Inter Services Intelligence, islamabad
Paktive User

Service Details

Name: Inter-Services Intelligence Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Khayaban-e-Suharwardy, G-7/4, G-7, Islamabad Description: Directorate General ISI (Headquarters): An agency of Pakistan Army. Added on Paktive by: Poshida From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.)

User Rating: 4/5 (6 Votes)

Discuss Inter-Services Intelligence

Pages 12345
71.Dawood says:5/5

I want To join IsI you ISI and do something for Pakistan.....

72.Omar Khan says:3/5

We are going through a ongoing transition since 2008-09 and Pakistani isi interveined in our cause and you are most welcomed for it, if you know about this then please get in touch.

73.Zeshan says:3/5

I am in civil defence department, and I want to join IS I, I can do everything.

74.Muhammad Toufique Bozdar says:5/5

i am private school Teacher I am from Ratodero district Larkaana sindh i have focused on such beggars are in a large number around the sindh and in my city and much are in the larkana also they physically fit but they are begging within here just eye on them and also many woman,s are their such group to spy first busy homes and then they rating within there i am here for much informing you for these kind of reports and information and i will be with you to easily find them in different areas . I have also applied for GD at intelligence berreow some time ago i am coming soon to be with my tigers inshallah

379Tariq HabibI need to talk with you about very important matter,s kindly consider 74
75.Tariq Jameel says:5/5

ISI is the black bone of pakistan

76.Farhan Khan Solangi says:3/5

I.s. I officer request job Thanx Allah Pak mission Pakistan army zindabad ISI ZINDABAD

77.Khateeb Gull says:5/5

i like isi and i want to join isi

78.Javaid Aslam says:3/5

Please could you send me the full details including email address of the current DG of ISI for Islamabad. Thanks

79DG PA Sure would u like his residence land line phone or mobile or office direct line? or i cud ask him to call u whenever ure available? what time u free? 78181Adnan my name is M.Adnan 78
79.Dg Pa says:3/5

@78.Javaid Aslam: Sure would u like his residence land line phone or mobile or office direct line? or i cud ask him to call u whenever ure available? what time u free?

80.Syed Sanaullah says:5/5

contect me

81.Sajid Khan Afridi2040 says:3/5

i want 2 help you in every kind of mission

82.Syed Aamir Hussain says:3/5

isi join more information

83.Ibarahim Muhammad Haider says:5/5

@58.Shani: ISI CIA, RAW, MI6 agencies Pakistan ISI ISI ISI ISI top 10 intelligence agencies 1 number ISI ISI ISI ISI ISI :)

84.Syed Aamir Hussain says:3/5

i live in kotli ajk I like isi job and joining you help me some information of isi new job coming.

85.Kuamil Haider says:5/5


86.Dhananjaykumarsingh says:3/5


87.Laiba Rawish says:3/5

I want to join ISI because its my aim to serve my whole life for safety of Pakistan and for the people who live in it Thanku!

88.Ali Ahmad says:3/5

Call Me I Need Your Help No Anybody Give Respones To me .

89.Muhammad Azharuddin says:5/5

pakistani pak army ISI pakistan pakistan ISI ISI eligible ISI. ISI agency english urdu original urdu writing

90.Irfan says:5/5

I just want to protect my country i will try my best to join ISI they r our heros and i wish to b one them plz give a chance aswell. ... Pakistan zindabad Pak Army paindabad

91.Laiba Rawish says:3/5

I want to join ISI because its my aim to serve my whole life for safety of Pakistan and for the people who live in it Thanku!

165Ahsan hello which city you from send me details 91
92.Hassan Abbas says:3/5


93.Talha Mehmood says:5/5

dearest i love ISI ,PAK ARMY ,and other all pak agencies . contact life care main islam or pakistan source

94.Eitizaz Ul Hassan says:3/5

Contact me please i want to talk about kashmir...I can't type here

95.Jalal Ahmad Khan says:3/5

I want to do work for isi by collecting the informations of country. Please contact me

96.Raja Khurram says:5/5

i want to full flag help of my lovely country Pakistan i want to finish terrorist all mission who wants to corruption in all our Muslim world. i want join in Pak ISI & discovered the enemies in my pak watan Pakistan ... kindly give me post in dept , i want to request JSHQ generals kindly contact me & help for Make strong Pak army & Pak Pakistan

97.Saifullah Khan Mehsud says:5/5

Need (you) as you need (me) ISI Saif Khan Mehsud Quetta cantt

98.Kamran Qazi says:5/5

Yesterday i got call from Private number for interview at Islamabad, person given details main ISI head quarter 603 near islamic dental international university but i dont remembered when i applied, neither i given any written test and he even didnt told me post for which i am called. Either i should travel from Karachi to Islamabad for interview? Please help

99.Wajahat says:5/5

want to get information thanks

100.Bilal Khan says:5/5

How to become ISI Officer!

101.Aq Ghouri says:4/5

How to send you a complain?

102.Kabir Hussain says:3/5

i am driver in spoart board punjab i like isi i need driver job isi my exp 8th years my lence HTV LTV PSV my phone no

103.I Am Akhtar Hussain says:5/5

I have one complaint against one unknown person kindly contact me through eMAIL+ please send me NUMBER of DG ISI OR EMAIL ID AND PHONE

104.Sabeeh Zamir Bhatti says:3/5

I am 21, a student. I am willing to sacrifice my everything for my country. I might not qualify the minimal academic requirements, but as far as I've heard, that is not what ISI is looking for. I am totally willing to reach the very limits of my physical, moral and emotional barriers. The only thing I will ever prefer over my country would be my religious values.

105.Muhammad Abduljalil says:2/5

Ur services r very good but some time some low lavel agents giving very wrong report Thats not good plz be careful of usual peoples bcoz the real pakistan is usual peoples other thing for ur information there r 3 groups of yahood working in inside of pakistan if u r real Muslims block them thanks

106.Abdul Qadeer Khan says:5/5


107.Naveed says:5/5

i want to join isi call or contact me qualification M.Com (c) its my biggest wish computer diploma holder electric diploma holder call me contact me

108.Sayyad Muqadar Shah says:3/5

g I want to join ISI for the defence of islam and pakistan.

184asad ahmad i want to join isi 108
109.Usman Ali says:3/5

i need isi job me intrest for this job contact me

110.Mohsin Kamal says:5/5

armed forces pak armed forces agencies

111.Ishfaq Ahmad says:3/5

Hi My name is Ishfaq Ahmad khan a Pakistani citizen from Peshawar living in the USA I want to report a face book page and a personal profile which runs in Peshawar against Pakistan and seems like the admin on the page is busy in separatist activities. Please advise

112.Maj.asif says:3/5

Get in touch on the e.mail ok

113.Ahmad says:3/5


114.Tameen Khan says:3/5

I want join isi from kurrme agency

115.Iknoor says:3/5

good isi women federation

116.Daudibhrahim says:5/5

join isi. Alah is always help me

117.Rajesh says:2/5


118.Shazad Mahmud says:3/5

I want to join I s I how can I do that,my father was Pak army,he is not alive,i am 63 years old I want to help my country by getting into indian army and destroy them,they are not so strong,i am in my last stages of nothing to lose have no one,beside I had prostate cancer,i want to die in some cause.and do some thing for my country I have no one to cry for me I am alone,who ever read this into officer plz help me give me a chance.thanks.shazad Mahmud.

119.Ahmadansari says:3/5

I information you killing and bomb blasting work contact me mob

120.Mustahsansattar says:3/5

i send many messages to ispr and other isi emails adreeses now i also talk with cia who first meet with me i first work for them then others i also meesages on ispr phone noumber which google you can check cia also i text them thats why please meet with me may i help you i write every thing on other email adresses you can check thatwhy pleaseb read my message

121.Muhamad Nadeem says:5/5

We are Pakistani being a Pakistani every person responsibility some have do for Pakistan some body says we give Soldiers Salary i told him nobody give Salary one blood drop that's a reason we are best in all our the world all Soldiers selected persons from ALLAH side INSHAALLAH ALLAH must give me chance to serve for our Nation. ISI Zindabaad. PAKISTAN ZINDABAAD

122.Tameen Khan says:3/5

@22.Mamund: I want is I job contact I from kurrme agency

123.Mustahsansattar says:3/5

I want to meet ispr agents and also to governor i send many messages to governor. Ispr. Isi. Cia but no any reply if you talk with me may i help you more. I have something for show you i talk with police but no any reply. ase show some mercy and give me job. I am very thabk ful meet with mee i am redy ti meet with yoU. i want show you something like invincble meet with me may be yiu khnow me but i dont khnow about you. My house is opposite mint shahjhan park street noumber two. Hakim abdulsattar house. My name mustahsansattar. Bye

124.H K says:5/5

@53.Makashif Secret Officer Of Isi: I have a secret information for ISI please contact me my number is

222dixit ghiyad i am indian but isi join help mi 124
125.Shah Faisal says:3/5

interested .....!!!

126.Con says:3/5

contect me.

127.Wasim Sajjad says:3/5

I am in very trouble in saudiarabia. help me my cell number .

128.Bilal Ahmed says:3/5

can you help me about ISI how can i work with you in field operation any criteria?

129.Abdurrahman says:3/5

I join pakistan ISI ..

130.Nicknamenain says:5/5

I join iSi as a field operator.its my dream it's my Fashion it's my life.but after 3 years later.i am still busy in study. Pakistan Zindabad.

131.Zeeshan Ahmad says:5/5

I need a job to my country pak ISI I am from FATA Mohmand Agency and I am wrester fighter. to work out of country

132.Muhammad Saqib says:1/5

I want to join isi and it's My wish to serve for My Country PAKISTAN

133.Ramiz Haider says:3/5

my name is ramiz some boy call me everyday an asked i have gold coin 300 kg i wana sale it sale this and i gave you the commission i have a doubt that he is a scam or some group of terrorist i have num of that person contact me

134.Khalid says:3/5

my name is khalid and i am a simpal citizen of pakistan resently we all lesine about the burma siuvation and in this conditons i think its our duty as a muslim that ve must arrange the help for our thouse brothers and sisters i want that if you make a new army and sand thire for the help of those people so i ll join first because its compulsory all of us do some thing i hope you will be do some thing thankyou so much

135.Syed Tahir Shah says:5/5

I lost Mobile Samsung Galaxy J1 Mobile No Detail me Number Syed Tahir Shah

136.Sajjad Ul Haq says:5/5

this is me sajjad , i have a sort of question. let me ask u . is isi officcers allow to use there postion in local way to show there position on civiliains,, i know this is wrong according to isi.. but i.m very ashamed that somi ISI officcers are doing this,, at presently thats happening with me ,a ISi officers uses his post in front of police and dont allow police to work with right way,.. im a student let me help in this regard . i shall be very thankful to you..

137.Faizan says:5/5

I love pak army and i proud i have a best agency then i wish joni ISI

138.Fiza says:3/5

@53.Makashif Secret Officer Of Isi: its not important to be in army when u have talent . i think isi mission army

229syedsagheer7865 contact me plz 138
139.Nasim Khan says:5/5

contact me

140.Faisal Jamil says:5/5

isi complian

141.Abdul Hannan says:5/5

I want to join ISI.

142.Muhammad Mudassar says:3/5

I want to your help im going to lahore from muridke before four days im sitting in rikshaw to men come from back on a bike he snatch me sell phone and run away ,i also have been complain to ppolice station help me

143.Gupta Santosh says:3/5

plz help

144.Syed Muhammad Faiq says:5/5

pakistan zindabad)

145.Nasee says:3/5

want to join isi

246Murad aziz I am murad my contact num 0346 Murad aziz 145
146.Syed Rehman says:5/5

@53.Makashif Secret Officer Of Isi: Really

147.Priscilla Dash says:3/5

I want to contact you

148.Kulsoom Sheikh says:5/5

kuls0om fr0m karach want t0 j0!n want y0ur answer as s0on as p0ss!ble reply me.

149.Abdul Rehman says:5/5

hello , plz check tariq bin ziad colony a person sits near jamia masjid nizami he is a fakir but i thought him suspicious plz from sahiwal punjab pakistan

150.Muhammad Yaqoob says:3/5

"To Whom it may concern " It's my passion, the biggest , only one and last wish of my life that I become the secret agent of ISI because patriotism is in my blood and this patriotism is urging me every second to do this job ,I have the abilities fulfilling the requirements of an agent. For example I have analytical power, I have traveled abroad, I am intelligent, I can disguise and can play any character, I am physically strong, I am dedicated, I can face difficulties in life and I want to do something for my country before dying. I want to suffer and die for my country. Thanks

239Muhammad Yaseen help me job 150
151.Gumnam Sepahi says:3/5

select me or reject me but must give me answer i want do something better for pakistan im who from where and how i came

152.Rameez says:3/5

isi zindabad! Long live Pakistan

153.Hassaan Raza says:3/5

i want to be a secret agent and do somting for motherland..

154.Mohsin Raza says:3/5

Hi, My name is Mohsin Raza and i'm from punjab,pakistan . I'm living and working in Bangkok Thailand. I love isi and want to join permanently. For more information and detail plz call me on my number.will talk to you about experience and jobs ..waiting of your reply . Regards, Mohsin Raza

155.Farooq Sarwar says:1/5

Brig. Aslam with other his companions named Nawaz Sharif, Farooq Sarwar, Mohammad Azeem nori, Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Azam of jugar poswal, Ali warriach (Azam), Shabbir Ahmed, Bashir Ahmed, Khurram Shabbir, Sohail Shabbir, Asim Shabbir, Qasim Warriach and many others are involved in raping kiswa, samra and umar. help us. Indian and German, european and American and Russian officials my be involved. I do not know where they are. The above mentioned are spying for india against pakistan. yours sincerely.

156.Saira says:3/5

Salam My name is Saira im from Lahore please i need help it is an emergancy please contact me please

254umair what help do you need? I need ISI officer for some serious conversation. 156
157.M Anjum says:3/5

I'm true Muslim because I am Pakistani. I want to serve my home land and Nation so I want to join ' isi ' Pakistan so that I should show my feeling and spirits of country to the enamy of Isi is best agency to serve Pakistan .that is why I am join isi pakistan

158.Hassan Abid says:5/5

My first and last love for pakistan I wish to join for ISI because I died like a soldier

159.Abdul Wahid says:4/5

can i join isi

160.Khan says:5/5

There is guy called Gulaab he has tv repairing shop in deheri hassanabad chowk this guy is getting and selling fake nadra cards and uk and Europeon passports and has extreme Islamic views and hates the army and police .this must b reported to the police and security services b4 he and his friend do sum damage to country and people .

252Mamoona family Europe family family Faisal Abad police 160
161.Abdurrehman says:3/5

Sir me app l.p. information Dena chants hun

162.Mujtaba Umrani says:5/5

I Love a lot Pakistan Army and ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence). Pray for Me,, I want to be an Army Officer.

163.Naveed Ul Hassan says:5/5

link check

164.Furqan Zeb says:3/5

Babu muhammad shafiq is a criminal,gangster & Fraud travel agent. NIC no : - -5 He involve Police every time & take help from Malik sakhawat his friend who stay in nusrat colony, (Siraa place) dharampura, near railwaylines, Lahore. Furqan zeb

165.Ahsan says:3/5

@91.Laiba Rawish: hello which city you from send me details

166.Mujtaba Rafiq says:5/5

Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtair. DG ISI. I want To meet with You. Mujtaba Rafiq. Founder Name of Youme Takbeer Pakistan Atom Bomb

167.Rashid says:5/5

i lost the mobile phone imi no is what you trace the mobuile phone location im so worry about all this its have so personal data in mobile memory rashid

168.Aimpan says:5/5


169.Charlie says:3/5

Hi i have some urgent work if you can help i can help you.

170.Abid says:5/5

Pakistan proud to be a Pakistani .

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