![]() Service DetailsName: NADRA (Headquarters) Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2, Islamabad Description: National Database & Registration Authority. Tel: 111-786-100 Added on Paktive by: Babar From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.) |
Discuss NADRA (Headquarters)
Pages 12345678I am experiencing a situation where Nadra has rejectetd my NIC as sibling age is not having the natural differnce...although a genuine issue but that was department fault where the same comes from 75.....how can I change the eductinal certificates...
card is nat recevd dibit from date18 march with argent fee not issud card
i didnt recieve my id card plz tell me how long more to get my id card.i submit my id in march so plz reply me as soon as possible .
sir, this is iqbal javed with you my form no.& qamar javed form no. .Sir i have applied on urgent bases bec my mom need liver transplant from INDIA they need id card in english so kindly plz do it urgent we will be obliged, thanks & regards, iqbal javed.
i am exprence man and i have lot of experience in Data Entry Operator of 6 years now i am wish to work with u thank if u give me a chance your great thanks ok
Dear Sir I want to renew my Comuterized Identity CARD which will be expired on thirty first september two thousand nine. I want to fly UK next month can i apply for renew my card before the expire date of my Card? Regards
Dear Sir/Madem, In the begining when NADRA was situated and computerized id card issue. in that period by mistakely my cousion Abdul Sadeer submit form and he did not receive his id. He submitted all family member id cards forms and received all but not his own. After a long time when he receive his family cards, he submitted his form again in rawalpindi/islamabad. He received one card. After some time he again received another card. Now he has gotton two ID cards. Now he wants to cancell his one card what is its actual process to solve his problem and 2nd card. Please give me easy process to solve to cancell 2nd card I am much thank ful to you. Zulfiqar Khan.
sir, my id expire in October 31 and i am in Kuwait this time so how can i renew my id care can plz tel me
I want to apply online for National Identity Card For Oversease Pakistan
I need birth certifaicates of my family.For this what to do
Dear Sir my CNIC have been expired on thirty September I have applied for renewal of my CNIC on nine Sept on fast track/urgent basis but after few days Customer service Orangi Town Karachi and UN inform me that my thumb is not matching from previous. I have also submit a letter ON Twelve October to Nadra Head Quarter Karsaz Karachi issued by Deputy Manager Karachi Region-II NSRC Liaquatabad Town Karachi. Karsaz Headquarter, Karachi also submit a letter to Islamabad on fourteen October. Sir I am working in PIA and my higher management posted to me at Jeddah for Hajj Operation . I will report to Jeddah 2nd week of November positively. Sir, two months hav been suffer for processing but Nadra failed to provide me a nenewal CNIC. Sir, plz solve my problem on urgent basis and provide me, my nenewal CNIC on priority basis. thanks & regards, Javaid Hussain ORANGI TOWN - KARACHI.
i am want information in my form b i am from bajur khar shandi mor
dear sir,my application of cancelation of nicop reach at NADRA HEAD QURTER islamabd since fifteen october by PHQ LAHORE. sir here is did my verification by PHQ lahore cannt here is i m correct person , sir my future depend on my passport but there is a problem of nicop ,PHQ officers tell me that my latter send to operation develpment department at head quarter islamabd.sir please cancell my nicop card and solve my problem on urgent basis. thanks & regards, irfan waris LAHORE.
sir i want my national id card in english language . if can not be in english language then i want my id card translation in english. how can i have this.
Dear Sir, I want information about my wife CNIC, now a days we are living in Islamabad, my own CNIC issue me from district Mardan. my wife blong Sawabi district, the ID card of my wife is not made until. please tell me about the requirements.
hellow this is a good way to get cnic
dear sir i have got my id card block since the start of this year. i am a student and i have cleared my fsc and doing engineering now-a-days. i had filled the form for the blockage in march and submitted it to my local nadra office but i have not gotten my NIC which is very necessary for a student. sir please help me our local nadra office is not doing something.
Dear Sir i submitted my id cards to re-issue my card on my husband name and its still pending due to WSQ problem i submitted new finger prints by 26-oct-09 but still i havent recieve any response as i have scholarship for PHD in uk but due to this i am unable to apply plz do something...waiting for ur kind reply
Sir, my son NICOP card made misstake to the office wrong date of birth then i send it again after i recevied the card is correct date of birth .The card is only valid for 13 months only ,what can i do further.
dear sir,this is sufyan from OKARA .i submitted my professor sir ARSHAD id.card for the change of picture.but due to NADRA bad customer service.it is still pending.your manager in okara isnt a good person he dont know how to deal with the customer.and therefore i m going to highcourt bcoz he issued that card to an another person.which is clearly a criminal act.kindly help me.waiting for your good reply. Regards, sufyan
Sir my name is amir shahzad and i am a poor person i can not pay duplicate penalty fee. and i have only one id card i received only one so please do not charge ten thousand how can i pay and from where i can pay it .waiting for reply.
dear sir my card not issud
sir i submited a nic.card date is overand i am a poor lady i can not pay duplicate penalty fee. and i have only one id card i received only one so please do not charge ten thousand how can i pay and from where i can pay it .waiting for reply.
Dear Sir, My niece applied for origin card from Norway,OSlO- Somehow Pakistani consulate put objection on the photograph which was not clear.I have her new photographs and her receipt of origin card. Is it possible if i submit her photographs here along with receipt.Kindly suggest. Regards, Shirjeel Khan
sir, i apply for reneval of my ID card since jan last yr,But still i didnt recieved my new card.
Hy listen all i wish to confirm that NADRA is pvt or Gov ?
Respected Sir: I have applied for reneval of my id card, but still waiting for that, about one and half year passed, and every time the nadra officers say me to wait for 15 days more, what should I do? my form no. and complain # is .
i applied for NICOP 3 weeks before and they said you will receive in 2 weeks from the date applied. i tried to contact them by phone by email no answer. same cheap rubbish service. bloody rude attitude. who hell are they. corrupt people. its shame we belong to this sort of country.
my form no
Dear Sir, I want information about my wife CNIC, now a days we are living in Mangla, my own CNIC issue me from district Sawabi. my wife blong Karachi, the ID card of my wife is not made until his father and mother is death and his CNIC Card is nothing. please tell me about the Information.
dear sir,i applied ID card from spain about one year ago.ID card was here but i was in a series injury that,s why i could,nt get the ID.even that i don,t know about the ID NO.please i need it now.tell me what must i do send me an email pleasedata
Dear Sir, I am travelling to India for my business, there is also a exibition i am attenting. Do i need my id card English Translation copy, if yes then how can apply and how soon i can get because i am traveling in 2 weeks time. Pls let me asap. Thanks
i want to know the procedure of making a form B.what are the requirements of documents in making form B?
Dear Sir, i mohsin ali is the resident of haripur. sir i hardly required an information just of my english name spelling in nadra data basse.as i have doubt of my name spelling in nadra data base. and i need it hardly for court notice required for the correction of my name spelling in my matric degree.Kindly sir help me in the matter. what whould i have to do kindly guide me by given mail address.
pleas solved my problem Nin nembe
I just wanted to know about urgent passport fee and time period to get
respected sir my husband is in italy.he sponsered me.nowi need family registeration certifiate but nadra office refused to issue me this certificate they said ur husband must come here.my husband cannot come.kindly guide me what i have to do if my husband in italy contact nadra office italy.will they issue him family registeration certificate
wel com
Respected Sir, my CNIC has lost for the last one and half month i submit my request in Nadra office Ghulam muhammad Abad branch. sir i am a bank employee.so i need it very much on after every second. i went again and again to the office after few days but the headoffice abjected me that my finger prints are not matched with the previous one. Sir please i gave my finger prints twice but again the same objection after every six days. Sir its my kind request to you please help me and omit my objection so that i need it very much. Sir please help me in this scenerio so that i got my new id as early as possible.
Renewal of Origin Card. My origin card was not renewed. I submit my card on three months before But till now any response was not give me by ur office. Please renew my card as soon as possible because I want to come in Pakistan.
i submitted my application for my NADRA card in Birmingham, Bismillah House England. Sir/Madam as yet i haven't received it. I applied twice with fees because the first one was printed wrong. Please could you send me this asap.. thank you.
i didnt recieve my id card plz tell me how long more to get my id card.
sir i am student in pakistan i visit nadra office in disstrict sailkot and tehsil sambrial sambrial branched the all team of nadra missbehave wid me and beat me as well as one man maked the video of this all incident know i request u too took an serious action on the team of nadra in sambrial otherwise me visit the media than u know whats happens soo i need my ans on this email soo reply me soon thanks
Sir, PLz check my copmlaint id ASAp. Regards Atta ullah
dear sir.i want to change my name..plz tell me the complete procedure...and plz tell me that in how much time all of my documents like my degrees of eduction would b change..i m so worried abt that...it is easy to change or not....plz tell me on my email id
i m student of computer . please i neda
sir, please soLVE my problem. CNIC DATE 1983 PROBlem MY CORRECT BRITE DATE 31/12/1986. PLASE SOLVE MY PROBLEm my phone no:0722 715931 DISST: DERA BUGTI CITY : SUI
I am Employ of MCB my NIC has been block since the year started and i submitted my all documents to my local NADRA Office so please sir do something in my case . My bank send me to Umrah and my bank give me time for Umrah is only 2 month so i have submit my passport in bank but due to NIC i cannot submite my Passport so please sir do something in my case.
dear Sir Is the any procedure to change my name in my all documents like ssc,fsc and others cause i all change in my passport and id card but i dont know how to change in documents so please help. I Shall be very thankful to your kindess
Assalam O alaikum, Sir, I have encountered an inevitable problem regarding the NIC. The issue deals with the placement of wrong Father's name on my NIC card.My father has passed away.I want to correct father's name on my NIC CARD. It is humbly requested to direct me towards the procedure to fix my problem.
i have applied with urgent category for cnic for my mother but still after 20 days no response by the mardan nadra office. every time they refuse her. and says come after 3 days. requested you pls help us . my mother is going for hajj batullah. token no 29 cnic n0
Sir i am a pakistani and i am in love to an afghan girl and she has an afghan citizen card provided by pakistan so my question is that can i be able to make for her CNIC after i marry her. or not and what will be done in this case
I lost my original CNIC and applied for duplicate card, delievry date of card is june, 27.Since that date i donn't recieved my card yet. main thing is that NADRA help line andlanline number did'nt recieve my call at single time. Please efficient your call service to help subscriber. thanks
gazi road jhangir park genral hosptal lahore
Salam Sir I take interview in hyderabad for deta entry operator please give me information about final result
On07 july I applied for renewal of card.to my horror and surprise I was told that two IDs have been issued.Data is computerised,why two IDs issued by NADRAstaff.no fault of mine. I am now being penalised heavily.I am apensioner with 71 years of age.Do u want to punish me before going to grave.For GOD sake donot be so hard and cruel.the casebe logically seen and see the fault of ur staff also.GOD will definitely ask about this illogical conclusion even if the present CHIEF JUSTIC failed to take notice of this.Thank you and for justice and lenient view.
Dear Sir: I like to draw your attention towards the behaviour of Nadra Authorities in Hyderabad. When i submit my form for renewal of my CNIC. i point out the administrator there that my Marks of Identification is written wrong in the card, she ask me that we can write Only three words in this category and ur marks of identification has nmore words. I can not understand what is this? why not correct data is written in CNIC.and they just write "No marks of Identification". Plz look after this matter. Thanks
First time, when i went to nadra to make my id card. I told them that my date of birth is written wrong by showing them my matric certificate in which my date of birth was written correctly. They said that your id card will be made with incorrect date of birth firstly and your id card again would be made correctly after that. Now i want to correct my Name and the Date of Birth. They said that firstly only the Name will be changed by paying the fees after that i have to pay fee again for the correction of my Date of Birth. As per my point of view i think by only one fee both the problems can be solved. I am waiting for your reply in this regard .Reply me soon.
I have applied for the modification of CNIC in Feb of this year, during data entery the CNIC of another lady Miss Zummarad Begum wrongly entered by NADRA instead of my own CNIC which resulted in marking of DUP. A letter from Provincial HQ NADRA dated twelve April of this year has been sent to Operation Development Directorate NADRA HQ, Islamabad for correction of DUP mark.But they have not taken any notic.I request by your forum to chairman NADRA to help me.
slam alikum sir, i am in kuwait, I have applied for ENGLISH CNIC in last year from EMMBASSY of kuwait ,i wait some weeks but there was no reply. Than i was came to pakistan and write the application to local nadra office at that time my NIC card expired. AT LOCAL office when i submet the application the officer checked my record ,he said you have double card with same name ,same address,but not same id numbers. The NADRA officer said to me go to ISLAMABAD and toled him input your both all recard into computer data and fee is ten thous RS but from last 6 months i am waiting... and my passport is also near to expire.
plz mail me my nic number because i need that in my medical college entry test i applied for nic on twenty six may but then after forty days nadra needed my mother nic number so i gave that to nadra on sixteen july and told me i that i ll receive nic after fifteen days so kindly just send me my nic number alloted to me my nic.. my token form num was I NEED IT HARDLY TODAY PLEASE SEND ME NOW IF POSSIBLE at peshawer center
SIR, I HAVE lost my id card receiving token plz tel me how can i receive my id card now thanks
Dear Respected Officers, My wife's CNIC is applied for Age clarification since many months more and according to regional NADRA office inquiry, it is now in final process in NADRA islamabad from two months. Kindly sir speed up this last process then i will be able to collect. Kind regards.