Inter Services Intelligence, islamabad
Paktive User

Service Details

Name: Inter-Services Intelligence Type: Institution / Educational / Cultural / NGO / Govt Address: Khayaban-e-Suharwardy, G-7/4, G-7, Islamabad Description: Directorate General ISI (Headquarters): An agency of Pakistan Army. Added on Paktive by: Poshida From the Paktive Map: East Islamabad Services (F-5, F-6, F-7, G-5, G-6, G-7, Blue Area, Diplomatic Enclave, Koral, Khanna, Sohan, Bahria, Defence and nearby areas.)

User Rating: 4/5 (6 Votes)

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371.Arsalan Khan says:3/5

Please send me one of the officer Whatsapp number.Because I got some information to share its secrets or thier email address please my contact # + Arsalan Khan please contact me I want to share some information.

470Deepak send me information 371
372.Abdul Karim says:3/5

I want to join for no reason ..I just love ??

373.Arsalan Khan says:3/5

@366.Markhor: Hello . I hve some secret information and i want to it with isi so some of isi agent contact me

374.Rawab Qureshi says:3/5

I am joining IS1. Hello I am enjoying you call me

381Muhammad Main help Karachi ISI number send please?? 374
375.Fayyaz Ahmed says:3/5

I need some assistance please contact as sooon as possible

378Tariq Habib I need to talk about very important matter kindly contect me 375
376.Salal Ahmed says:3/5

Main Balochistan sure 3 mere his main i want it stop. Thanks

377.Umar Abdulaziz says:3/5

i want to meet official for very serious discussion if they completed their mission so pak is going to be slave family for log period arrest these all basterd dont forget we leave in Muslim country if in future my case open other countries and religion shame on us so kindly arrest these illuminate comedians and clean pak for this illuminate group.

378.Tariq Habib says:3/5

@375.Fayyaz Ahmed: I need to talk about very important matter kindly contect me

379.Tariq Habib says:3/5

@74.Muhammad Toufique Bozdar:I need to talk with you about very important matter,s kindly consider

380.Muhammad Iqbal says:5/5

I have a man who is totally against of Pakistan and trying to break Pakistan or sindh. Please contact me. My reason is loyalty for Pakistan.

381.Muhammad says:5/5

@374.Rawab Qureshi: Main help Karachi ISI number send please??

382.Sumia Javed says:1/5

isi join i warrned you join

383.Daniyal says:5/5

m pakistan drugs or smuglling support secret but i need a support mentally support

384.Nawazish Raza says:3/5

91 din 7 din me he or 5000 par 2500 late par 500 lea 3000 par day he he ye log Rae he

385.Danyal Sarwar says:3/5

Organisation Mr Naveed Altaf working your Organisation he was availed the Silkbank Personal Loan last three years and still not deposit the amount and still not receiving the call Naveed Altaf Address are both in your organisation. The designation of Naveed Altaf Fire crew Id card no - -9 Kindly trace this person and resolve this issue Regards Danyal Sarwar Silkbank Personal Loan Dept Danyal sarwar

386.Hassan S says:3/5

I just want to say in my experience intelligence person's are selfish people's use you for there interest after that don't even help you I just want to intelligence is of selfish people they just use you for there interest

387.Aamir Khan says:3/5

I am Aamir Khan,I heartly wished to join your team ,I have been 3 years professional security experience in British international security company g4s, give me opportunity to serve my lovely Pakistan,thanks

388.Aymen Mohsin says:3/5

Greetings! I want to report a scammer/blackmailer. I don't know the real identity of the person who is blackmailing me but I think he's from Africa. I know two of his email address. I've reported it to the FBI but haven't gotten any answer yet. I'm in so much trouble and the ISI is my last hope. I don't want to be scared of him because I know agencies as you exist. Please I really need help. That person is doing to God know how many other girls and I want you to stop him. I have no other way to contact you but I'm trying my best to do it.

389.M.s says:3/5

With all due respect it is requested i want to come to your office to give some details. Is it possible to confirm an appointment. Bkz i conot share matter in e mail.hoping your kind response. JazakAllah.

390.Kaleem Ullah Sheikh says:4/5

I want contact with isi i have very critical information about raw India agents please contact me kindly

391.Zunnorain Ahmad says:5/5

Hi , I am from Pakistan and now i am UAE. Here i saw a different way of buying and selling drugs. So i want to inform you that Drug Mafia is operating this system from pakistan. Ive been collected too much information about this system. They are making bad impression of our country here. Ive also talked to one of them who is operating this system from Pakistan. So its a vast network but i am assured that we can catch and break this system. Now i became almost close to them by the limit of talking... Now after reaching at this stage I need my countrys support to clear this bad label from us... You may contact with me any time ...

421Ali Salam it's Ali, could you please contact me I'm facing the same situation but in a very critical circumstances in UAE 391
392.Nadar Syed says:3/5

Hello , hope you are so

393.Abdul Hanan says:4/5

am student and I am sure your working is to hard and necessary for our country I want to enter in it but I dont have resources to adding your service so when you need I am also here to join isi now in these days the pakistan country is very dengerous and I know you work very well be honour I am about you thank you for your services in saving pakistan

394.Zahid Ali says:3/5

I am owner of Software firm InspieNeo Solutions Pvt. in Pakistan. We develop software and from many years i am filing against the agency personals to Anti-corruption, NAB, ISPR, Rangers, CTD, FIA, FIA NR3C about my problems but no one is taking action even made a call to ask about the issues. Robbing cryptocurrencies of million of dollars and harming business and social contacts. Contact me to discuss the issues. Thanks, Zahid Ali Mobile/Computer Ex-forensic examiner, DIG CTD, Sindh, Police + + Zahid Ali

395.Ariyan Khan says:5/5

I am Son Of Balochistan and studying in Islamabad and I am sure your working to hard and necessary for our country I want to enter in it but I dont have resources to adding your service so when you need I am also here to join isi.. and I know you work very well be honour I am about you thank you for your services in saving pakistan

396.Muntasir Bari Bappy says:4/5

I like Pakistan isi and agent working my hope

397.Muhammad Basit Ayub says:5/5

I love these national tigers

398.Syed Irfan Ali says:5/5

I love pak army I like isi BHT army or isi my favourite agar Mai isi agent to BHT mind he

400M ibrahim I am working isi 398
399.Atizaz Ul Hassan says:3/5

i want to be a part of ISI pakistan. kindly guide me and respond me in positive way. i can die for Pakistan. My believe, Pakistan Regards Mian Atizaz Ul Hassan Msc Mass communication Live Lahore Pakistan Cell; 0322- Atizaz Ul Hassan

400.M Ibrahim says:3/5

@398.Syed Irfan Ali: I am working isi

401.Salman Khan says:5/5

Hi there need info about ISI jobs Through Which one we can join PO box or MOD.someone guide me and also share info about announcement when will be jobs annou........Thanks

402.Uyj says:5/5

i have done master in History & i have also complete my LLb. i want to join isi bcz isi last line of pakistan defence . Every country want to destabilise Pakistan ... i want to become ear & eyes of my country ... i know how to fought a proxie war... i dont believe in to join through vacancies i want to comes directly ... Vacancies is just formality bcz anyone does not learn from his chilhood .. U mean our trainer train a simple fsc student to convert a brave soldier or a spy ... i want to join direct isi to save my country from terrorist organization like Bla,TTp eta... i have a strong mind sharp ayes.. Aim to write all this u dont understand that i m write all this for Pakistan,s love & ignore me like other boys ..yeah its right i live pakistan & isi ..but donot ignore me ... i could be a best assets for pakistan in field .. long live Pakistan Pakarmy isi in sha Allah ??

403.Waqar Ansari says:3/5

please contact

404Hilal help me 403
404.Hilal says:4/5

@403.Waqar Ansari: help me

405.Mahboob Ali says:3/5

Contact me on this WhatsApp number For call Mahboob Ali

413Abdul kareem H I need your help and i love my army i need job so that y i need you help me plz Mahboob Ali i am waiting for you . 405
406.Naveed Sattar says:4/5

Please tell me date of charge

407.Muhammad Irfan says:5/5

Please help me I want to join ISI please help me my name is Muhammad Irfan I have married. Mere 4 disable F.A 2 years computer application cours ISI join department disable hone papar sell request hidden job take don disable hidden job please give me a chance please DG ISI apeal please

408.Heeba says:5/5

Thank you madam Capt Q for good guidance I now applied via internal web portal so online test soon PZ!

409.Ehtisham Rana says:3/5

Tando Muhmmad Kahn Sindh Hun mein or sell police monthly Hun pak please contact action mobile num Ehtisham Rana

410.Shah Faisal Umer says:5/5


433Pari Khan Best way to take revenge from your enemy is to continue and complete your education , because they attacked your school so students get scared and parents get scared from sending their child to the school. If you have stopped yourself from getting education, it means you are making them feel successful in what they wanted. 410
411.Fahad Abbas says:3/5

I am a student and i want to join ISI Please guide me .

412.Hussain Ali says:3/5

Iam student Bsc first I tried Pakistan army don't coms call or latter physical fit pleas invite me ISI ...

413.Abdul Kareem H says:4/5

@405.Mahboob Ali: I need your help and i love my army i need job so that y i need you help me plz Mahboob Ali i am waiting for you .

415Mahboob Ali I have never said that I am from Army or Interservices. I am a commen man of Pakistan. Kindly talk to relevent persons if you know them. 413
414.Abdul Kareem H says:4/5

Contact me plz i need you help y sand me y whatapp number i am waiting for you Best of luck .

415.Mahboob Ali says:3/5

@413.Abdul Kareem H: I have never said that I am from Army or Interservices. I am a commen man of Pakistan. Kindly talk to relevent persons if you know them.

416.Abdulrahman says:5/5

I'm serious in Joining (ISI) Agency. Plz can i get a little bit chance to get join Civilian overseas Pakistani. Expert in Arabic And English, I have to ability To Get change my any mood in public or in front of any person! So can i get chance to join it?

417.Rahmat Ali says:5/5

How I can joined direct Pakistan ISI?

418.Arjun Singh says:3/5

I am very rudely with this I want to rule over Mumbai

419.Mehul says:3/5

Im indian & hindu but im interested to join isi please contact me

420.Shahid Malik says:3/5

Im the person isi needs please contact me im from panjgur Balochistan

421.Ali says:3/5

@391.Zunnorain Ahmad: Salam it's Ali, could you please contact me I'm facing the same situation but in a very critical circumstances in UAE

422.Imran Ali says:5/5

@322.Ather Minhas: I am very like this job I am ready to this job

423.Muhammad Aqib says:5/5

staff of isi me isi karachi age 28 contact me

424.Qazi Muhammad Suleman says:3/5

Place help me. Qazi Muhammad suleman

426Sahil Khan call me help me Sahil Khan 424
425.Kamran Mahmood says:3/5

I am living in lahore and doing small business ,unfortunately somebody make fraud with me and hold my whole amount of business , I am very upset and my family also suffer financial crises due to this .. I am doing a small business with my mothers savings and she alls depend on that income therefore it is humbly requested to you take my matter at your earliest and inform me where and how I can contact you..I can come Islamabad or anywhere where you want .. I have great believe on your department and hope you will be rise my confident on my country and its custodians . Thanks and regards, Kamran Mahmood 0333- Hou#__ st#__ block __ eden value homes Multan road lahore Kamran mahmood

426.Sahil Khan says:3/5

@424.Qazi Muhammad Suleman: call me help me Sahil Khan

427.Akbar Janjuah says:5/5

It has been come to my attention the Fillipino's are spying on Pakistan and China combined nuclear power plant for electricity in Karachi ISI should NCA should take security measures The information is valid from my end I can give you the person information to you person have external support and Government agencies support not necessary this information has been share to from your foreign counter parts there is no need to look for me I am in front of you. Just remember your oath of allegiance to Pakistan people and nation Filipino women been used by COUNTRIES for spying on German soldiers in wwii sothey have been trained they usually work in as house maids, hospitals, Brothels as soldiers like to go there after drinks, ISI /NCA YOU MUST NOT COMPRISE FOR THIS Pakistan internal security should not be compromised via bilateral relationship with Philippines some of the agents remotely monitoring their network in Pakistan Karachi Allah Ho akbar I5M

428.Zaighum Ali says:3/5

Give me your contact number thanks.

429.Omega Sector says:3/5

isi main

430.Jutt says:3/5

I man in Europe he say a lot of bad word about pakistan army please update his software his tiktok ide is e please update his software

431.Abdullah Taj says:5/5

PAK ISI . main Pakistan Please Give me One Signal please Join Me

432.Pari Khan says:1/5

@336.M Kamran: very sad to read this, you can contact on this number and us the details Pari Khan

433.Pari Khan says:3/5

@410.Shah Faisal Umer: Best way to take revenge from your enemy is to continue and complete your education , because they attacked your school so students get scared and parents get scared from sending their child to the school. If you have stopped yourself from getting education, it means you are making them feel successful in what they wanted.

434.Chandan Singh says:3/5

give me opportunity,, i want join your agency

435.Mohshin Riaz says:5/5

Hy my name is mohsin riaz and] I live in Greece I am far away from my country but I love my country I wish since my childhood to join Pakistan ISI so give me your services so that I can serve my country thanks

436.Nadir says:5/5

Where I find full video isi cover agent captain sex group scandal why you delete pls tell I want watch again

437.M Zeeshan says:5/5

I want's my desire my hope and I serve my nation and my country

438.Umar Iqbal says:3/5

I want to work volunterly plese give me a chance to sarve for you

439.Rabia Malik says:5/5

Im Rabia Malik! I want to join your agency to save Pakistan from harassment harassment is everywhere in our colleges offices universities...I know because Im student of university so, I want to save Pakistan from harassment give me on chance Jazaak Allah I want to join isi to save country from harassment give me one chance.

441Erum Lol many ISI agents doing harassment by themselves our whole system is full of bad men in every dept good luck sis 439443Silent wolf contact me by email 439
440.Anjumali says:3/5

I want to volunteer myself for the country

441.Erum says:3/5

@439.Rabia Malik: Lol many ISI agents doing harassment by themselves our whole system is full of bad men in every dept good luck sis

442.Faraz Danish says:3/5

Contact me for personal talking

443.Silent Wolf says:3/5

@439.Rabia Malik: contact me by email

444.Silent Victom says:1/5

Please contact me, I need your help secretly, I am self made women is victim of mafia

445.Sarfraz Hussain says:3/5

some evil elements are spewing poison against Pakistan Army on Facebook where to report them

446.Asif says:3/5

my name asif Ali Shah hyderabad sindh pakistan 🇵🇰 i like work with isi informer plz provide me help

447.Farhan Anees says:5/5

I want to volunteer my self for paksitan n I.S.I please approach me I give my 100%

448.Shah Umar Khitab says:3/5

My sister's issue is too much to plz Need help wishing you with hope I hope k ap Help us

449.Ghulam Hussain says:5/5

Army Number Havildar clerk Muhammad Waheed Asghar, SR meny surety Di CSD Honda CD70 motor cycle But instalment deposit Is CSD clearance Ghulam Hussain

450.Newatheist Mansoor Faisal says:3/5

Give me project i will completely resolve it, if ISI give amount as per our deal done. Thanks.

451.Kaleem Ur Rehman says:3/5

DG ISI SAIB Iam poor man 25/11/2022 i kidnap i am send appleaction in a two days my whats up no 0309 kaleem ur Rehman

452.Ahsan says:5/5

Can we work with agency as a volunteer, I’m from Sindh , I can look after these areas Hyderabad, Matiari, Sanghar, Tando Mohd khan , Tando Allahyar , Mirpurkhas, badin, these districts are in my range hopefully u wil contact me soon

453Sanjaya Kumar muduli I want to join isi 452
453.Sanjaya Kumar Muduli says:3/5

@452.Ahsan: I want to join isi

454.M Faisal Islam says:5/5

Please help it’s big request

455.Haroon Mahfooz says:3/5

The World Is Progressing So Rapidly .. We Have To Work Together because You Need Me And I Need You I Want To Rejoin ISI Haroon Mahfooz I Want To Rejoin ISI . Kindly Contact Me or Kidnap May .. Any Way Meet Me ASAP .. ISI .

456.Syed says:3/5

i need your help for Pakistan tell to me please i have no big sorceress but i have project if possible tock to me D.G. sahib ISI request please.

457.Muhammad Akmal says:3/5

[[ my brother taken by MI we are poor people plz Help us Name muhammad ajmal S/o shahid mhemood Id card _ Mobile number _ Khana pull islamabad Pakistan zinda bad pak foj zinda bad Muhammad akmal ]]

458.Bashir Ahmad says:3/5

plz volunteer Pakistan den .I love i.s.i and pakistan. chance den

459.Ghulam Murtaza says:3/5

Hi iam a student and i join isi

460.Shaheen Khan says:3/5

How to approach ISI Through help line number or email address

461.Pakistani Voice says:5/5

Help Palestine with force. For God sake

462.M Rafiq says:3/5

[[ Ma Pakistan Army Or I want to meet these people, in reality I want to talk about an important secret, please contact me. ]]

463.Asma Naz says:3/5

you tubers cook channels and other people are working with cults or terrorist and making money by them they are destroy Pakistan and they are stalkers are abusing here they are very bad abusers ployee against country and they are stalker terrorist are you tubers and nast khuans dividing Pakistan in 3

464.Sushil Yadav says:3/5

I want to join isi I am from India

465.Gmail says:5/5

If you need to the ambitious worker who serve the nation contact me . I can't mention my name or any personal information.find me .

466.Anus Noor says:5/5

I am interested Reply me I am ready to die for my country

467.Ali Haider says:3/5

[[ i am Ali haider from Faisalabad city. i.S.i ka If any B member sees my mashg then contact me immediately. I was being blackmailed by a gang he has taken money from me many times But now I am being threatened to take away some suspicious stuff Abbottabad Qateel Karanya is sure this Terrorist Activities is part of I have not left any number on new google i.S.i office . kindly whosoever sees my mashgh i.S.i memberSo contact me. ]]

468.Sirajulmuneer says:3/5

[[ My taluk is district Diamer Chilas Gilgit Baltistan, I am from a poor family, please help me a little, I would be grateful ]]

469.Raj says:3/5

I need a more money i want job in isi

470.Deepak says:3/5

@371.Arsalan Khan: send me information

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