Area, gulberg town Karachi is closed and no office work has been done today. My question is that today is not a gazzitted holiday, there fore the office must be opened.
My Dear CNIC of my wife was issued four year ago, in which Date of birth is not correct due typical mistake by NADRA operators. Now we want to correct Date of Birth of my wife CNIC and replace the old CNIC with the new one. My wife is little bit litrated but not eudcated and there is nothing to prove his date of birth. Due to which we have already done her medical reported through Police hospital and Medical College Forenzic Department as per rules given by NADRA. Please help us with great thanks.
Respected sir, my name is Rahim khan S/o Hamzo khan I had two CNIC numbers . I went to NADRA office sukkur and submitted all required document to cancel my one card I also paid Ten Thousand Only as penalty through Token now I have only one card I belong with flood affected area of Taluka Johi. You are therefore requested kindly include my family in the list of flood affected I will be highly thank full for your kind action . With Best Regards Rahim Khan Rodnani S/o Hamzo Khan Johi, District Dadu
Dear sir, (B)form has not recieved to your senter jhang. what reason plz send a (B) form jhang senter. Token no 22
nadra office jalalpur jattan gujrat become institute of corruption plz take notice of it
Dear sir, i aplay NOIC nine mounth ago.refreance NO, from Taiwan but not yet get it. why others counterys is better then us and our GVT offices if want mony(reshvet) so sorry for this crime(gunah).GOD help us Thank you rgs, Ch Abid
I was applied my daughter CNIC on 23 Sept, due to officer himself issued me the token of free, I don't know the detail of Free at that time, now I came to know that there is a lengthy procedure for Free and I have to wait for a long time, what to do to get card as early as possible, to deposite fee or to apply again, like this?
sir pls tell my card status no one receive a call , i paid exiative fee, pls help me or give which no. which we contact your centre
Respective Sir/Madam, I just want to know that what is the time of issuing token for fresh NIC.....!!! I went nadra office of Kubay Chack,sialkot for apply fresh NIC of my daughter and they did misbehave with us and not issuing token to us they are told us that it is order from Islamabad to stop issuing token.They call us 3 times for making NIC but it is of no use. Know You tell us what we people do...???
sir my father name is s/o can u sent me my grand mother name. thanks
sir plz b form reqiur brith critificat ccancl
sir plz plz plz tell me my email adress when i receive my id card plz plz sir i will wait your email plz sir
DEAR SIR, I have already applied for the urgent identity card in september november came now but sir i have recieved no card.And one thing more the head of nadra office mansehra make me fool and say your card not recieved from islamabad.From this reason i write an email to you.Sirplease i strictly requested that you have call to nadra office .Dear sir i am grateful to you if you have do my work.Once again thanks alot . BILAL AHMED
Sir, mene june me aply kia ta card k liye pr abi tak wo bahany banaty hen k "abi process me he , abi ye hy, abi wo,..." kasam se tang aa chuky hen r opr se police wale ni chorhty... mera name INAMULLAH s/o SHABIR AHMAD from Dera Ismail Khan...plz reply me on this emai...///
Sir,my name is Azhar Basheer Card is not recieved3 months. Please Issue The id Card
i need informishion of my id card
Dear sir i want to know about my ID Card which i have issue in karachi nadar office Date of Issue THREE October Thousand Ten if u can tell me about it i will be thank full to u thank you .
to avoid rush at nadra counters and in the public intrest why you not allow the esahulat franchisee to collect frech and duplicate cnic new aplication and also registration form for childern under age 18. it will solve the lot of problems of public as well as the nadra offices. Is nadra autorities not intrested to solove the problems of people of pakistan or there is some other reason behind the scene.
Dear sir, My daughter applied for CNIC, but she has recieved an objection from your institute, the objection is that the age difference between father and applicant is un natural, I married when I was in 9th class, so my first child was born when I was in matric, now tell me kindly that in which country I should applied for citizenship, because I can not change my age and my daughter's age, and NADRA is not agree to submit her a Pakistani, only due to her parent's early marriage, are you not refusing to give her, her Fundamental Right? Are you not un rational in this matter? form no.will be sent if required
My name is Muhammad Tahir Mushtaq and I am from Mouza Usman Kouria (Shah Jamal) Distt Muzaffargarh.I am married and Father of two sons.my house and crops are destroyed due to Flood but my name is not in the list of Watan card.Plese include my name in the list of Watan Card.My Faimly No. is also Separate other than my Family thank you Address Muhammad Tahir Mushtaq Mouza & Basti Usman Kouria P/O Shah Jamal Distt. Muzaffargarh. CNIC. three,two,three,ziro,four,three,four,three, two,ziro,one, seven,three
Dear sir, my name is muhammad ashraf s/o muhammad ismail & my wife tahira ashraf w/o muhammad ashraf pleas send our I.D Card our adddess is under post office pipnakha near jamia masjid muhammadi mohalla laboure walfare socity pipnakha
dear sir, me faisal saeed working in saudi arabia recently married we wife apply for the passport on her new id with new name (attached my name at last) but when she was go to receive the passport they said u have before on passport we cant issue u the 2 passport. she has one passport but with her father name. they are saying to contact headquarter in islamabad. is there any solution of this problem kindly share with me i will be very thankfull
I need
sir i request tu u by the watan card my brother took the watan card but it is not pyment in his watan card. i have spend the one month so sir plz allow the pyment of his watan card. thax
dear sir i have lost my national identity card,i live here in lahore,now i have to appear on my bechelors exams,now what i have to do to get another id card? best regards AYESHA
sir i have apply renewal nic applyed token no from no in faisalabad railway colony mobile van but i have not ricved my plz find and send me my card
Salam I am a Pakistani but currently residing in China. My ID card will expire with in a week. can you let me know how I can renew it over here. warm regards Syed Hasanat
Respected Sir, I am worried about my future Because my CNIC is stopped due to Flood.. And I am going to China For MBBS with in twenty five days But my passport and Visa process is stopped due to CNIC�.I submitted my CNIC form in twenty five Aug in Nadra Office In Mailsi But Till now my CNIC is Not came..And my Admission date is expire after thirty days�. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sir Help me its my Future matter�.. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sir Help me
mama khan
I want to collect the CNIC of my brother wife from Malir NADRA office Karachi. When I was contact with customer relation officer, customer officer forward me to head of dept. The head of dept use misbehaver and thared me that where you can go and complain against me, my name is Malik and I am also one Malik in Karachi. He talking with me loudly and says (jis wazeer ka pass jana hai jahan complain karni hai karlo mara koi bi kuch nhn beggar sakta). There is my humble request please investigate take serious action against above mention person. Due to that type person are very dangerous for the esteems dept
i want to change my name plz send the requirement for this process.tnx
dear sir, I born and still living and serving in K.N.Shah.I got an old NIC.four,six,four-six,zeero-zeero,five,one,four,one,five in N/H sevnty nine.I went to vist my relatives in mehar where a Nadra mobile ven came in the collony all people were getting new NIC I also went for getting new card.I submited my old card but afer a month I got my new NIC card inwhich my all old entries were disapeared I was shown of bhitai muhalla mehar.where as I belongs to my native village Khair Pur Nathan shah.My new NIC. is four,one,two,zeero,five-seven,zeero,one,one,seven,four,four-three.sir this is board mistake may kindly be advise me throw my email to modify my card as I can get watan card . my all things are damaged and I can,t get any banifits from the governments so plz help me.
sir my date of birth on matric cerificate and on B form are different due to mistake of my father during making of new B form,i go to their office and they say dat now ur id card is made As per as B form but i want to make it according to Matric certificate,they say dat we'll change it but first we make it as per as B form, they say dat but i am not satisfy plz help me it prevents me to go abroad,plzzzz
dear sir, i am in dubai now,and there is a big problem in my nic ,which is touch to an another nic of the other person ,this is shown in my nic verification the problem is that i went to pakistan embassy in dubai for passport renewal they said to me that (i have two nic )and they will be not give me the computerise passport but i have no other nic i am a annocent person ,if there for they not give me passport then what did i do you. I am very poor person please sir,if you help me i will very thankfull to you please sir reply to me i am waiting for your messege .your faithfully muhammed anwar shah
dear sir, i am in dubai now,and there is a big problem in my nic ,which is touch to an another nic of the other person ,this is shown in my nic verification the problem is that i went to pakistan embassy in dubai for passport renewal they said to me that (i have two nic )and they will be not give me the computerise passport but i have no other nic i am a annocent person ,if there for they not give me passport then what did i do you. I am very poor person please sir,if you help me i will very thankfull to you please sir reply to me i am waiting for your messege .your faithfully muhammed anwar shah
It is tobe stated that I m university student n I GOT project of NADRA but i was unable to present it in detail coz information was lacking. So kindly add some incidents that were helped by nadra . Thank you.
Sir, my cnic is getting very late and now our exam is near and the nic is necessary for submiting the form plz do sth for me because I am very worried.
Insolent Behaviour by NADRA Staff at Gulshan e Hadeed, Karachi
aslam o alikam, h r u? i am khuram from islamabad ,working in south africa and this days i am back in pakistan and i like to bay a gun for my saftey,so plz assit and halp me abt the licence,, how to apley and how long it taks thanks wil wait ur reply best regards khuram
im married and im related to flood affected declared area Name UC FARIDABAD TALKA MEHAR DISTRICT DADU SINDH, but unfortunately my name is not in the list of watan card beneficieries ,im legally married i got married after my cnic was made ,my marital status is single ,i went for my problem solution to nadra office but they refused saying its banned on modification ,please resolve now where should i go ?
respacted sir: i wana know that what the process to see my nic data plz sir help me. ok thanks.
Hi my name is imran and i am working in Secretariat Peshawar Sir i would like to point out a very serious problem that today When I Made a NIC my father Nadra office in Peshawar Swift Center in Deams Plazza to the application for the card was submitted there is some staff is very bad character is sitting on the printer he talk to me on bad losing words in office. Plz look after this matter. Thanks
asalm ole kum sir humara village gul mohommad jatoi disstric dadu flood say mutasir hua magar mera watan card active nahen hua please help
nadra is so late in delivery and i think there is some problems in nadra staff in islamabad.please take some actions to rapid the process because many people are worried and tenssed about their cards and always remember Allah is watching our actions so i pray that Allah give sense to Nadra.
cnic why block?
Dear Sir! I have heard about the case in which a citizen named Zahid Ahmad son of Sher Mohammad, (a resident of Dherai Talash village in Lower Dir district) could not get his computerised national identity card as his fingerprints resemble those of his twin brother fingerprints. It is also said that no two persons have same iris distinctive patterns, including identical twins; furthermore, the left and right irises of a same person are different but now, while seeing all this, it is again quite possible that this theory may also be rejected in the future. But it is nearly impossible that two individuals having same fingerprints would have same iris distictive patterns. Nadra can overcome this issue by taking both iris recognition as well as fingerprints.
please i requested to you and your that area nadra the bribe on the cnic card and many true the true nationalist pakistani having a great problem with this all are the cuase of bribe
dear sir,i have two id card one of my father refrence n one of my husband refrence.i want to cancle on id card.i m not able to pay the fee of cancling the id card .so plz give me information n solve my problem as soon as possible thanx
Sir, I am overseas pakistani and applied for machine readable passport. After 15 days I was told that issue of passport is block in facial. I do not know what does it mean. They tell me to change the photo on NICOP which will take 3-5 months and my passport now expired. please advise what to do...
salam i m zahid from haripur hzara /sir about 5 month has passed my mother id card not made the management of nadra office haripur says that the finger prints of your mother not matched what we can do we offerd several times please take another finger prints but they denied .plz sir do some thing for us my mother is pension holder and she is facing very difficulty while takiing pension without id crd hope for your favour
Hi, I am living in USA and I need to get the family relationship certificate from NADRA. I have been leaving messages for the person who handles the NADRA related matters in the Consulate General in New York since last one month. Somehow he has not answered me. Could you please help me and let me know how can I get the family relationship certificate without having to come to Pakistan. Also, if it is possible, tell that person in the Consulate send me an email at [email protected]
Does any one reply tothe queries or provides help to the persons requesting through the questions/queries posted at this website? I had posted a simillar query about 3-4 weks back but so far no one has come out to help/provide guidence.
my card is not receved i live in village allah dito mugheri talka kamber distt kamber shadadkot sindh
what is NADRA H O Contact number sir