Inter Services Intelligence, islamabad
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Service Details

Name: Inter-Services Intelligence Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Khayaban-e-Suharwardy, G-7/4, G-7, Islamabad Description: Directorate General ISI (Headquarters): An agency of Pakistan Army. Added on Paktive by: Poshida From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.)

User Rating: 4/5 (6 Votes)

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1.Sohaib says:3/5

i love isi so i want join isi plz contact with me i can do everything for isi

92Hassan Abbas 1
2.Umer says:3/5

i want to join any intelligence because i want to show my love and work for pakistan only. plz guide me

3.Syed Zaheer Abbas Zaidi says:3/5

i want to join isi becoz i love army and my sweet pakistan i doing any thing for my country plz give me chance plz plz plz............... contct me

56usman isi officer time or discipline favourite time 3
4.Syed Zaheer Abbas Zaidi says:3/5

salam i want to join isi becoz i love my sweet country pakistan and armed forces and to do some thing for my contry i m doing any thing for country plz give me chance ur thanx full SYED ZAHEER ABBAS ZAIDI PAKISTAN ZINDABAD

5.M Ali Khan says:3/5

i have no words to expres my feelings bcz what i know or what i see the current situation of our PAKISTAN is that ................................................................................................................................................................................. you know better than me that what i am saying.

6.Malik Fahad says:3/5

I want to join isi to svae my country nation.And will do what ever they wants from me. what i am saying.I cannot tell you my express feelings

7.Sheharyar says:3/5

i wnat to join ISI please inform me i want to die like a hero.

8.M.waleed Khan says:5/5

A.A sir i want to join ISI for save my country.plz tell me how i join ISI.i m in 2nd year D.B.A 70% marks.plz sir tell me for God sake.Thank you Allah Hafiz

9.M. Rahman says:1/5

i can do some new . and your system is very bad . and briefly speaking, i can work . i will show you what a man can do . dear , struggle alone pleases us not the victory.

10.M.rahman says:1/5

i can do some new. your system is very bad. dear, struggle alone pleases us not the victory . i will show you , what a man can do .

11.Tanzeel Ur Rahman says:1/5

i can do some new. your system is very bad. dear, struggle alone pleases us not the victory . i will show you , what a man can do .

12.Liaqat Ali says:3/5

Excellency ! While having your tremendous love, stupendous affection, precious favour and marvellous collaboration, I, with pride and pleasure, would like to know how to contact with the worthy, audacious, intrepid and astute Incharge of local Islamabad ISI Office and thanks a lot. Sincerely, A patriotic and altruist.

13.Naveed Khalil says:3/5

I m energetic, having the courage to defeat the enemies of Islam, Muslims and Pakistan. I am now doing administrative job in Health Department but i feel guilty. because our people and country is in very crucial stage and i m young man upto 30,,,, i have strong arms and can not do anything for my country.....we are not just for our families,,not for just to earn the money,,,we have to prove that v JAWANS are the assets of our country,,,we can defend our country by the Help of ALLAH and our courage, struggle, hard work, honesty and responsibility. please provide me a chance because i m also the son of Mujahid(My father retired from PAK NAVY). Thanks

14.Nasim says:3/5

plz sir get me in it i want to go to isi that s my no '''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''

15.Khawaja Faizul Akram says:3/5

I am ready to help Isi

16.Khush Rehman says:3/5

i want to join i.s.i em from gilgit plz guide me

17.Ms Bia says:3/5

Respected sir, Some people who are fake they pretened themselves like a ISI Agents and try to treatend me Please help me how can i get rid of these people.

18.Muhammad Jamshed Afridi says:5/5

ISI best for pakistan. best for with our forces. with good wishes

19.Abdul Karim says:5/5

i hate pakistan militry and i hate pakistan police and i hate too pakistan saddar or prime minister because they are working for forn country and for mony and for election (pakistan is only saved by (isi and cia)plz respect pakistan isi and cia

20.Shahan Saeed says:3/5

i love i want to serve join any secret agency of please help me....if u want to not lost a talented person.......then plzz contacted me

21.Shahan Saeed says:3/5

why u not reoly me|?????????

22.Mamund says:3/5

i an patriot with my own country so i want to join the isi

122tameen khan I want is I job contact I from kurrme agency 22
23.Muhammad Azam says:3/5

@IsI. With due respect & allot of love to Pakistan security force & world best Agency , Sir, my aim of life to join as spoy and work for my Motherland with your favorable consideration , I will be thankful for your this act of kindness,. Reg: M Azam

24.I G says:3/5

I am ready to help Isi free

25.Kamran Ali says:3/5

peshawar army flates abdara tower 5 floor room no 5

26.Zakir says:3/5

why the youngsters job less in our country, they have professional degree specially related to law enforcement agencies degree and they serve for volunteer for there country why we are jobless

27.Muaiz says:5/5

Hello i want to join ISI guide me, what can we need to do first for join ISI. thanks ..

28.Maxalchol says:3/5

you should join first Air force or Navel then they'll select you.

29.Mohammad Toufiqe says:3/5

i love isi so that i want join isi conatact with me i am here in larkana city i can do anything for my country pakistan and sheeraz khan bozdar is also my name but this is my facebook name can see anything on the sheeraz khan bozdar id sheeraz.bozdar

30.Qadeer Ellahi says:3/5

me barma help

31.Muhammad Anees says:5/5

iam join ISI and working with you without any purpose

32.Abdul Ghaffar Khan says:3/5

i want to join isi and can do all types of duties i will reply for kind response

33.Ameer Bux says:3/5

Want to join isi and I have completed my matriculation and intermediate from cadet college larkana. My contact no is

34.Umair Razaq says:5/5

I Salute all the officers of ISI who serve our country. No doubt we are No.1 (Intelligence Agency) in the World. Proud to be a Pakistani Soon i will be part of ISI (Invisble Solider Of Islam) 10/5

35.M.waqas Nazir says:5/5

Attension plz' tell me procedure to join I.S.I and send me by my e.mail Address

36.Ramish Qureshi says:3/5

ISI is the best spy Agency i do anything for it .

37.Ruakiya Abbasi says:5/5

; I am Rukaiya Ashraf Abbasi,my main ambition is to become a leader or ambassador. We want to feel our support and encouragement and hope to find goals with success & pride. We also want to let know that are missed, remembered, and honored at home. Now I would like to briefly discuss some core issues where brave decisions have made us proud: 1. Operation Zarb e Azb is at the top of that. Since this operation has been started, terrorists activities have been minimized and a major part of garbage of terrorists has already been cleared by our brave army. 2. Nine Zeero operation was also a very smart and brave decision. We hope that it will be completed by all the aspects ahead. If I done any mistake in this letter sorry. type my heart words for Pak Army, sincerely ,faithfully Rukaiya Ashraf Abbasi LOVE U PAK ARMY!!

38.Aqeel says:3/5

I am son of poor & retired father we are 5 sister & 4 brother I am big of all , age 21 edu inter. This is my big wish of all as I requested that please give me a one chance to improve my agent qualites . Please select me for every test and every work I m sure I will do complete , and please reply me soon I will wate your reply 0315 .thanks for reading.

39.Rizwan Baig says:1/5

Pease take check and balance upon defence ministries which are run by Armed force Adminintration like HIT where jobs are offord only to recommendation and intercession persons only.Army is not God but employments of nation .Due to such manners of Pak Army I hate them .

40.Omair Ch says:5/5

I love isi because world has appreciate it Isi is just heartbeat of pakistan and i salute to soldiers and officers who are working for Isi away from their families just for Pakistan

41.Waqas Ahmad Gondal says:5/5

i want to join Pakistan becoz Pakistan needs meam PakistanAre u?

42.Arshad Mahmood Chaudry says:1/5

Resected , If some one found any kind of suspecious movement in surrounding area or in the internet how to inform higher official of ISI commands. Arshad Mahmood

43.Shoaib says:3/5

logon Love u

44.Imran says:3/5

1 top school address plz help me

117Rajesh 44
45.Tariq Javid says:3/5

I want inter service intelligence, so please give me a chance. for joining call me my cell # 0321-

46.Adnan Ali Shaikh says:5/5

ISI is in my blood. it will be proud for me to join ISI. Every day i thinks that how can i join ISI. give me chance i will try my best to complete my missions. Thank you and looking farward for your positive response Regards

47.Sulehri says:3/5

I want to join Pak secret agency. I want to work for my nation as well as my country. My qualification is MA' LLB. Plz....... I m waiting for reply

48.Jehanzaib Khan says:5/5

I want isi free of cost no demand money kindly contact me at here 0301 am male fro multan my nick is honey bin tariq

49.Abdullah Aslam says:4/5

my naame is abdullah aslam i m hafiz and i styudy class in 8 i want to joining isi help me I LOVE PAKISTAN AND ISI ...

50.Vikrant Singh says:3/5

Call me....its ur luck

51Dkks shan khan WE will we have men in the CREATOR'S force 50
51.Dkks Shan Khan says:3/5

@50.Vikrant Singh: WE will we have men in the CREATOR'S force

52.Mazhar says:3/5

Isi pakistan zindabad... call me.0308

53.Makashif Secret Officer Of Isi says:5/5

You all are disqualified for isi. Because if you want to be in isi you must join ISSB or PAK Army.

124H k I have a secret information for ISI please contact me my number is 53138Fiza its not important to be in army when u have talent . i think isi mission army 53146Syed Rehman Really 53
54.Saad Ali Khan says:3/5

I want to join isi I dont need money.I want to do some thing for pakistan.this is my last wish form I want to join Pak secret agency. I want to work for my nation as well as my country. My qualification is and doing MBA

55.Saad says:3/5

I want to join ISSB and then isi plz tell me the process

56.Usman says:5/5

@3.Syed Zaheer Abbas Zaidi: isi officer time or discipline favourite time

57.Zafran Malik says:3/5

I love my pakistan pak may you live long and pakistan ISI may be flourish... I join pakistan ISI as a civilian my desire to protect our country and destroy to every bad evil person they prevailing lawlessness in this country....

58.Shani says:5/5

Im a student of law . Im 21 years old . I want to protect my motherland . My mother is Pakistan . These a days different agencies like RAW , CiA , NDS , Mi6 , Mossad etc are working in Pakistan . These agencies want to weak Pakistan . So thats reason I want to join isi . I dont fear my death . I have a brilliant mind . I have all ability to become a SPY , Agent . I love my country Pakistan . Im true patriot . All people pray to Allah for a lot of money , some for famously , some for long live their parents , some for a best future their children . But I dont need these things . I always pray to Allah to became a isi agent . in sha Alla Ill achieve my goal . So give me one chance . I have make my own code . I knows different manners to get information isi is Pakistans defence last boundary line . Pakistani Pakistan he . Long live Pakistan , Pak Army and isi?

83Ibarahim Muhammad Haider ISI CIA, RAW, MI6 agencies Pakistan ISI ISI ISI ISI top 10 intelligence agencies 1 number ISI ISI ISI ISI ISI :) 58
59.Taufeeq says:5/5

QAndeel is a raw agent pls recall when she did the same shamefull adventure with the boys of national cricket team and try assenate there carier and performance during last world cup which benifit indian team. Then she trap mufti qawa a multi dimantional objective because of his importance in national royat e hilal please remember this is the first sight of unify national moon in pakistan since many years and molana on qasim kham helpless this time now there is space empty in national royate hilal. Let c how to full it and what happens next when qasim khan walay molana disagree with next session on eiid or next ramadan. Now this news is wipe out from the media with the murder of amjad sabri once again a multi dimantional abjextive of raw can b mould to any side toward mqm towards fiqa wariat. Dg isi i request

60.Khalidjani says:3/5

want to join ISI for save my country.plz tell me how i join ISI.i m in 2nd year D.B.A 70% marks.plz tell me for God sake.Thank you Allah Hafiz

61.Fida Mohmmad says:3/5

pakistan or pakistani isi join power Allah Allah

62.Usman says:5/5

Im student of law . I want to join isi. Its reason . I want to protect my motherland (Pakistan). Im true patriot. I have all the ability which is important to become a spy , agent . Different agencies like CiA , RAW , NDS , MOSSAD are working in Pakistan to weak and destabilize to Pakistan . I know how to trace enemy , terrorist . I have my own code . So contact me . I know ull trace me . Im waiting . Fear is no policy , Surrender is no option . Death or life only one choice . This is isi. Long live Pakistan Isi last boundary of Pakistan defence

63.Sameer says:3/5

i want to join isi

64.Tahir Mehmood Abbasi says:3/5

I wants to give information if you work against intr.ngos i give you people information becuse i am working him in guest house

65.Khan says:5/5

is tention

66.M.noman says:5/5

condition police group kids kidnap give me a chance for proof myself for my loving country ... M Noman From Distrect ( Rajan pur )

67.Syed Farrukh Zameer says:5/5

my strongest wish to join isi.many time apply but i have no approch in isi .

68.Adeel says:3/5

i have information secrite information plz contact me argent

69.Danyyal says:5/5

I need some help to release a slave from the custody of isi. Is there any option. Plz guide me.

70.Chshahid says:5/5

Chshahid631 I love isi. page request isi help me Im shahid from chakwal phone number

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